19th Session of the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics

24 - 27 October 2005, Maputo, Mozambique


I. Opening Ceremony
II. Election of Officers
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. FAO's Activities in Food and Agriculture Statistics Africa Region since the last Session of the Commission
1.  Overview of FAO activities in Africa Region since the 18th AFCAS
2.  Report on activities implemented under the International Initiative for Strengthening Food and Agricultural Statistics in Africa
3.  Conclusions and recommendations of the Technical Workshop (organized back to back with 19th AFCAS)
4.  Introduction to Handbook on: Rural Household's Livelihood and Well-Being: Statistics on Rural Development and Agriculture Household Income.
5.  Other Information items
a. Up-coming African Statistical Journal
b. Preparation for the World Conference on Agriculture Statistics, Beijing, 2007
c. Other events
V. State of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the countries of the Region
1.  Report on the State of Food and Agricultural Statistics Systems in the region on the basis of country questionnaires. (followed by Country interventions and comments on the questionnaires and report)
2.  Community level statistics and local data bases: application to the agriculture sector
3.  Food Balance Sheets in the context of a National Statistical System in Africa
VI . FAOSTAT2 and CountrySTAT
1.  The redevelopment of the FAOSTAT statistical system
2.  Report on international classifications used for agricultural statistics and their application in FAOSTAT2 framework .
3.  Report on new resource accounts and resource questionnaires
4.  Report on implementation of CountrySTAT in pilot countries
VII . World Programme of Agricultural Census 2010 (WCA2010)
1.  Presentation of the new World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010 (WCA2010): main features and innovations
2.  a. Gender in agricultural census: introduction to the document on lessons learned from past censuses and integration of gender issues in WCA2010
b. Introducing the African gender and development index - AGDI
3.  Fishery and aquaculture statistics in the framework of WCA2010
4.  Coordinating Population and Agricultural Census: Case of Canada
5.  Lessons learned from the last Census of Agriculture and Livestock of Mozambique
VIII . Any other business
Topics, date and venue for the next AFCAS Session