Instructions: DOE905 Request for Proposal (RFP) Template for Discretionary, Competitive Projects
This document provides instructions for RFP development and is not intended for applicants. Submit the completed draft RFP on the DOE905 revised August 2011, along with a Pre-Approval form (DOE910), to the Office of Grants Management, Room 332.
With the exception of the Narrative Component Criteria, ALL statements in italics are instructions for preparing the RFP, using theDOE905 revised August 2011template.
Several sections of DOE905 require the preparer to delete required language that does not apply.
Bureau / Office
Identify the Bureau responsible for the program and the office administering the program. If other than Bureau / Office, i.e. division, section, etc.,use the appropriate term for the work entity.
Program Name
State the common name of the Program to be funded.
Specific Funding Authority(ies)
Specify the official title of the Program and Federal and / or State Appropriation corresponding with the source of funds:
- For Federal programs, cite the Catalog for Federal and Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number, Public Law number and Federal Title, Part and Section. Ex. CFDA # 84.027 P.L.105-17, IDEA, Part B, Section 611.
- For State-funded programs, list the appropriate state authority, i.e. 2007 General Appropriation Line Item # 110 and Catalog for State Assistance (CFSA) number.
Funding Purpose / Priorities
Describe, in adequate detail, the purpose the funding will address. Include the necessary program detail to assist potential applicants in deciding if proposed project(s) align with the Funding Purpose / Priorities. Briefly describe any other priorities as specified by the funding authority, including, but not limited to: program-specific requirements, restrictions, special terms, and/or conditions required of the applicant. RFP developers can include additional detail in the Narrative Components / Scoring Criteria section of the RFP template.
Target Population(s)
Using the Target Populations list (see page 18), select and insert the population(s) for whom the program will be designed and delivered. If the target population is not included on the list, indicate “Other” and specify. Do not include the numerical identifier preceding each Target Population listed. Do not attach the Target Populations list to the template.
Eligible Applicant(s)
Identify the entities from which applications will be accepted. Include any restrictions or special eligibility requirements, i.e. collaborating partnerships, etc. NOTE: The Target Populations document includes a listing of possible applicant identifiers.
Application Due Date
[Insert duedate]
Total Funding Amount / Approximate Number of Awards
- Identify the total funding amount for the project.
- If applicable, identify the range and / or an average size award, or the maximum amount a grantee can expect to receive. (This figure helps the applicants develop a reasonable budget.)
- Include the estimated number of awards.
Example: $320,000 / range: $50,000 – $75,000 / four (4) to five (5) awards
Matching Requirement
Require the same level of justification for grantee match as required for the granted funds.
- Describe match requirements, if applicable. Otherwise, insert the wordNONE.
- Describe the allowable means to provide cash and / or in-kind match.
- If a combination is permissible, specify any ratio requirements.
Budget / Program Performance Period
[Insert date(s)].
Follow instructions on template by deleting a statement if it does not apply.
In addition:
- Identify the beginning (effective) and ending dates of the project. Typically, this will not exceed a 12-month period.
- If the performance period is different from the budget period, specify the dates of both periods.
- For multi-year application:
- The budget information shall describe the proposed budget disbursements for the specified budget period (usually one year).
- A new budget is required annually.
- Proof of prior year’s performance (approved by the Program Office), adherence to fiscalrequirements, and availability of future funding are required for continued funding in successive years.
Contact Persons
Identify the following two DOE contacts by providing names and contact information for each, i.e. title, phone, and email:
1)Program Contact: the program office staff assigned to provide information (technical support) to eligible applicants.
2)Grants Management Contact: the staff assigned to provide technical support (relating to fiscal matters), to eligible applicants.
Program ContactGrants Management Contact
[Insert Name][Insert Name]
[Insert Title][Insert Title]
[Insert Phone #][Insert Phone #]
[Insert Email][Insert Email]
To certify the applicant’s intent to adhere to the required General Assurances:
- Use required language on the template for General Assurances.
- Include one or both of the statements that follow the General Assurances required language, as applicable to the eligible recipient(s), i.e. School Districts, Community Colleges, and / or Agencies.
