Ego vs. Eco “Pollution Matters” Grade Level 3rd

Project 1 of 3

Approx. Duration of Project: 2 days of 45 minutes each day

Project Description
(Describe in a brief paragraph what the project entails. Think of this as an elevator pitch for teachers to read and get excited about the instruction. Include the art forms, science content and writing skills.) / Learning Targets
(Consider Bloom’s Taxonomy higher order thinking skills when creating these “I Can” statements)
In this project, students will learn about air, water and land pollutants from around the world. Students will express how they feel emotionally about pollution through movement. They will explain their emotional connection to the image using dance terminology. / “I Can…”:
●  I can identify types of pollution around the world.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS (These are the open-ended deepening questions that guide instruction in this particular project. Consider 21st Century Skills and higher order thinking skills in Bloom’s Taxonomy.)

PROJECT 1: How will pollution affect people from different cultures in different ways?


Curriculum Standards (Spell out the complete standard, not just the code. Include science standard and at least one focused writing standard and math standard that is addressed in this project). / Arts Standards (Spell out the complete standard, not just the code. Refer to GA DOE Fine Arts Standards)
•  S3L2. Obtain, evaluate and communicate information about the effects of pollution (air, land, and water) and humans on the environment.
•  / D3CR.1: Demonstrates an understanding of creative and choreographic principles, processes and structures.
e. Responds through movement to a variety of stimuli (eg. literature, visual art, props)
D3CR.2: Demonstrates an understanding of dance as a way to communicate meaning.
•  Uses a combination of improvisations and choreographic tools to create movement based on one’s own ideas, feelings, concepts and kinetic awareness


Content Vocabulary (bulleted list of science, writing or math content specific vocabulary words) / Arts Vocabulary (bulleted list of words with definitions for words, refer to ArtsNow Vocab sheets)
•  Pollution
•  Reduce
•  Recycle
•  Reuse
•  Garbage
•  Litter
•  Smog
•  Smoke
•  Water Vapor
•  Acid Rain
•  Oil Spills
•  Run off
•  Pesticides
•  Fertilizers
•  Emission (car, airplane, etc) / Mood
Movement (Ex: locomotive/non-locomotive, levels, sharp/smooth, curved/straight, heavy/light, swing/float)

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION (Include technology that is integrated directly into the project. Ex: apps, websites for research, virtual fieldtrips, mystery skype calls, etc..)


Formative (bulleted list of strategies for formatively assessing students throughout project) / Summative (bulleted list of finished products from the project, include rubric and specific writing task/ assignment)
●  Brainpop quiz: Effects of humans on the environment
●  Graphic organizer while watching video / ●  Informational Brochure
●  Informational Brochure Rubric

MATERIALS (include bulleted list of all materials needed including websites, vendors, quantities)

●  Microsoft SWAY program
●  Chart paper
●  Markers
●  Pollution Articles (located in Main Activity Part 1 below)
●  Computer/tablet for Padlet (if chosen)
●  Post it Notes
●  If doing extension, old t-shirts
Activating Strategy (5- 10 min)
●  Students will view a slide show of images regarding pollution and discuss the images as a class.
●  After each slide, students will stop to do mood movements (interpretative dance) to show how they feel about each image. The teacher will ask students to explain their rationale for choosing each movement. *further explanation of “mood movements” needed
●  “Ego vs. Eco” (human advancement at the expense of nature vs. caring for the ecosystem): students will create digital journal entries on Padlet/Post it notes (teacher's choice) to explain possible causes of and solutions for pollution viewed in the images from the slideshow.
Main Activity (Bulleted list of one step directions for each part of project, think about the parts as if they are “day 1” “day 2”. This should include a balanced process of whole group modeling and small group project-based learning.)
●  Students will share journal entries from the activating strategy in partners. Students will share their partner’s entry with the class.
●  The teacher will provide students with newspaper articles about pollution. Teachers may use the following articles or chose an article from GA Studies Weekly.
●  Students will locate key vocabulary or unknown words from the text (text rendering).
●  Students will combine their words to create a class vocabulary list and define the words together on an anchor chart.
●  Students will reread the article independently, or with a partner, to increase their understanding of the academic language in context.
●  The class will review the slideshow together and describe the images using their newly acquired vocabulary.
●  A week prior to the unit, students will collect items such as plastic bottles, toilet paper rolls, plastic bags etc…The teacher should store recycled items in large, clear bags or bins to give students a visual representation of the amount of space these items take up in our environment and how much we consume in an average weekly household.
Elements: Dance, mood, photography Fine Arts ??
Student will create an environmental awareness brochure using six facts from the articles they have read and their science textbooks. They must accurately use the science vocabulary in their brochure. A word bank will be provided from the class discussion.
Students will then summarize the lesson by answering the following questions: Summary of lesson:
-  What can we do with all of the items that we collected?
Possible responses- recycle bags at Walmart, recycle bottles at recycling depot, reuse the TP rolls for other school projects
-  How can we further reduce the amount of waste that we have? Reduce water bottles by using refillable bottle, use a reusable bag instead of plastic shopping bags.
Extension activity to create a reusable shopping bag by recycling an old t-shirt- instructions provided in the link below.
Classroom Tips: (Include classroom management directions or how to prepare the classroom space for the project.)
None needed


Reflection Questions (Include a bulleted list of open-ended reflection questions that you will ask students to respond to either thru class discussion or written activity. This reflection should help students synthesize their understanding of how the arts helped them understand the concept being taught.)
●  Name 3 types of pollution you saw in the sway.
●  How does it make you feel seeing pollution around the world?
●  Where have you seen pollution in your environment?
●  What could you do to help the environment? Does your family do anything to help?

DIFFERENTIATION (Describe how the main activity could be differentiated for the different sub-groups, include bulleted lists of modified steps.)

●  Provide sentence starters for students’ journal entry writing
●  Cut and paste option provided for images and facts for the brochure
●  Provide a template for the brochure
●  Allow for peer tutor and pairings.
●  Turn and talk with partners: How would you feel if you were in the same situation or you were in that environment?
●  In partners, what do you think caused the pollution in the environment? Come up with possible solutions.
●  Create electronic brochure in Microsoft Word with template and share within Office 365
●  Take their own picture in their environment to upload and use in their brochure.
●  Include picture support on the vocabulary anchor.
●  Allow students to copy their articles into Microsoft Word Online and use the “Immersive Reader” feature to hear their articles read aloud. (Office365 Student Account>Word Document Online>View>Immersive Reader)
●  Provide sentence starters for students’ journal entry writing.
Use first language support to clarify unknown academic vocabulary.
●  Provide sentence starters for students’ journal entry writing
●  Cut and paste option provided for images and facts for the brochure
●  Provide a template for the brochure

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (Includes items that would further extend/ enrich instruction on this project, it could include suggested book lists, youtube videos, virtual fieldtrips, etc..)

●  Sway PowerPoint of images:
●  Ego vs Eco Picture:

APPENDIX (Include the list of attachments, below are the items that are required to be attached for every project.)

●  Rubric for this project
●  Journal entry
●  Photo examples of student work

CREDITS (List the authoring teachers names here.)

Jill McNally
Alisa Moore
Julie Palmieri