Application for Public Health support for formal qualification

NHS Grampian is supporting and providing opportunities for staff to further academic and professional development. However it is important that all staff have an equitable right of access to these opportunities as part of their performance review and personal development. This process is open to all staff working in the public health system in Grampian who are not part of a formal training programme and whose primary function focuses withinthe 3 elements of Public Health (Health Promotion, Health Protection, Health Services), e.g. health improvement officers, public health nurses, community dieticians, etc. Applicants are reminded that all other funding options should be exhausted before submitting to this process.

Guiding principles:

  • Resource constraints – owing to the fixed budget available application will be on a competitive basis. Consideration of the applications received will balance the personal and professional needs of candidates along with the corporate needs of NHS Grampian’s Public Health Function
  • The level of contribution will be a maximum of 50% of course fees in line with NHS Grampian policy (ref. GHB policy).
  • Applications should relate to a single year of study. The budget will be allocated on a year-on-year basis.
  • At the discretion of the assessment panel, support may be granted retrospectively, the maximum level of contribution being 50%.
  • Candidates supported will be required to commit to employment with NHS Grampian for one year for every year of study supported. Those leaving will be expected to repay a proportion of costs in line with the NHS Grampian policy.
  • Applicants will usually be expected to have a minimum of one year’s service with the organisation. However, this may be varied according to local circumstances, at the discretion of the assessment panel.
  • All applications must have the support of their Line Manager.
  • Applications forms are available from the learning and development section of Hi-Net
  • Applications are only open to Public Health staff employed by NHS Grampian working in the Public Health Unit, Community Health Partnerships and Acute Sector.

Institutions where study will be supported:

  • Abertay University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Health Scotland
  • Open University
  • The Robert Gordon University
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Highlands and Islands

Application to study at other institutions will be considered only on a ‘Distance Learning’ basis

Levels of Study that can be supported:

  • Certificate
  • Diploma
  • Degree
  • Postgraduate qualification
  • Master’s

Applications will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Quality of application
  • Fit with organisational needs
  • Professional development needs identified through performance appraisal
  • Personal commitment
  • Line Manager’s approval
  • Value for money

Date for Submission:

  • All applications should be submitted by the advertised submission deadline*.
  • All candidates and their line managers should make themselves available if required to support the application

Communicating the outcome:

  • All candidates will receive written feedback on the outcome of their submission
  • Unsuccessful candidates will retain the right to reapply in subsequent years
  • The right to appeal decisions will be made to the Director of Public Health and must be submitted within two weeks of communicating the outcome of the panel


*The application process and submission deadline will be advertised on HI-Net (), through NHS Grampian Public Health communication systems, and via those with line management responsibility in the public health system.

Application Form

Please note all sections must be completed before submission

Name of applicant:______

Current post:______

Post band:______


1. Reason for application:
(type to expand available space)
2. Course identified:
3. Expected duration of attendance (provide information about modules to be studied etc.):
4. Provider Institution:
5. Please provide details to demonstrate how this study will support -
5.1Your current work objectives
(you may also include relevance to future role)
5.2 Specific KSF descriptors/ levels as part of your personal development plan (please provide copy of PDP)
Please relate this to personal development
5.3 The work of the public health system in Grampian
6. Please list previous qualifications (or attach summary cv)
7. How long have you been employed in your current post (with NHSG)?
8. Outline your plan to maintain work/study/home life balance
9. Please provide details of total costs associated with identified course (including course fees for duration of study and any additional fees that may need to be considered)
10. Please provide details of current year costs
Not required
11. Please provide details of funding already received towards this course
Peer/mentor or other suitable professional colleague endorsement:
Please outline why you support this application
Not required
Signed: Date:

Line Manager endorsement:

Please outline why you support this application



Please check you have completed all parts of this form before submitting.

All applications should be sent to:

Pam Craig

Summerfield House

2 Eday Road


AB15 6RE

Please note that your application will be held on file and that a list of names of applicants may be provided to other funding providers within NHS Grampian, in the interests of eliminating duplicated funding allocation. Details will not be disclosed to any other party.

Public Health: partial funding support for qualifications June 2015Page 1