Hinton Rural Life Center Strategic Thinking Plan Key Issue Areas Recommended Objectives/Tactics

Proposed Mission Statement:Inspired by Jesus Christ, Hinton Rural Life Center’s purpose is to engage individuals, congregations and communities in transformation through retreat ministry and missional outreach.

Revised October 17, 2017

Hospitality – Creating a welcoming environment offering renewal, reflection, and transformation.

Recommended Objectives/Strategies

  1. Improve physical plant and virtual infrastructure.
  2. Continue to improve internet accessibility as it’s available. (Lead: Beth Due Date:Completed)
  3. Create signage for guest conveniences.(Lead: Hannah Due Date: Completed)
  4. Expand on-site guest services and amenities.
  5. Investigate a plan to expand coverage for daily reservation/guest services.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: Completed)

  1. Promote recreational amenities and develop system for control. (Lead: Jacqueline Due Date:Completed)
  1. Introduce more people to Hinton.
  2. Distribute information to local merchants and service employees in area.

(Lead: JaredDue Date:ongoing)

  1. Promote the variety of amenities in speaking engagements.

(Lead:BethDue Date: ongoing)

  1. Encourage opportunities for renewal, reflection, and transformation for new and past guests.
  2. Create spiritual formation lending library.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: completed)

  1. Develop labyrinth awareness.

(Lead:DawnDue Date:Completed)

  1. Create guest incentive/recognition program.

(Lead:BethDue Date: 06/30/18) - delayed

Stewardship – Achieving long-term sustainability by being faithful stewards of our resources.

Recommended Objectives/Strategies

  1. Build debt retirement plan.
  2. Investigate private financing.

(Lead: JohnDue Date: completed) Application Proposed

  1. Investigate funders who focus on debt reduction grants.

(Lead:JohnDue Date:completed)

  1. Establish systems so operations are net revenue positive.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: completed)

  1. Increase donor base/donor resources.
  2. Enhance and implement donor database.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: completed)

  1. Define and develop donor categories.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: 3/31/18)

  1. Design and produce a donor thank you/appreciation event.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date:) Proposed Spring 2018

  1. Develop a Hinton Legacy/Endowment program – establishment of 501c3 entity.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: not ready)

  1. Expand occupancy rate by 40-50%.
  2. Develop detailed marketing plan (e.g. attract vacationers; annual event; church outreach; local awareness; reunions).

(Lead:JaredDue Date:Completed)

  1. Create a Spring break college ministry program.

(Lead:DawnDue Date:Completed but needs to grow)

  1. Establish a facility improvement/maintenance program/plan to include special needs guest (e.g. wheelchair access; lifts; expanded doorways; bathrooms).
  2. Develop an exterior appearance campus plan (e.g. building, parking, grounds, signage, and vehicles).

(Lead:Bill M/PerryDue Date: 03/31/17) in draft

(Signage: HannahDue Date: Completed)

  1. Develop an interior appearance plan to refurbish interiors (e.g. linens, furniture, fixtures, bedding, bathrooms, lighting).

(Lead:Beth & ElsDue Date: Completed)

  1. Create a plan to individualize rooms with locks.

(Lead:Jacqueline Due Date: Completed)

  1. Expand amenities and recreational opportunities.
  2. Create a program allowingguest access to the Hayesville Community Center.

(Lead:JohnDue Date:Completed)

  1. Identify long-term options to establish an onsite recreation/workout room.

(removed – see option A)

  1. Develop a long-term development plan for Lakefront enhancement.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: 4/30/18) *Beachfront and Grill in worksdepends on funding

  1. Build initiatives to sustain Hinton’s natural resources and environmental accountability.
  2. Develop a recycling/carbon footprint reduction program with an organization likeYAC.

(Lead: JohnDue Date: 03/31/17) in process with WCU

  1. Create a long-term drainage plan. *Working with Engineer in 2017

(Lead:Bill M/PerryDue Date:6/30/18)*waiting on engineering report, grants in spring

  1. Create a long-term water well plan.

(Lead:Bill M/PerryDue Date:Completed)

Outreach – Building inclusive and transformative communities.

Recommended Objectives/Strategies

  1. Build a technology initiative to enhance ministry outreach.
  2. Establish a process routinely updating website current.

(Lead:HannahDue Date:Completed)

  1. Develop on-line content for training and program support.

(Lead:DawnDue Date: ongoing)

  1. Expand and enhance intentional spiritual reflection.
  2. Identify appropriate resources for contemporary spiritual formation.

(Lead: DawnDue Date: ongoing)

  1. Revise and strengthen spiritual reflection component for each program.

(Lead: DawnDue Date: ongoing)

  1. Improve quality of life for all people.
  2. Promote Asset-based focused mindset for all of Hinton’s internal and external initiatives.

(Lead:DawnDue Date: completed)

  1. Study and promote practices that enable local churches and groups to implement what they have learned.

(Lead:DawnDue Date: 03/31/17)*model in development

  1. Make sure summer mission programs top tier.

(Lead:DawnDue Date: ongoing)

  1. Explore partnership opportunities with other entities.
  2. Createan inventory of possible partnerships.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: completed)

  1. Increase the diversity ofguests, volunteers, and staff.
  2. Create a proactive approach to recruitment.

(Lead: HannahDue Date:Completed)

  1. Design a process to intentionally recruit a diverse staff.

(Lead: HannahDue Date:Completed/Ongoing)

  1. Study and establish a Youth group retreat initiative.

(Lead: Dawn/BethDue Date: 06/01/18)

  1. Develop initiatives focusing on providing living wages and benefit plans for all employees.

(Lead:JacquelineDue Date: 12/31/17) *in process

Preliminary Recommendations/Suggestions

Review and approve proposed Alcohol/Beverage Policy.

Identify key skills needed reflected in the Plan for open Board positions.

Revised October 17, 2017