Name: Kirsty Mills

Degree studied:

MEng Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

Graduated: 2012

Employer: Rolls Royce

Why did you decide to study at Strathclyde?

I decided to study in the Department of Electronic & Electric Engineering due to the excellent reputation of Strathclyde, particularly in relation to career prospects due to good links with industry. The EME course stood out to me as an excellent opportunity to study an interdisciplinary degree, providing a diverse background knowledge placing me in a strong position to secure employment.

What aspects of your degree did you most enjoy?

A strength of the EME degree was its structure. The first few years allowed you to understand fundamental theory and practical techniques, before progressing to apply this to more specialised application in later years. Projects completed in 3rd year were a particular highlight, providing a good introduction to the complexities of a more in-depth practical project. The final years then allow you to become more specialised based upon your technical interests and undertake larger scale projects.

I greatly appreciated having the chance to study abroad in Singapore, which provided a fantastic opportunity to appreciate engineering in a different culture.

Also, through the Department I was fortunate to have the opportunity to become involved with The Gambia Solar Project, allowing me to apply the engineering skills I have learned to a real world project which makes a huge difference to rural communities in The Gambia.

What are you doing now?

I started in September, on the Professional Excellence Graduate Programme at Rolls-Royce, within the Electrical Systems group.

Description of Scholarships awarded

IET Power Academy Scholarship with National Grid - this has allowed me to gain valuable work experience and industrial contacts, provided significant financial support, and complemented the content of my studies.

Engineering Leadership Advanced Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering - this has provided financial support for activities to further my professional development, including travelling overseas to complete a language course, undertaking specialist industrial training, and helping me raise funds for The Gambia Solar Project.

“I greatly appreciated having the chance to study abroad in Singapore, which provided a fantastic opportunity to appreciate engineering in a different culture.”