Online Earth Science Final Exam Review Assignment Using Quizstar-DUE ON Tuesday, June 9TH, 2015

Assigned on May 27TH, 2015

Student Expectations

Each student is responsible for completing 9 quizzes with the use of Quizstar, a free online resource available for teachers and students. Each quiz corresponds to the 9 major units we discussed this year. They are:

  • Astronomy Unit
  • Biosphere Unit
  • Lithosphere-Human Impact Unit
  • Global Warming/Sustainability Unit
  • Atmosphere Unit
  • Lithosphere-Rock Cycle Unit
  • Hydrosphere Unit
  • Lithosphere-Earthquakes Unit
  • Lithosphere-Plate Tectonics Unit

Students will have the opportunity to complete each quiz three times. After each attempt, students will be able to see which answers they got wrong immediately after they submit their quiz. Students are expected research the correct answers for questions they missed for the next attempt. Students should use the notes to do so. They are to continue on to the 2nd, then 3rd attempt if necessary, to achieve a higher grade.


The final grade for the assignment will be an average of the highestattempt for each of the 9 quizzes. I will use that score to replace the lowest Unit Assessment grade on the third six weeks’ grading period. Each quiz must be completed by 6am, June 9, 2015 to receive credit. If a student does not complete a quiz, a score of 0 will be assigned and used in determination of the final average.

Instructions for Getting Started with Quizstar

1) Google “quizstar”.

2)Go to “Quizstar Student Login”.

3)Input username:______password: atkinsearth

4)Click on either “Untaken” or “Started Quizzes”.

5)Click on the blue “Take” button for the desired quiz you would like to perform.

Taking Quizzes-What to Expect

  • When you click on the blue “Take” button to begin a quiz, you will be prompted to start the quiz or go back to the previous screen. Once you have began a quiz, you cannot stop, save, and return to the current attempt at a later time. You must complete it after you hit the “Start Quiz” button. With this being the case, be sure to start a quiz only when you know you will have time to finish it. If you know you are limited on time, maybe you should choose to do a shorter quiz.
  • After you click the “Start Quiz” button, another screen will pop up with another “Start Quiz” button. Information will be shown regarding the number of questions, number of allowed attempts, and your current attempt. Press the “Start Quiz” button if you would like to continue.
  • Once you have started the quiz, do not press your browser’s back button. It may end your quiz session and count it as an incomplete session. Even the answers you may have recorded will not be graded and you will have used 1 of your 3 attempts.
  • Twenty questions will appear on the first page of the quiz. Circles beside the answers indicate single answer questions, squares represent questions that may possibly have multiple answers. If you are unsure about a question and might want to come back to it at the end of the quiz, you should flag the question by clicking the box next to the flag.
  • You are encouraged to have your notes out while completing these quizzes.
  • Some questions may require you to look at a figure to answer them. Use the figure sheet given to you in class to answer these questions.
  • Once you answer the questions on the first page, click the “Next Page” button at the bottom of the page. If you hit the “Next Page” button and you realize you want to change an answer from the first page, do not hit your browser’s back button. You will be given an opportunity to change answers later.
  • Complete the questions on the second page and click the “Next Page” button. Depending on the quiz, you may have a third page of questions.
  • After you have completed the last question and hit the “Next Page” button, a screen will show up that lists all the questions from the quiz. On the left hand side of the screen, you will find a complete and incomplete column. This will help you to determine if you accidently skip a question. If you did, you may click on the “Change Answer” button on the right hand side of the page. Now would also be the time to click the “Change Answer” button to return to any flagged questions you had.
  • Only once you are satisfied with your answers, click the “Submit Quiz” button.
  • Your score for this attempt will be on the next page. At this time, you may click on the “Review Answers” option to see which questions you got incorrect. You should research the answer to your incorrect questions for the next attempt. FYI: The questions are randomized for each quiz attempt.
  • On the main page where all the quizzes are available, you may also click on the yellow “Review” button for a quiz to see your results. Only the results for your latest attempt will be available.
  • Once you have taken a quiz 3 times, it will be moved to the “Completed/Expired Quizzes” table and you will no longer be able to take that quiz. However, you will still be able to view your last quiz attempt by clicking the yellow “Review” button.

When/WhereYou Can Take Quizzes

  • It is recommended that you take as many quizzes at home as possible so that time will not be a factor in completing each quiz.
  • We will have some class time to work on computers during the week of May 26th and June 1st.
  • If you would like to stay after school to work on some quizzes, ask permission to do so at least one day prior to the desired day to stay after so that I may plan accordingly or plan to attend a posted tutoring session.
  • If you do not have internet access at home, see me and we will discuss your situation. If you do not have internet access at home, you are expected to make every attempt to use a computer with any time you have available at school.