PTA Local Unit Name & #



Telephone & Email

To Name

To Address

To Address


Dear Name,

The UNIT NAME Parent Teacher Student Association invites you to attend an informative presentation we are hosting, “The Crisis in Funding For Public Education: Your Child’s Future Is at Stake,” on DATE at TIME at the PLACE.

The presentation is a PowerPoint slide show developed by PTA’s Education Funding Mobilization Group, a team of volunteers well-informed about the state’s school finance system and intent on reforming it.

The presentation’s purpose is to better inform parents about the adverse impact that the under funding of K-12 has had on our children’s education, and how it has narrowed their opportunities for the future. All information presented in the presentation has been verified and documented. Much of it is based on information developed by the governor’s Washington Learns Committee.

We hope parents will come away from the show understanding the urgent need for better funding in our public schools, and ready to take action.

We also hope this showing will lead to a partnership between our PTA and the district. We need to work together to make sure our community understands the significance of the problem and is prepared to support improved funding for education.

If time permits, we will have a brief question and answer period during which your comments and insights would be much appreciated. The last xx minutes will be reserved for this purpose, and the presentation will conclude by TIME.

The PLACE address is ADDRESS & TELE #. It is located in the DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OR PREMISES.

Please contact us if we may answer any questions or be of assistance. Please RSVP to NAME, TELE, EMAIL by DATE.

A reminder detailing event information will be emailed / mailed. Thank you in advance for your participation in this community event.
