P.S. 9 School Leadership Team Minutes
December 16, 2013

Principal Sandra D’Avilar (Principal/Instructional leader), Kirsten Cole (parent), Duane Domutz (parent), Gillian Mitchell (parent), Louise Sabbagh (teacher), Cynthia Fleming (parent), Diandra Verwayne (teacher/UFT chapter leader), Wendy Blum (parent), Christopher Diamond (parent/PTO co-president)
Guests: Mary Wade (district rep), Liz Solomon (parent), Jen Chapin (parent)

The meeting started at 4:20 in the libray. Ms. Cole and Mr. Domutz called the meeting to order.
The minutes from the November meeting were approved.

• WELLNESS COMITTEE: Ms. Solomon and Ms. Chapin spoke about the proposed Wellness policy as a way to keep things consistent throughout the school. They gave some background about the policy. Ms. Solomon spoke about it as a living document, a work-in -progress.
Discussion ensued about the SLT’s role regarding approval and next steps.

Ms. Sabbagh asked how PS9 would implement new healthy choices and activity choices.

Ms. Solomon spoke of the policy as already being 90% implemented. Ms. Chapin added that the policy is a framework for ongoing, long-term conversation about nutrition, physical activity and wellness of students and the whole school community. Both committee leaders described their commitment to in-service for teachers and to brainstorming what kids might get excited about. The committee is already communicating with the school wide community via ‘What’s Up in Wellness’ updates that are backpacked and distributed via e-mail in Ms. Jacob’s weekly missive.
Cafeteria issues were discussed as follows. Ms. D’Avilar brought up efforts that are being made towards having less processed and more plant-based food. P.S. 282’s Alternative Menu was mentioned as was the fact that NYC is on the upper end of making changes in the country. We also discussed the initiative for universal free lunch for kids (so that discounted meals aren’t stigmatized).
Then we spoke about making sure students are being allowed to get up to get water and that the water jets need to be out every day, not just on hot days.
Mention was made about the tension about roles between the lunch room workers and the school aides.
Ms. Cole thanked Ms. Solomon, Ms. Chapin and the whole committee for their hard work.
Other concerns we discussed were 1) conflict regarding chocolate milk and low fat milk being offered rather than regular whole milk, 2) educating our school community regarding what are healthy choices and why, 3) the effects of food, particularly sugar, on behavior and the desire not to have candy distributed, 4) the need to sustain communication with the community, and 5) a big concern about mandating things to eat or drink (or not to eat or drink).
The next steps for Ms. Solomon, Ms. Chapin and the Wellness Committee will be to revise the policy and submit the new draft to the SLT.
• ALLOCATION POLICY: Ms. D’Avilar reported that the allocation policy was submitted on time.
•C.E.P. : Ms. D’Avilar reported that the CEP was turned in on time. The parts that need to be edited now include the MOESL Assessments, the principal’s segments, and language in the family compact section.
•LAP, ELL, DUAL LANGUAGE, SPECIAL ED, HOMEWORK: A range of issues were discussed. There is still a great need for in-house-training around ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) and further support needed for special education particularly in the areas of transitioning and behavior. Ms. D clarified PS9’s homework policies for K students: they get assignments on Monday that are due Wednesday and on Wednesday that are due Friday. All students need to read and keep a reading log.

The meeting ended at 6p.m. The next meeting is January 13th at
4pm in the library.

Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Blum