Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Executive Group

31 May 2013

Minute of Meeting

31 May 2013

Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen

Present: Charles Muir, Chairperson; and Tom Cowan (Head of Adult Services, Aberdeen City Council), Councillor Lesley Dunbar (Aberdeen City Council), Heather Kelman (Aberdeen CHP General Manager), Sandy Kelman (NHS Grampian) Heather MacRae (Senior Service Manager, Aberdeen CHP), Sandy Reid (Programme Manager) and Liz Taylor (Head of Older People and Rehabilitation, Aberdeen City Council).

Apologies: Fred McBride (Director – Social Care and Wellbeing, Aberdeen City Council).


Minute of Previous Meeting

1. The Executive Group had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 26 April, 2013.

The Executive Group resolved:-

to approve the minute.



Minute of Meeting of Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Group of 5 April, 2013

2. The Executive Group had before it the minute of the meeting of the Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership Group of 5 April, 2013.

The Executive Group resolved:-

to note the minute.



Health and Social Care Integration

3. With reference to article 5 of the minute of its previous meeting of 26 April, 2013, the Executive Group discussed progress in regard to health and social care integration.

Heather Kelman advised that the “Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill” had now been published. She explained that each Health and Social Care Partnership required to submit a 3 year strategic plan for approval. She then advised the partnership of some of the changes proposed in the Bill and suggested that a glossary of terms and a Plain English summary on the key points would help all members of the Partnership.

The Partnership then went on to discuss budgetary matters and noted that discussions were continuing on a national level regarding the splitting of budgets and then discussed the Integrated Resource Fund costings.

The Executive Group resolved:-

(i) to note that Heather Kelman would produce a glossary of terms and a Plain English summary on the key points of the “Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill”; and

(ii) to otherwise note the updates.



City Voice - Carer Survey - March 2013

4. The Executive Group had before it a report by Sandy Reid which explained that he had conducted a survey through the multi-agency City Voice mechanism to compare results with a previous survey done in 2010 in relation to the level of caring in Aberdeen City.

Sandy Reid spoke to his report and explained that the survey undertaken in March 2013 had produced a number of significant outcomes.

The report provided a summary of the main outcomes resulting from the survey and explained that it was intended to repeat the survey in 2015.

The Executive Group discussed the survey in great detail and raised issues relating to:-

·  Anticipatory Care Plans were required for carers and the person being cared for

·  Greater support for people in their own homes is required

·  Recognising carers and their commitment is crucial

·  Working within communities to engage carers is also required.

The report recommended:-

that the Executive Group -

(a) review and discuss the results of the carer survey;

(b) identify one action that they and the Aberdeen City Health and Social Partnership should now prioritise in response to the issues raised in the survey.

The Executive Group resolved:-

(i) to note that Sandy Reid would take the issues raised by the members to the appropriate agencies for action; and

(ii) to otherwise note the issues raised in the survey and to thank Sandy Reid for the report.



Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Quarterly Report

5. The Executive Group had before it the quarterly report from the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership. Sandy Kelman was in attendance and spoke to the report.

Sandy Kelman provided an update based on the quarterly report and specifically mentioned an organisation called Aberdeen In Recovery (AIR) who were looking at getting office space at Voluntary Service Aberdeen. AIR encourage people with alcohol and drug addiction problems to attend their groups. The group was also looking to improve recovery services in the City.

The Executive Group then discussed how the Aberdeen Alcohol and Drugs Partnership fed into the wider community planning process. The Executive Group agreed that agencies such as the Aberdeen Drugs Partnership are responsible to implement action plans whilst the Community Planning Board is there to help reduce any barriers which may exist between agencies. The Executive Group agreed to await the outcome of the community planning governance arrangements which would hopefully make the reporting mechanisms relevant to such organisations as the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership clearer. The Executive Group agreed on the importance of avoiding duplication.

Sandy Kelman then enquired whether he still required to produce these quarterly reports to the Executive Group. The Executive Group agreed that the reports were useful and would continue to be submitted to the Executive Group for information but that Sandy was not required to attend the meetings.

The Executive Group resolved:-

(i) to agree that the quarterly reports continue to be submitted to the Executive Group for information only and that Sandy Kelman did not require to attend the meetings to speak to the report;

(ii) to note the importance of adhering to the community planning governance arrangements to avoid possible duplication in reporting processes;

(iii) to thank Sandy for attending and for the quarterly report.



Agency Updates

6. The Executive Group was provided with updates as follows:-

Children’s Services

Heather Kelman advised that the “Charlie House” residential respite for children with most complex needs had been recently launched. Tom Cowan explained that the launch of Charlie House created a specific model which might not fit exactly into already agreed corporate directions but all agencies were committed to working with the organisation. He further explained that it was important to work with the families of the children involved to prepare them for the type and level of service available to the children in later life.

The Executive Group resolved:-

to note the information.



Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership - Workshop - 21 June, 2013

7. The Executive Group discussed the arrangements for the forthcoming Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership workshop session to be held 21 June, 2013.

The Executive Group resolved:-

to note that the Clerk to the Group would liaise with Sandy Reid regarding the topics to be discussed at the workshop and arrange for an appropriate agenda to be sent out in due course.



Business Statement

8. The Executive Group had before it the Business Statement, which has been updated following the previous meeting of 26 April, 2013.

The Executive Group resolved:-

(i) in relation to article 1 of the Statement (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) to note that Kevin Dawson would attend a future meeting of the Executive Group to discuss progress in this area;

(ii) in relation to article 2 of the Statement (Community Planning) to note that a report would be submitted by Heather Kelman after the Community Planning Partnership Board meeting in August 2013;

(iii) in relation to article 3 of the Statement (Delayed Discharge) to note that the figures for delayed discharge had now been issued and that Grampian had performed well in this area and that a report on the figures would be submitted to members for discussion at its next meeting; and

(iv) to thank all agencies involved in the positive delayed discharge figures.

- Charles Muir, Chairperson.





















Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Executive Group

31 May 2013