- Delete statements that do not apply.
School Districts, Community Colleges, Universities, and State Agencies
Use language on template. Delete if this does not apply.
PrivateColleges, Community-Based Organizations, and Other Agencies
Use language on template. Delete if this does not apply.
Narrative Components / Scoring Criteria: Use the language on the template.
- There are seven (7) required Narrative Component sections. Each of the seven (7) sectionsincludesspecific instructions to help applicants define each component.
- The standard scoring criteria are based on a 100 point scale, with a minimum score of 70points necessary for an application to be considered eligible for funding.
- The Instructions describe what applicants are required to include in each Narrative Component.
- Following the Instructions, within each Narrative Component, areCriteria. Theseare thebulleted, italicized statements used by proposal reviewers to assess and scoreeach Narrative Component.
- Do not remove InstructionsorCriterialanguage from the Narrative Component sections.
- If needed, RFP preparersmayexpand Instructions with program-specific requirements.
- As needed,RFP preparers may expand the ScoringCriteria to ensure that addedprogram-specificrequirements areaddressed.
NOTE: The Narrative Components / Scoring Criteria section can be converted to a Proposal Reviewer Scoring Form. Copy the Narrative Components and Scoring Criteria onto a new document. Create a space for the reviewer identification code, spaces to record each Narrative Component’s scoreand addadequate spaces for the reviewer to note “Strengths” and “Weakness” comments in support of each of the assigned scores. To complete the Scoring Form, include a “final score” space and a final “overall comments” section.
Bonus Points
Under unusual circumstances, bonus points may be offered. Bonus points are incentives that can be awarded for unique, program-specific enhancements and / or to overcome barriers. They should be considered options and if included, MUST be made available to all eligible entities.
If bonus points are used, the requirements must be clearly described in a section entitled‘Bonus Points’ and added to the RFP Template as the final Component of the Narrative Components / Scoring Criteria section.
If using Bonus Points, insert the following statement in the Bonus Points section:
If earned, bonus points can only be awarded after a minimum final score of 70 points is achieved.
Funding Method(s)
RFP preparer is to delete any of thefive (5) funding methodswhich do not apply.
Fiscal Requirements
Use language on template for all sections of the Fiscal Requirements below.
The project award notification (DOE 200) will indicate:Use language on template.
Allowable Expenses:Program Office may add additional information as appropriate.
Unallowable Expenses:Program Office may add additional information as appropriate.
Administrative Costs including Indirect Costs: Use language on template. If applicable,insert additional information about caps on administrative costs.
Executive Order 11-02: Use language on template.
Grants Fiscal Management Training Requirement:Use language on template.
Project Performance Accountability and Reporting RequirementsUse language on template.[insert page #s].
Notice of Intent-to-ApplyUse language on template. Insert name and date.
Method of Answering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or Providing Changes
Use language on template and insert dates.
Frequently Asked Questions will be answered by: (Insert method which ensures equal access to FAQs by all interested parties).
Method of ReviewUse language on template.Insert additional information if needed. Complete the DOE 910 - Attachment G, Review Committee Selection Process, follow the included instructions, and attach to the Prioritized Funding List when forwarded for approval.
Conditions for Acceptance/Substantially Approvable FormUse language on template. If needed, include additional requirements.
Other Requirements
For Federal ProgramsUse language on template. Delete if not applicable.
- General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)Use language on template.
- Equitable Services for Private School ParticipationUse language on template.
Substitute other private school participation requirements or delete if not applicable.
State ProgramsUse language on template. Delete if not applicable.
Program Office may add requirements specific to the Bureau / Program Office.
Customize the Other Requirements section with any additional requirements necessary for the application to be approved for review and scoring.
Technical/Formatting and Other Application Submission Requirements
Tailor these requirements to the Program Office preferences. See RFP template for suggestions.
Application must be submitted to:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street,Room 332
Tallahassee, Florida32399-0400
Revised September 2011
Project Performance Accountability Information, Instructions, and Forms
NOTE: The following pages are included in the RFP (DOE 905) template and are to be completed by the applicant.
