Name: ______Date: ______

Science 10: Weather

Unit Exam Review

1.  Explain the difference between radiation, conduction, and convection.

2.  What is Earth’s energy budget?

3.  Which method of heat transfer is used to heat the deepest layers of soil?

4.  Why does warm air rise?

5.  Define specific heat capacity.

6.  Why is land faster to warm up and cool down?

7.  Explain why it might be easier to swim in the ocean during the month of September, rather than the month of July.

8.  Sketch and label a land breeze and a sea breeze.

9.  Explain humidity and humidex.

10.  What is dew point?

11.  Define condensation nuclei.

12.  List the two main things needed for cloud formation. Why are they both necessary?

13.  Of the 6 processes of the water cycle, which involve heat loss? Heat gain? No heat transfer? Endothermic? Exothermic?

14.  What is a heat sink? What are Earth’s natural heat sinks?

15.  List three of the layers of the atmosphere and give an important feature about each layer.

16.  What does the ozone layer do?

17.  What is the greenhouse effect?

18.  Why do we have day and night?

19.  Why do we have seasons?

20.  Draw and label the diagram that represents the earth’s orbit around the sun and the different seasons.

21.  Many people believe that during the summer, the Earth is closer to the sun and that is why it is warmer. Explain why this belief is wrong and why we have warm weather in the summer.

22.  Explain why summer at the north pole is still quite cool, although the pole is tilted towards the sun.

23.  What three things cause the global winds?

24.  Define gyre.

25.  Knowing that a warm ocean current runs up the east coast of Canada, explain why Nova Scotia receives more precipitation than a region in the Southern hemisphere next to a cold current.