Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation) Funding Scheme 2017-18
Guideline and Sample for Participants’ Questionnaire Survey
- The sponsored organisationshould provide a questionnaire to each participant for completion during the activities.
- If a number of activities are organised under one project, the sponsored organisation should, during the course of each activity, distribute questionnaires to participants and collect them after completion.
- The deadline for the submission of the Summary Report of Participants’ Responses to Questionnaire together with all original copies of the Participants’ Questionnaire to the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Unit of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau shall be 31 January 2018 or within six weeks after the completion of the project or termination of the Letter Agreement, whichever is earlier, except where special prior approval has been given for the time limit to be extended for the completion of the project activities concerned.
- For the purpose of projects for which special approval has been given for an extension of the time limit, the deadline for the submission of the Summary Report of Participants’ Responses to Questionnaire together with all original copies of the Participants’ Questionnaire to the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Unit of the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau shall be 15 June 2018 or within six weeks after the completion of the project or termination of the Letter Agreement, whichever is earlier.
- If the questionnaires have not been distributed to participants for completion, the sponsored organisation should provide justifications on the Summary Report of Participants’ Responses to Questionnaire.
(To be completed by theProject Co-ordinatorin advance)
Name of Project: / Project No.:Name of activity: / Date of activity:
Objective of activity:
Equal Opportunities (Sexual Orientation) Funding Scheme 2017-18
Participants’ Questionnaire
(To be completed by Participant)
Your age is: / / Below 12 / / 12–18 / / 19–25 / 26–35 / / 36–55 / / Above 55
Please put a "" in the appropriate boxes
Stronglyagree / Strongly
disagree / Not applicable
The content of the programme is what I have expected. / / / / /
I can easily understand the content of the programme. / / / / /
The programmewasof high standard. / / / / /
The speakers clearly delivered the messages. / / / / /
The programme facilitators gaveclear instructions. / / / / /
The organiser hasgood understanding of the theme. / / / / /
Handouts wererelevant to the theme. / / / / /
Theprogrammewas useful to me. / / / / /
Participants wereencouraged to take an active part. / / / / /
I have benefited from this programme and learnt that we should respect people of different sexual orientation and/ortransgender persons, and that they should enjoy equal opportunities.
The support service provided for sexual minorities in this programmewasvery useful. / / / / /
- Do you think thisprogrammeneeds to be improved?
Yes (If yes, please specify: )
- Will you join again if there issimilaractivity in the future?
No (If no, please explain: )
- Other comments:
- Thank you -