(Due Wednesday 16 November; absolutely NO late work accepted)
- COMPLETE completion of NOTECARDS for this guide is worth5 points on your next test.
- Must complete ALL items for full credit
a.The Events that Launched the Era of Good Feelings
i.2 results of the War of 1812
ii.Effects of the Hartford Convention
iii.Panic of 1819 with regard to the Bank of the US
iv.The two effects of American westward movement
v.Examples of the distinct American culture
1.Authors and their work
b.Domestic issues
i.Women during the Era
1.Cult of Domesticity
2.Separate spheres
ii.Native Americans (Seminole and Blackhawk Wars)
iii.European immigration
iv.Slavery (Nat Turner)
II.America Discovers Democracy
a.Primary factor in development of America popular democracy
b.The Evolution of Popular Democracy
i.Nature of constituency?
ii.Three different ways that westerners determined to take back their government.
1.Universal white suffrage
2.Nominating convention
3.Elector selection
iii.Overall effect of the political reforms
c. Election 1824
i.Who ran?
ii.Popular vote outcome
iii.Electoral vote outcome
iv.The “corrupt bargain”
v.Jackson’s response
d.Election 1828
i.Jackson’s strategy regarding the issues
ii.Jackson versus JQ Adams
iii.Voter turnout vs. 1824
e.JQ Adams’ legacy
i.The American Plan
ii.Protective Tariff 1828
Southern reaction: why?
III.Andrew Jackson
a.What about Jackson’s personality exemplified the demographic of the new democracy?
b.What was Jacksonian Democracy, and how did it differ from Jeffersonian Democracy?
c.Jackson the President
i.Views on the role of the President
ii.Constitutional interpretation
iii.Use of the veto
iv.Views on the American Plan
Maysville Road
v.The Kitchen Cabinet
vi.Peggy Eaton Affair
1.What happened?
2.Why was it such an emotional issue for Jackson?
vii.John C Calhoun
viii.Martin Van Buren
d.Jackson’s Administration
i.Indian Removal
1.Indian Removal Act 1830
2.Worcester v Georgia1832
3.Blackhawk War 1832
ii.Nullification Crisis (be sure to remember the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions!)
1.South Carolina and the Tariff of Abominations
2.Webster-Hayne Debate 1830
a.Know their respective philosophies ie state/federal relationship
b.Keep in mind other sectional precedents (KY/VA Resolutions, 10th Amendment, etc)
c.Know the quotes and what they represent
d.Notice sectionalism in this debate
iii.South Carolina Exposition and Protest
1.Eroding Jackson/Calhoun relationship as evidenced by Jefferson Birthday Day toast
2.Jackson and the Force Bill
3.Compromise 1832
iv.Jackson and the Bank (aka the Bank War)
1.Jackson’s opinion of the Bank’s constitutionality
2.Nicholas Biddle
3.Jackson’s political enemies and the 1832 recharter plan
4.Jackson’s Veto
5.Result of the Bank War
e.Jackson’s Effect on American political party system
i.Democrats and Whigs: know their constituencies
ii.The Pet Banks: why did Jackson do this?
1.Specie Circular: why?
2.Result on the economy
IV.Expansion and Texas
a.Jackson’s views on expansion, actions regarding slavery
i.Reason for American immigration into Texas
ii.1830 size of American population in Texas
iii.Actions of Catholic Church on Texans
iv.Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and the Texas Revolution
2.The Alamo
3.San Jacinto
v.The Republic of Texas
1.Sam Houston’s role
2.Annexation controversy
a.Over what issue?
V.End of the Jacksonian Era
a.Martin Van Buren
i.Panic 1837
1.What was it?
2.International effects?
ii.The Independent Treasury
1.How was it different from the bank of the US?
2.Effect on Panic 1837
b.Election 1840
i.William Henry Harrison
ii.Whig strategy
1.Log Cabin and Hard Cider campaign
2.“Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too”
a.What does this mean?
b.Why would it be effective?
3.First modern style campaign!!!
c.The Jacksonian Legacy
i.Webster/Clay assessment of Harrison as president
ii.Tragedy of Harrison’s Administration
iii.John Tyler
1.Why did both parties hate John Tyler?