
Two day Workshop on MATLAB & VISSIM for M-Tech Transportation Engineering Students Conducted at Civil Engineering Department, GHRCE, Nagpur

A one day workshop on “MATLAB & VISSUM” is held for M. Tech. ( I&III)Transportation Engineering students as TAE –III at Civil Engg. Dept. at GHRCE, Nagpur on 03rd october.2016 All First and Third semmester M. Tech Transportation studetns present for the workshop. During the Workshop Dr. O.K Chodhuary,GHRCE, Nagpur gives the detailed information about the MATLAB, Different tools using in Matlab. Prof.V.K.Bhakhtyapuri were take Basics of Vissim Software in detail with tools, Dr. O.K Chodhuary were take Tool aviable in Matlab Students get benefited by the workshop and the suggations given by the experts for their future research. During workshop Dr.B.V.Khode M. Tech. Coordiantor (Transporataion Engg.), Dr. O.K Choduary Prof.V.K.Bhakhtyapuri, Prof. P.S.Sandel, were also present.

Two day Workshop on Development of Research Software Skills

M-Tech (TRE) Students Conducted at Civil Engineering Department, GHRCE, Nagpur

A two day workshop on “Development of Research Software Skills” is held for M. Tech. (I&III)Transportation Engineering students as TAE –V at Civil Engg. Dept. at GHRCE, Nagpur on 13th to 14th october.2016 All First and Third semmester M. Tech Transportation studetns present for the workshop. During the Workshop Dr.B.V.Khode ,GHRCE, Nagpur gives the detailed information abuot the Introduction to Advances in Excel, XL-STAT, MS Solver .In these two days workshop different sessions were Also conducted, Prof.V.K.Bhakhtyapuri were take Basics of Vissim and Vissum Software By Learning of SPSS Software, and Arc-GIS Software in detail with tools, Dr. O.K Choduary were take Tool aviable in Matlab. Students get benefited by the workshop and the suggations given by the experts for their future research. During workshop Dr.B.V.Khode M. Tech. Coordiantor (Transporataion Engg.), Dr. O.K Choduary Prof.V.K.Bhakhtyapuri, Prof. P.S.Sandel, were also present.

Two days workshop On Smart City –Emerging Scenario Prospects & Challenges & Nagpur Metro Rail (Mazhi Metro)

Dignitaries present on Two days workshop On Smart City –Emerging Scenario Prospects & Challenges &Nagpur Metro Railat G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur

A Two days workshop On Smart City –Emerging Scenario Prospects & Challenges & Nagpur Metro Rail inaugurated at the Civil Engineering Department of G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur under TEQIP-II on 4th -5th October 2016. Er M.L.Moroney Executive Engineer, Nagpur Municipal Cooperation, Nagpur inaugurated the function and Dr. Preeti Bajaj , Director, G.H.Raisoni college of Engineering Guest of Honour.

Er M.L.Moroney Executive Engineer, NMC Nagpur shared his wide experience regarding Strategy by NMC to make Nagpur smart, Smart Environment, Smart Living, Smart Mobility, Smart Governance, Build Resilient Infrastructure, Enhance Safety to increase livability, Develop a Connected Nagpur, Develop an Integrated public transport system

Director Dr. Preeti Bajaj in her talk expressed the need of smart cities nowadays in order to utilize the available resources properly. She pointed the benefits of smart cities and smart environment along with the smart infrastructural facilities. She also commented that the involvement all individuals is very important to attain the target of smart city establishment.

More than 150 participants Present in Two days workshop On Smart City –Emerging Scenario Prospects & Challenges &Nagpur Metro Rail. This two days workshop will be a great opportunity to listen to and interact with the different experts from Nagpur Municipal cooperation & Nagpur Metro Rail. Dr. B.V.Khode cordindinator Civil Engineering Department proposed vote of thanks

One day workshop on “Patent drafting” on 19/10/2016 in F-21

A One day workshop on “Patent drafting” is held for M. Tech. students as TAE –VII at GHRCE, Nagpur on 19th october.2016in F-21The speaker was Mr. Parvez Kudrolli a Senior Associate at Khurana & Khurana and IIPRD. His expertise lies in consultancy, business development and client relationships relating to Patent Drafting, Searches, Analysis, Prosecution, Training and Commercialization. In first session he explained in details IPR. It includes trademark, patents, designs, copyright, Geog. Indication, unfair competition, related rights etc. He elaborated how to draft patent. In second session PCT (Paris convention Treaty) patented families concept was explained. Patent search, writing, rules were explained. At the end a draft patent was prepared by all participants. It proved beneficiary to faculties, UG , PG students of Dept. of Civil Engineering. This workshop was huge success.

Department of Civil Engineering of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur organized a

Site visit at Metro Rail corporation (Mazhi Metro), Nagpur.

Department of Civil Engineering. of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur has organized a site visit on 1st october 2016 to metro rail corporation and unity infrastructure ltd., Nagpur for first semester students of M.Tech. Transportation engineering. The data gathering process of transportation and processing of data along with its design and environmental aspects were explained by Akshay Bele project engineer nagpur metro rail to the students. It was very beneficial visit for students for enhanced their knowledge regarding traffic engineering and transportation structures. 34 M.tech students were present in this visit. Dr.B.V.Khode program coordinator had provided the necessary guidance. The site visit is executed by Prof.A.A.Gulghane and Prof.V.K.Bhakhtyapuri from Civil Engineering. Department.

Department of Civil Engineering of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur organized a

Site visit to Rigid Pavement under Unity projects infrastructure, Nagpur

Department of Civil Engineering. of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur has organized a site visit on 3rd october 2016 to unity infrastructure ltd., Nagpur for First & Third semester students of M.Tech. transportation engineering. The construction of rigid pavement were seen by the students along with its detail drawing and technicality were explained by Akshay Ramteke project engineer of unity projects infrastucture to the students.. It was very beneficial visit for students for enhanced their knowledge regarding regid pavement structures.34 M.tech students were present in this visit. Dr.B.V.Khode program coordinator had provided the necessary guidance. The site visit is executed by Prof.A.A.Gulghane and Prof.V.K.Bhakhtyapuri from Civil Engineering. Department.