Mathematics of Finance
Independent Study
MAT 450-02, Fall 2005
Instructor:Dr. Steve KlassenOffice Hours: 9:00 – 11:00 M, F
Office: SM 101 F(subject to change)9:30 – 11:00T, Th
e-mail: [email protected] by appointment
Phone: 271-4375 (271-4370 dept. office) Home page:
Prereq. MAT 208.
Text: Mathematics of Investment and Credit (3rd Edition, 2004)
Samuel A.Broverman, ISBN# 1566984750. (order at )
Any appropriate calculator may be used during the course butonly the calculators listed below are allowed for use on actuarial exams administered by the actuarial society. The actuarial exam syllabus lists the following battery- or solar-powered models of Texas Instruments calculators:
- BA-35 (the official CAS/SOA calculator), BA II Plus, or BA II Plus Professional
- TI-30X, TI-30Xa, TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIB battery)
Students planning to attempt the actuarial examination should purchase and practice using one of these models of calculators.
Grading Policy:
Student Participation100
Homework Scores 100
Midterm exam100
Final Exam (Friday, Dec. 9, 1:00 – 2:50)100
Any student who accumulates 360 points is guaranteed an A. A total of 320 points guarantees a B, 280 points guarantees a C, and 240 points guarantees a D.
Student Participation:
Student participation is an essential part of this course. Participation points are determined based on attendance and successful presentation of problems.
Homework problems are assigned and collected. No credit is given if the submitted solutions are not clearly written or sufficient work/justification is not shown. Late papers are only accepted with the instructor’s consent.
Important Notes:
- You are responsible for all announcements and material presented during the class period. Therefore, your attendance is expected.
- Make-up exams may not be allowed without proof of illness, emergency, or excused absence. Contact the instructor (or dept. office) immediately if you miss an exam. Arrangements for a make-up exam must be made before any graded exams are returned to the class.
- Academic honesty: Unless otherwise specified, submitted solutions to all assignments should be individual workand not shared with fellow students. Discussion of problems
and assignments is encouraged but showing written solutions to other students and copying solutions from others is considered cheating. Refer to the current Student Handbook for further information. - Appropriate behavior is required in the classroom. Behavior disruptive to the instructor or other students is grounds for dismissal from the classroom. Refer to the current Student Handbook for further information.
- If you have a disability which may impair your performance in this course, please discuss it with me ( or have a counselor contact me ) so that appropriate arrangements may be made.