Home Nations Talent
TS Development (DS)and Confirmation (CS)Programme 2017/2018
Triathlons Scotland runs Performance Pathway programmes (TSPPP) in Olympic Triathlon and Paratriathlon. The TSPPP aims to enable talented Scottish athletes to enter the BTF Performance programmes and go on to win Olympic Medals and Paralympic medals in triathlon. The TS Performance Programme is aligned to the BTF Athlete Development Framework. The programme seeks to empower athletes through the provision of opportunities and experiences that add value. These are designed to support athletes in learning more about themselves and so developing as an individual whilst also being part of an identified training group. Membership of the programme is earned through both your performances in races and by evidencing a commitment to your own development process.
Confirmation Squad Summary
This squadprovides an opportunity for those athletes that have potential to move into the Development Squad normally within 12 months. Support will be bespoke and dependent on the athlete’s home coaching environment, but will include access to identified training camps and sessions at the High Performance Centre (HPC). There needs to be a full commitment from the athlete to the sport and an agreed plan to meet the requirements of the Development Squad within 12 months.
There is a maximum of 6 places available on development squad for 2017/18 and places will be determined at the discretion of the Triathlon Scotland Performance Management Group (PMG).
The minimum age for this level is 16yrs old by 31st December 2017.
Development Squad Summary
The Development Squad is where athletes make the transition through to BTF World Class Programmes and where the bulk of our TSPPP effort and resource is applied. Normally athletes are expected to make this transition to BTF WCPP within 3-5 years of entry on to the Development Squad.
Development level is aimed at allowing ‘confirmed athletes’ the time and support to develop towards a complete profile of skills, standards and behaviours required for BTF World Class Performance squads.
The suggested minimum age for this level is 17yrs old by 31st December 2017.
There is a maximum of 8 places available on development squad for 2017/18 and places will be determined at the discretion of the Triathlon Scotland Performance Management Group (PMG).
Selection Criteria
Selection to the TS Confirmation and Development Squad programme will be in two parts and is aligned to the BTF Athlete Development Framework [ADF]. It is important to understand that achieving part one does not guarantee selection to the programme; it simply opens the door to part two.
- Part 1 is based solely on race performance. It secures nomination to the TS Development and Confirmation Squads and relates to the ‘One Day One Race’ pillar of the ADF:
One Day One Race is about athletes learning to deliver their best. Athletes in the BTF Podium programme excel at delivering their best when it matters most and exposing young athletes to this and allowing them to explore and enhance their processes in this pillar is key to their development.
- Part 2 is a formal discussion with the athlete and their support team, which may include coach and/or parent. The discussion will be based around the athlete evidencing their development against the other 5 pillars of the ADF:
o Training as Play – Learning to love training
o Informed Choice – Learning to make great decisions with good information
o Learning to Lead – Learning to take ownership and responsibility for your journey
o Intelligent Training – Learning to train with clarity and purpose
o Intelligent Racing – Learning to make winning decisions in racing
Minimum standard to trigger invitation to apply
2nd Year Youth / 1st Year Junior / 2nd Year Junior / 3rd Year Junior / 1st Year U23 / 2nd Y U23 / 2nd Y U23Confirmation / 2 * top 10 BSS / 2 * top 20 BSS / 2 * top 15 BSS / --- / --- / --- / ---
Development / -- / ETU Jun Cup starts / ETU Jun Cup starts / ETU Jun Cup starts / 2 * Top 20 ETU Cup / 2 * Top 15 ETU Cup / 2 * Top 15 ETU Cup
Note:As the invitations will go out before the last of the BSS races (August 28), if there is an athlete with one result who it is felt could fully meet the minimum criteria at the last event, they will be given the opportunity to apply on the basis that they would still need to meet the minimum criteria on the August 28.
Application Process
Athletes of the required standard will be informed of their nomination by Sunday 30 July17:00 and invited to apply by Thursday 3 August 17:00
Current Development and Confirmation Squad athletes are required to re-apply for the squad on an annual basis, they will be sent an athlete review form to complete by Monday 31 July.
All athletes applying will be required to attend a review meeting between Monday7 and Friday11 August with relevant TS Performance coaching staff. At this meeting each athlete's conduct and progress will be discussed and a recommendation put forward to the PMG, which will meet week beginning Sept 4th(any additional results will be added at this stage).
