COMS 103

Presentational Speaking in the Organization

Spring 2010 Syllabus

Instructor: Rebecca Reams


Section: 5. Friday 12-2:45 p.m.

Room: Mendocino 1003/1026

Office Hours: Friday 11-11:45 a.m. (or by appointment)

Office: Mendocino 5005

Mailbox: COMS Office, MND 5014

Class website:

ComS103 is designed to provide you with the necessary tools to be a successful, poised, and confident speaker in the business and industry field. It is in this lab section where you will put your newly acquired knowledge and skills of presentational speaking into practice. Please be in mind, public speaking can be anuncomfortable and challenging experience for many people, so respect is of the upmostimportance in such a setting.

Refer to Dr. F's course syllabus for more information on assignments, participation and grading.


Attendance will be counted as part of the participation portion of your final grade. As mentioned in Dr. Foss-Snowden’s coursesyllabus, if you miss a speech due to an unexcused absence, you will receive a zero for that assignment. Make-up speeches will only be granted for a documented emergency. If you are absent, it is advised that you consult your fellow classmates outside of class about anyinformation you missed.If you continually miss class, it will affect your participation score and your overall performance in this class.

If you are absent from a class, please do not ask me what you missed. Refer to the course calendar for assignments and ask your classmates for missed notes.


If you happen to be late, please do not walk in during a classmate’s presentation. Please wait outside the classroom until you hear the applause. Keep in mind that tardiness and early departures are not acceptable. Frequent occurrences of such behavior will be reflected in your participation points. Additionally, the use of personal electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, laptops, iPods, etc.) are prohibited. All devices must be turned off!


Email is my preferred method for timely feedback. It is especially important to remember that email communication should be treated with the same care and respect that you would a face-to-face interaction. I will check my email daily, but please allow up to 24 hours for a response.Please be sure to check the syllabus for an answer to your question before emailing me. Also, do not email me an urgent email 2 hours before class starts. I most likely will not be able to reply.

Presentation Topics

The presentation topics must be business oriented. But just because it of business, it does not mean it needs to be ho hum and dry. We all want to enjoy and learn from your speech so be creative! Be informative! Tell us about something we may not have known! More than one student may present on the same topic, but students are responsible for ensuring they do not cover the same material on that topic.


Speech grades will happily be returned one week after the speech is delivered. Concerns or feedback about speeches/assignments can be discussed at my office hours. Please wait 24 hours before approaching me about a concern with a grade.


This class is designed to prepare you to make presentations in the business world; therefore, you must dress the part. Business casual attireis desirable on your scheduled presentation days. You will be graded down if you do not dress appropriately.

Speech Sign-ups

If you are absent on the day of speech sign-ups you will be assigned to a day. It is your responsibility to make note of your speech dates. If you need to change your speech date, you may do so by consulting your fellow classmates to find anyone who will switch with you. Once again, you are the only person responsible for knowing when your speech is due.

* Remember to bring the following on speech days: 1) One evaluation sheet with your name on it; 2) One typed outline- NO full sentence outlines; and 3) a copy of all materials used during the presentation (i.e. overheads, handouts, etc.) No note cards please. *You will not be allowed to speak without an outline, and handwritten outlines will not be accepted. In addition, you will turn in the outline you use in the speech. I will not accept extra or altered copies.

I am dedicated to helping you succeed in this class. But your grade is completely up to you. Please do not hesitate to come to me with questions or extra help. Take advantage of my office hours or feel free to schedule an appointment.