End-of-life cardiac care

The Activities on these Portfolio Pages correspond with the learning objectives of the Guided Learning unit published in Nursing Times 104: ?? (??? 2008) and 104; ?? (??? 2008). The full reference list for this unit follows Activity 4.

Before starting to work through these Activities, save this document onto your computer, then print the completed work for your professional portfolio. Alternatively, simply print the pages if you prefer to work on paper, using extra sheets as necessary.

Recording your continuing professional education

To make your work count as part of your five days’ CPD for each registration period, make a note in the box below of the date and the total number of hours you spent on reading the unit and any other relevant material, and working through the Activities.

Hours: / Date:


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: End-of-life cardiac ca 1

End-of-life cardiac care

Learning objective: Identify the possible need for palliative care in patients with heart failure.

Activity: Explain how palliative care may affect the quality of life of patients with end-stage heart failure. Consider a holistic approach towards both patients and their carers.


Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: End-of-life cardiac ca 1

End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: End-of-life cardiac ca 1

End-of-life cardiac care

Learning objective: Explain the importance of effective communication in the treatment of end-stage heart failure.

Activity: Using a patient from your own clinical practice, reflect on the experiences involving communication skills. This should incorporate both negative and positive outcomes.


Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title

End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: Unit Title

End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages End-of-life cardiac care 4

End-of-life cardiac care

Learning objective: : Identify behaviours that facilitate communication.

Activity Reflect on a recent interaction with a patient in your care and discuss the facilitating behaviours you used and their outcome.


Begin your response here.


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages End-of-life cardiac care 4

End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages End-of-life cardiac care 4

End-of-life cardiac care

Learning objective: Identify styles that block communication.

Activity: Reflect on a recent interaction with a patient in your care and discuss any blocking behaviours you might have used and their outcome.


Begin your response here.


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End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: End-of-life cardiac care 5

End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: End-of-life cardiac care 5

End-of-life cardiac care

Department of Health (2003) Building on the Best: Choice, Responsiveness and Equity in the NHS. London: The Stationery Office.

Department of Health (2000a) National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease. London: The Stationery Office.

Department of Health (2000b) The NHS Plan: A Plan for Investment, A Plan for Reform. London: The Stationery Office.

Department of Health (2000c) The NHS Cancer Plan: A Plan for Investment, A Plan for Reform. London: The Stationery Office.

Ellershaw, J., Ward, C. (2003) Care of the dying patient: the last hours or days of life. British Medical Journal; 326: 30-34.

Felder, B.E. (2004) Hope and coping in patients with cancer diagnoses. Cancer Nursing; 27: 4, 320-324.

Gibbs, R. et al (2002) Living with and dying from heart failure: the role of palliative care. Heart; 88: Suppl II, ii36-ii39.

Horne, G., Payne, S. (2004) Removing the boundaries: palliative care for patients with heart failure. Palliative Medicine; 18: 4, 291-296.

Jolly, L. (2002) The role of the specialist nurse. Heart; 88: Supplement II, ii33-ii35.

Lang, F. et al (2000) Clues to patients’ explanations and concerns about their illness. A call for active listening. Archives of Family Medicine; 9: 3, 222-227.

Maguire, P., Pitceathly, C. (2003) Managing the difficult consultation. Clinical Medicine; 3: 6,532-537.

McCarthy, M. et al (1997) Communication and choice in dying from heart disease. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; 90: 128-131.

NICE (2003) Chronic Heart Failure: Management of Chronic Heart Failure in Adults in Primary and Secondary Care. London: NICE.

Rogers, A. et al (2000) Knowledge and communication difficulties for patients with chronic heart failure: qualitative study. British Medical Journal; 321: 7261, 605-607.

Rustoen, T., Wikland, I. (2000) Hope in newly diagnosed patients with cancer. Cancer Nursing; 23: 1, 214-219.

Willems, D. et al (2004) Thoughts of patients with advanced heart failure on dying. Palliative Medicine; 18: 6, 564-572.

Willems, D. et al (2006) Patient work in end-stage heart failure: a prospective longitudinal multiple case study. Palliative Medicine; 20: 1, 25-33.

Wotton, K. et al (2005) When all else has failed: Nurses’ perception of factors influencing palliative care for patients with end-stage heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing; 20: 1, 18-25.


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End-of-life cardiac care


Nursing Times Portfolio Pages: End-of-life cardiac care 5