This will also form the application process for Winning Students and Stirling University Scholarships for athletes who are eligible.
Part 2 – Athlete Review Meeting
The meeting will include representation from the TSP Programme (normally the Head of Performance and Lead Coach) along with the athlete and their parent(s) and club / individual coach whose feedback on the athlete’s development will be important in the process. The meeting will discuss and consider the following:
- Evidence of progression against the Athlete Development Framework
e.g.: a clear Individual Athlete Plan, against which development and key learnings can be talked through.
- Evidence of positive engagement and contribution in Scottish Academy activity in the year of selection (if appropriate).
- Demonstrating and/or working towards desired performance factors, attitudes and behaviours in relation to the ADF along with an evident willingness to align with the TS philosophy. Some examples of ADF factors and behaviours can be found below. Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list
Training as Play
- Enjoy and actively engage with all training sessions.
- Evidence a real passion and fascination for triathlon.
- Enjoy the challenge of breaking new ground.
- Evidence a real consistency to your workload through the training year.
Informed Choice
- A willingness and ability to learn [coach-ability].
- The ability to manage and balance the conflicting demands of life as a teenage / U23 high performing athlete.
- The ability to appropriately manage the important balance of fun and professionalism / focus required of a teenage high performing athlete.
Learning to Lead
- The self-confidence in group environments to contribute to the learning culture and collaborate to develop understanding of rules and best practice.
- The ability to work with lots of different people; [TS programme staff, athletes, single sport coaches, teachers, parents, support staff etc.] whilst harnessing positive relationships.
- ‘Trust the Process’ – commit to continually developing a joint working agreement between athletes, coaches and parents building towards excellence in camp environments as well current and future Daily Training Environments.
Intelligent Training
- Have a training plan that you input into.
- Demonstrate improving physical robustness through an engagement with and commitment to strength and conditioning.
- The self-confidence in group environments to understand your individual training needs such as; workload, balance of intensity and volume across each discipline, health and recovery strategies and critically be able to communicate this.
Intelligent Racing
• Evidence the desire and ability to race intelligently.
One Day One Race
- International and national elite triathlon race profile, as evidenced by the World Class Programme Benchmarking and Quality of Field assessment.
- 2017 Personal Best times in swimming and running
- SSA registered times of 400m or longer
- Power of Ten registered times of 1500m or longer
- Scottish Academy Time Trial performances of 400m/3000m.
- Performance Assessment 2017.
- National Cross Country running results from World/European trial races, Scottish Schools, Inter- Counties, Scottish Championships 2016-17.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform under pressure in supported environments.
Selection process
There are no direct criteria for this level of squad as selection will be at the absolute discretion of the Triathlon Scotland Performance Management Group. They will assess an athlete’s readiness for both the Confirmation and Development Squads against the pillars from BTF Athlete Development Framework, race results,progressiontowards the BTF WCPP standards and ability to contribute to camp and Daily Training Environments.
Support available
- Access to Stirling Performance Centre (11 coached sessions per week)
- Coaching from TS Performance Coaches
- Access to TS Performance and BTF Home Nation Camps at a subsidised cost
- Access to Scottish Institute of Sport support including medical, physiotherapy, physical preparation, nutrition and psychology
- Access to race support, Gateway, British Championships and identified ETU Cups
Commitment required
- Sign Triathlon Scotland Athlete Agreement
- Have access to an appropriate Daily Training Environment - this needs to be agreed with the TS Lead Performance Coach
- Demonstrate consistency of training across all three disciplines
- If not working directly with a TS Performance Coach ensure your coach and training programme is aligned with the ADF, and you/your coach engage with the TS Lead Coach
- Have in place a development plan aligned to the BTF Pillars and Athlete Development Framework
- Ensure that your race schedule allows you to develop your race and decision making skills
- Attend agreed number of TS Performance and BTF Home Nations Camps
- Keep training diary up to date including load and daily health checks
- Lead the ADM process (minimum 3 ADMs per year)
- Make a positive contribution to the TS Performance Environment
- Support and adhere to ‘Clean Sport’ policies