San Diego Chapter (58) of

Pontiac-Oakland Club International

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meeting called to order by club president,Bill Baugh at 7:00 PM using his new tomahawk “gavel”.

New members or Guests: Lou (1965 GTO), Dave, Nick (LeMans) and George

Approval of the minutes: the club meeting for January and February 2012 were approved.

Treasurer’s report given by Treasurer Tom Diot:

Beginning balance $2935.22

Receipts 577.00


Southwest Trophy $150.85

94th Aero Squadron633.46

Apple Country Restaurant 149.41

Total payments 933.71

Current Balance $2578.51

End of Treasurer’s report

Note: there were five Pontiac driven to this month’s meeting


Car Council: Bill Baugh. The dues to the Car Council are for insurance.

The following events are scheduled:

MCRD July 4th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Encourage members of the club to support the AutoMuseum by joining, membership $45.00. Membership includes guest benefits. Exhibits are changed every three months. Dave Keetch told the group that there is a spot for car clubs to put a car on display for a month.

Low Rider Council event is on June 3 at OldTown to benefit the American Cancer Society. You do not need a low rider!

Our Lady of Perpetual Peace event is at the RamonaHigh School.

Goodguys 12th MeguiarDel Mar National at Del Mar on March 30, 31, and April 1, 2012 (Friday & Saturday, 8:00AM-5:00PM Sunday, 8:00AM-3:00PM)

True Line Stores show on April 15

Charger Steve’s Car Show August 19th. No flyer out yet.

Greatest on Turf, Liberty Station, There are only 400 spots available so get your entry in early. The money raised will go to the Car Council and the AutoMuseum. For more information go to the website

Race Report: Jim Taylor is not present to give the report.

Old Business: none

New Business: President Bill Baugh presented his goals for the club from memory since he accidentally deleted them from his computer

1)Increase club membership. VP Chuck Hay will lead this effort of repatriating old members (We want you back). New business cards and fliers will be printed for distribution a car events.

2)Increase participation of the membership in club events.

3)Encourage members to purchase Pontiac shirts and gear from the back of “Smoke Signals”. Polo and tee shirts are available and jackets.

4)Update the website. Currently there is a Facebook site, San Diego Chapter POCI.

The Club Car Show with Mopar Club titled the All American Pow-wow will split the proceeds 50/50, our share going to the Fisher House.

We need to start planning now. We need sponsors, sponsor letters prepared and distributed. There are different levels of sponsorship from the Platinum level at $750 which includes a 30x10 booth to the Trophy level of sponsorship is $75.00. Form will be posted on Facebook site.

Car Show All-American Pow-WowTasks by Bill Baugh

Pre registration
Sponsors/Vendors letters
Goodie bags and welcome letter
Previous entrant lists
Budget prep
Registration desk
Ballot counters
Raffle booth
Ticket sellers
Site plan
Emcee duties
Safety/Security/Fire marshal interface
Raffle prizes
Sanitation (Porta potties)
Site amenities(stage)
Apparel - Staff uniform
Apparel- T- Shirts
Day of Show equipment/supplies
DI/PA systems

Duties of Officer’s: (Bill requested a copy of the Bylaws from Cindy Keetch) A review of the duties of the officers is needed. Bill presented his list for each of the officers.

Treasurer: (Tom Diot)

1)Maintain financial records of the club

2)Prepare and present a monthly report

3)Disperse funds for club expenses

4)Collect dues and other income and notifies delinquent members

Secretary: (Charles Eminhizer)

1)Take and prepare minutes of all meetings to be distributed to the membership.

2)Prepare and archive all club correspondence

3)Submit and submit quarterly reports to the POCI

4)Prepare badges for members and make available at club functions

5)Maintains and updates membership roster and contact information

Vice-President: (Chuck Hay)

1)Acts as President-pro-tem in the President’s absence

2)Promote club membership by attracting old inactive members and new members

3)Sergeant-at-arms during club functions

4)Is chairman of the Ad-hoc Car Show Committee

President: (Bill Baugh)

1)Is the Chief Executive Officer of club

2)Responsible for success or failure of all club functions

3)Conduct monthly meetings

4)Represent club at Car Council and report proceedings to the club

5)Plan and conduct board meeting to plan club activities and business

Activities: (J.C. Dumas)

1)Plans, coordinates and publicizes social events, car shows, cruises, and other club activities

Dave Keetch Reports

1)Del Mar Fair has space for 5-8 cars Saturday June 23. Meet at Albertson’s at Via De La Valle. Allow 4 people per car to enter fair. Either show up with car or make arrangements in advance to arrive at another time.

2)Cajon Classic Cruise Wednesday night car show dates are open. The members expressed their desire to go to restaurant instead of having a potluck. Need to know the number of cars and people.

Community Activity J.C. Dumas reporting:

There were 11 people who helped with highway cleanup. An electronic bug zapper was found. Club to have an award using an award found an award from the 4th Coronado Parade during a previous cleanup. The club paid for the breakfast and the Apple Valley Restaurant. Photos will be out soon.

On April 1,Concours D’Elegance, sponsored by the LA Jolla Historical Society at the cove in La Jolla where cars are displayed on the street, however there is a fee to attend the Judge’s show.

April 1, Original Parts Group, Inc. 30th Anniversary Car Show will be held at 1770 Saturn Way, Seal Beach, CA . Parts Show $40.00 gets you a tee shirt, goodie bag and lunch. You should register by March 19th. Staging is at 8:00 AM and show from (9:00 AM to 3:00 PM)

Jim Thomson report: Encourage members to attend JBA speed shop coffee and donuts from 6-10AM on the second Sunday of each month. Jim told a story about a guy at the last meeting with a Cosworth Vega that went around the parking lot laying rubber three times, more rubber each time. (April meeting is April 2)

Sheldon reported on the cruise on Saturday, March 10, which met at MiramarMarineAirMuseum. There were 35 cars with 9 Pontiac Club members. The group drove north on I-15 to Escondido to visit the San Diego Classics and Antiques where dozens of muscle car are on display. They buy and sell quality car at Barrett-Jackson. From there the group drove to Deer Park Winery and AutoMuseum where they had a picnic lunch. Deer Park is not going out of business. They are bringing the winery back but it will take time.

Sheldon said he got good deal on Franklin Mint Model of 1941 Chevy for $25.00. He bought 3 paper weights commemorating the anniversary of naval aviation for $1.00 each.

Bill Baugh said there was a white 67 Pontiac GP convertible just like his parked in the back parking lot. They were not identical. The car a the warehouse was heavily chromed under the hood.Bill pointed out that it was not a 428HO but a regular 428.

Bill has car show fliers

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:05PM made by Tom Diot which seconded and the meeting ended.

In Attendance:

Last Name / First Name / Member
Aguilar / Paul / x
Amath / Nick
Arries / Dale / x
Baugh / Bill / x
Bella / George / x
Bendak / Mike / x
Bender / Chuck / x
deMello / Erik / x
DeSilva / Serge / x
Diot / Tom / x
Dumas / J.C. / x
Eminhizer / Chas / x
Hay / Chuck / x
Jurist / Seldon / x
Jurist / Sheila / x
Keetch / Dave / x
Keetch / Cindy / x
Morten / Ken
Pluth / John / x
Pyle / Dave / x
Sendelbach / Lou
Thomson / Jim / x