Chairs Assembly

Meeting Minutes

August 30, 2013

Call to order

Bill Fraziercalled to order the regular meeting of the Chairs Assembly at 1:00pm on August 30, 2013 in VPAA Conference Room.

Roll call

The following persons were present: Katey Hughes, Stephanie da Silva, Terry Irvin, Floyd Jackson, Carmen Skaggs, Kim Shaw, Gary Sprayberry, Neal Thomson, Bill Frazier, Tom Hackett, Scott Harris, Mike Daniels, Wayne Summers, Tom Dolan, Pedro Maligo, Cheryl Smith, Danna Gibson and Tara Underwood


Lyn Rigsby, Jill Massas, Barbara Hunt, Sri Sitharaman, and Ramesh Rao

Approval of minutes from last meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were unanimously approved.

Old Business:none

New business

Provost Report – Tom Hackett

  • Tom Hackett introduced Ms. Jill Massas who will assist with scheduling classes and assisting Sri with other tasks. Chairs were encouraged to work with Jill on the scheduling of classes, data entry issues and streamlining other processes. Tom will be supervising other Enrollment Service processes in order to make improvements and modernize the system to include responsibilities associated with the Financial Aid office. A discussion ensued by various members of the Assembly with issues related to their concerns to include the following:
  • End of Term processing
  • Exclusion Status should be indicated on Advising Record
  • Incorrect Coding/ Advisor Assignment
  • Major Changes are not updated real-time
  • Automating Processes
  • Customer Service Concerns/ Training Issues (D in 3 knowledge)
  • Calculation of grade point averages
  • Prerequisite course issues/ system recognition
  • Final Exam Schedule Concerns

Freshmen Learning Experience (FYE) – Terry Irvin

  • Terry Irvin discussed concerns about the freshmen learning communities. Faculty members were encouraged to review a list that was distributed which included names of students who have not satisfied the Freshmen Year Experience (FYE). Students must complete the FYE before they reach 30 credit hours.

Degree in 3 – Barbara Hunt

  • Barbara introduced RameshRao as the new Chair of the DN3 program. Criminal Justice has been added to the D in 3 program. Both groups will receive a Certificate of Communications once they complete the requirements. More Associate of Arts degrees will be offered by CSU as approved by the BOR.

Career Center Update – Lyn Rigsby

  • Lyn discussed work study positions, internships, resume’ building, career transition, and volunteer opportunities.

Master Schedule for Core Courses/ Howard Hall classes – Carmen Skaggs

  • Carmen discussed concerns about Howard Hall renovations that will cause classes to be relocated temporarily around campus.

Bill Frazier adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:20pm.

The next meeting will be on Friday, September 27, 2013at 1:00pm in Schuster Hall room 130.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Tara Underwood.