Rocket RoomCurriculum letter Autumn 2015

Welcome back after our summer break, we hope you all had a fun summer!

Our topics for the first half of the autumn term is “Clothes and Coverings.”

The following is a run down of how we will be exploring this topic within the areas of learning.

Understanding English, Communication and Language

Individual literacy I.E.P targets.

Communication group: Turn taking, social interaction, listening and responding to questions, situational language, inferences, predictions, describing materials and textures. PEC’s to make requests and preferences known.

Introduce and explore new vocabulary within the texts linked to our topic.

Writing for a variety of purposes: instructions, posters, reports, poems, stories, lists

Introduce and explore new vocabulary linked to our topic.

Mathematical Understanding

Individual maths I.E.P targets.

Months/Seasons of the year, sequencing daily events

2d/3d shapes, patterns and tessellations

Counting in 1’s, 2’s number sequences up to 20

Sorting and matching clothes/objects

Comparing numbers: more/less

Scientific and Technological understanding

Our focus area will be based around materials. Children will explore different fabrics and their purposes. Perform simple experiments on clothes: insulation, starching cotton, waterproof/non-waterproof fabrics. Carry out fair tests: “Which stains are worst?” and “Which threads are the strongest?”

Explore and sort objects that are made from plastic, wood, metal, glass, and fabrics.

Investigate objects that float or sink.

Explore the changing state of materials through cooking a variety of food based around healthy food. Investigate what happens to food when we add water, heat or cool it.

Links with ICT: exploring a variety of websites.

Historical, Geographical and Social understanding

Weekly visits to the local shops to explore what they sell: Coop, Nisa, Statham’s and Chip Shop. We will use maps to navigate and explore our local environment and begin to learn about traffic awareness and road safety.

Visits to the local park, to explore new equipment and to engage socially with members of our new class.

Understanding the Arts

Drama based around clothes shops

Printing using a variety of objects to create pictures

3D pictures using materials

Creating patterns to make a multi coloured coat for Joseph and paper fan

Cut and tear a variety of paper to create simple collages

Using materials to make pictures to represent feelings

Understanding Physical Development, Health and Well-being

Getting to know their new class: children, teachers, environment and routines. Learning about personal hygiene (hand washing) germs and food hygiene

Sharing food, playing turn taking games linked to our topic.

In P.E we will be exploring the low and high level apparatus, exploring ways of travelling and developing listening and responding to group instructions.

Children will investigate different ways of travelling whilst on the apparatus using a variety of body parts, developing skills, balance and coordination.

Dance: Let’s Move, weekly dance sessions to respond creatively to music, stories and themes.

P.E days are Tuesday and Friday: Please can your child have their P.E kit at school.


This term we will be focusing on Old Testament stories including: Creation story, Noah, Jonah & the Whale, Moses and Joseph. We will be learning about harvest exploring why and how Christians celebrate during “Harvest time.”

Snacks are available twice a day and which we provide at a cost of £2.00 per week. Please can you send the money in with your child on a Monday. If, however you would prefer to send your child with snacks from home then please send these in daily with a drink.

The daily diaries are a great way to communicate and we encourage you to keep writing in them to inform us of any special things your child has done or how they have been. However, please feel free to contact us at school if you have any concerns, or just want to talk about your child.

We all look forward to this term and thank you for your support.

The Rocket Team

Louise, Pauline, Caroline, Sue, Lewis & Tracy