The Florida Department of Education has a standardized process for preparing proposals/applications for discretionary funds. This section of the RFP, Project Performance Accountability, is to assure proper accountability and compliance with applicable state and federal requirements. The Department’s project managers will:
- track each project’s performance based on the information provided and the stated criteria for successful performance
- verify the receipt of required deliverables prior to payment.
For projects funded via Cash Advance, the Department’s project managers will verify that the project activities/deliverables are progressing in a satisfactory manner, consistent with the Project Narrative and Performance Expectations, on a quarterly basis.
The Project Narrative/Scope of Work must include the specific tasks that the grantee is required to perform. Deliverables must:
- be directly related to the specific tasks
- identify the minimum level of service to be performed
- be quantifiable, measureable, and verifiable.
Deliverables include, but are not limited to:
- documents such as manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and any other tangible product to be developed by the project.
- training and technical assistance activities whether provided onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies.
- measures that are specific to student performance (e.g., test scores, attendance, behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. “Students” may include prekindergarten, K-12, and adult learners, as well as parents.
- specific services to target population (e.g., adult literacy services, child find services, student evaluation services, etc.).
The Department of Education’s criteria for the acceptance of the above deliverables includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- documents are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- meet technical specifications, as appropriate
- design, organization, format, and readability levels are appropriate for intended use and audience
- content is accurate and grammatically correct
- copyright and funding information is noted on products
- use of consultants
- review of follow-up data or participant feedback that indicates level of effectiveness and usefulness of service
- review of state/district/school/student data indicates level of effectiveness of service
- participation rate meets established minimums
- quality of service meets generally accepted guidelines
- quantity of evaluations/assessments meet established minimums
- quantity of service meets established minimums
- referrals are appropriate to identified needs
- specified agencies collaborate
- student evaluations/assessments are administered appropriately
- units of service meet established minimums.
The applicant must complete the information related to the required tasks to be performed and timelines/due dates for the respective tasks/deliverables consistent with the provided instructions.
Revised September 2011
Tasks Specific activities that are required to be performed to complete the Project Narrative/Scope of Work.
DeliverablesProducts and/or services that directly related to a Task specified in the Scope of Work. Deliverables must be quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable.
Due DateDate for completion of tasks.
(Use additional pages, as appropriate.)
Project Performance and AccountabilityScope of Work
(see Project Design – Narrative) / Tasks
(see Project Design – Narrative) / Deliverables / Due Date
Project Performance and Accountability
Scope of Work
(see Project Design – Narrative) / Tasks
(see Project Design – Narrative) / Deliverables / Due Date
Formal Third-Party Evaluation
If a FORMAL THIRD-PARTY EVALUATION is required or proposed for this project the following information must be provided. (Note: A formal evaluation conducted by a party not employed by the fiscal agent either under contract with the project recipient or under the auspices of the DOE).
(1) In column (1), specify the scope of the evaluation using one or more of the descriptors provided below. Provide additional information regarding the nature of the evaluation. For example, if the evaluation will cover only selected elements of the project, specify the elements to be evaluated.
(1) Scope of Evaluation and Brief Description- All Aspects of Project
- Compliance Review
- Formative Evaluation
- Outcome Assessment
- Process Review
- Selected Elements of Project
- Summative Evaluation
(2) In column (2) indicate the type of entity from the following list which will be conducting the third-party evaluation. Provide any additional information which may be available about the entity to conduct the evaluation such as selection criteria or qualifications.
(2) Type of Entity Conducting Evaluation- Board/Commission/Task Force
- Consultant Firm
- DOE Funded Project
- Governmental Agency
- Independent Entity Selected by Project
- Individual Consultant
- Institution of Higher Education
- Selected Peer Reviewers
- Other
(3) Provide in Column (3), the date(s) when the evaluation will be conducted including the date for completion of reports.
FORMAL THIRD-PARTY EVALUATION FORM(A formal evaluation conducted by a party not employed by the fiscal agent either under contract with the project recipient or under the auspices of the DOE.)
(1) Scope of Evaluation and Brief Description / (2) Type of Entity Conducting Evaluation / (3) Date(s) Evaluation to Be Conducted1