for admission to first year of first study cycleto Faculty of Electrical Engineeringin Sarajevo

academic 2011/2012.

Admission test will take place on Monday, July, 04.2011., at 10:00 amat Faculty of Electrical Engineering premises in Sarajevo, University Campus, Zmaja od Bosne bb, Sarajevo.

  1. Candidates taking the admission test need to come betwen 09:30 - 09:45 am in front of room they are assigned to. Distribution of candidates by rooms will be announcend on Friday, July, 01.2011. at Faculty WEB site and notice board at Faculty entrance.
  2. Each candidate must have a indentification document with (ID, drivers licenceor passport), and candidate code form (you will get this form when registering for admission test).


  1. Total test time is 120 minuts, from the moment the last candidate in the room receives the test.
  2. For each correct answer candidate will receive 2 points, and there are no negative points for wrong answers.
  3. The use of mobile phones, calculators and any other electronic devices is not permitted during test. Candidates can use stationery(you can write the test with black or blue pen; you can also use triangle, ruler, protractor and other geometric accessories),identification document and candidate code form.
  4. Any form of communication with other candiates is not permitted during test.
  5. If the candidate has any questions regarding the given problems he can ask the assistant or the professors in the room. All candidates in the room must be able to hear the asked question and given answer. Violation of this rule will be sanctioned by removal of the candidate from taking the test.
  6. Assistantsd in the room can not approach or communicate with individual candidates
  7. Candidate needs to write his code on test book with problems (on marked place).
  8. After the total test time is up the candidate must hand over the admission test form eith answers and the test book with problems. Candidate can keep the copy of admission test form.
  9. Example of admission test form is posted on Faculty WEB site.

Admission test form has three parts:

Part one

Candidate fills in his passport number.

Part two

In this part candidate fills in his personal code (on marked place)and then fills in the corresponding circles below (first circle correspondes to first letter/number etc).

Part three

Part three is answer sheet , where candidate fills in answers by filling in corresponding circles.

  1. Rule is: one question = one answer (one circle filled in).Question with multiple marks will not be accepted.
  2. Mark your answers properly! Fill in the entire circle with your answer darkly and completely.
  3. Mark your answer after you are completely sure. Corrections are not allowed on your admission test form.

We strongly advise candidates taking test to fill in the answers after theY are completely sure, because erasures are not allowed.

Admission test preliminary results and preliminary rankings:

  1. Admission mathematics test preliminary results, as well as preliminary rankings, will be announced on Tuesday, July, 03:00 pmat Faculty WEB site ( and notice board at Faculty entrance.
  2. All candidates with complaints on preliminary results, need to make request for revision of their paper, in written, and had it ovet to Student Services of Facultybetwen July, 05.2011. and July, 07.2011. (ending on thursday at 01:00 pm).
  3. Complaint ang request id directed at Admission Test Commission at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, academic 2011/2012.
  4. Considering complaints with Admission Test Commission will take place on Friday, July, 09.2011. at 09:00am in room S5, first floor, exclusively in the presence of the candidate.
  5. The candidate must, in case of complaints, bring his copy of admission test form.

President of Commission Narcis Behlilović,