Assignment 1: You are working for Daniel Cornwell of the firm of Brown, Cornwell & Michaels. Your firm will be representing Mr. Cook, the Plaintiff, in his claim for injuries against the Defendant, as the result of a head-on collision that occurred on July 13, 2012.
Attached is a time sheet (form A1) that is commonly used to track paralegals’ and lawyers’ time whenever they work on files. You should record all work and the time you spent on it for each assignment you work on for thePlaintiff. Turn in the time sheet whenever an assignment is due.
- Organize the file materials into a three-ring binder, using the outline in the case file for your labels.
- Review the file in its entirety, then complete the Personal Injury form(form A2) with as much information from the file as
2/12/15 / Assignment 2: The hypothetical state of Brockton in this case has laws and court rules exactly the same as the state of Washington. Using Washington state law, immediately determine the statute of limitations (A3) on the appropriate claims for the Cook case and write a memorandum to Mr. Cornwell with a copy of the applicable law attached. / 25
2/17/15 / Assignment3: Prepareachartaccordingtothe Washington Civil Rules thatindicatesthetime for each of the following steps of a civil action and the governing rule (be sure to provide an answer AND the number of the correct court rule):
- As stated in a Summons, a defendant has to file his defense ___ days after service.
- A written motion must be served with the court no later than ____ days before the hearing date.
- The plaintiff must serve a reply to a counterclaim in the answer within ___ days after service of the answer.
- A motion to strike must be made within ___ days after service of a pleading.
- A party must answer interrogatories within ___ days after their service.
- The number of days within which a response to requests for production must be served: _____.
- Requests for admission will be deemed admitted if a written answer or objection is not served within ___ days after service of the requests.
- In a physical or mental examination, may the party being examined have a representative present?
- May a jury be demanded by any party at or prior to the case being called to be set for trial?
- A subpoena may be served by any suitable person over ___ years of age.
3/3/15 / Assignment4:Thedefendant, through his attorney, William Merck of Patterson, Howard & Merck, has rejectedyourinitialsettlementattempts.Sinceyouarealready familiar with the facts of the case, you have been assigned the responsibility of drafting a Complaintagainst Mr. Washington fortheinjuriessufferedby Thomas Cook. Usingthematerialsinthiscasesimulation and the sample Complaint attached (A4), draft a Complaint and Summons for the Cook case. Prepare this case for filing in the Asotin County Superior Court; be sure your pleading comports with the CRs. / 25
Assignment 5: Draft 20 Interrogatories from Mr. Washington to the Plaintiff (B1). Remember that your purpose is to obtain information that will be helpful to the defense. / 25
3/24/15 / Assignment 6: Prepare a Request for Production of Documents addressed to the Plaintiff. Once again, your purpose is to obtain information that will assist the defense (B2). / 25
4/7/15 / Assignment 7: Included with the case file are the Plaintiff’s interrogatories to be answered by the Defendant. Using the information supplied in the case file, prepare answers to the Interrogatories. If you have a validobjectiontoanyquestionmakesureyouproperlyobjectandincludethebasisoftheobjection (B3). / 25
4/14/15 /
4/21/15 / Assignment 9: The case file contains the deposition of Robert Seale, one of the witnesses to the collision. Prepare two digests of the deposition of Robert Seale (A6). The first digest should be a chronological digest. The second digest should be a topical digest. / 25
4/28/15 / Assignment 10:Reviewthemedicalrecordscontainedinthecasesimulation.Interpretallrecords andwriteanarrativereportexplainingeachprocedure,thedrugsadministered,thesignificanceof each and comments about the treatment (A7). / 25