Home FellowshipManual for the week ofMarch5, 2017

(Based on Sermon by Deacon Adolphus Lokko)


Scripture Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17


If we are in Christ, everything must become new. When we are born again, our spirit is recreated, it receives the nature of the Father, but the mind is still the same and must be renewed daily. As the mind slowly feeds and meditates on God’s word, we become transformed. If our mind is spiritually idle, the devil fills it with garbage. We need to fill our minds with God’s word and find out how He wants us to live. Our minds must agree with God’s plan for us so the Holy Spirit can work in us.

Points of Discussion:

The will of God for us- If we know the mind of Christ, He will instruct us how to live- 1 Corinthians 2:16

We should not conform to worldly principles, but live by God’s principles as the light of the world- Romans 12:2

To be carnally minded is death- to be spiritually minded is life and peace. We therefore have to be obedient to God’s word - Romans 8:6

The carnal mind has its own way and is not connected to God. We need to have our mind renewed in our devotion to God - Romans 8:7

If we want to please God, we cannot let our senses dictate how we act. We must submit our will to God - Romans 8:8

When we receive the Lord, we connect with the Spirit. If we come to church and do not have the Spirit in us, we fool ourselves Romans 8:9

A battle is constantly going on in our mind- bombarded by the devil in order to bring us back into captivity Romans 7:23, 2 Corinthians 10:3

Satan is in the same business he has been in since the Garden of Eden - to deceive and counter any good thing that God did - 2 Corinthians 11:3

The enemy uses strongholds to strangle us and prevent us from moving forward. We must recognize these 2 Corinthians 10:5

Fear should not be in us. If we do not have power, love and a sound mind, then we are negating what the word of God says Romans 8:15, 2 Timothy 1:7

God wants us to have abundant life. We cannot have abundant life if we are not aligned with God - John 10:10


Our mind is the most precious thing we have because it dictates how we live. Therefore, when we receive the gift of salvation, we recognize that our thinking has to change in order to influence a change in our behavior. We must renew our mind daily by meditating on God’s word. We need to put on the helmet of salvation to protect our mind and be sensitive to the things of the Spirit. God is our side if we choose to play on His team. This is an individual decision. We must decide to serve God with all our mind.