To : Quarters Unit of the Accommodation and Transport Section

I. Application for DQ in response to IDN No. ______

II.Personal Particulars
Full Name in English : Mr/Mrs/Ms*
Chinese Name :
HKID Card No.
Substantive Rank / Post Title :
Present Residential Address
Date of first appointment to the Immigration Service (See Note 1) : (dd)/ (mm)/ (yy)
Break in Service (see Note 2) / Yes/No* (From (dd)/ (mm)/ (yy) To (dd)/ (mm)/ (yy))
Substantive salary as at the closing date of application : HK$

Marital Status : Married/Divorced/Separated/Widowed*

Name of Spouse in English : /
Whether your spouse is living in
Spouse’s HKID Card No. : /
HK and a HK resident : Yes/No*
Dependent Children (See Note 3) :
Name /
Sex /
Date of Birth /
Age / Whether your child is living in HK (See Note 4)
1. /
2. / Yes/No*
3. / Yes/No*
4. / Yes/No*
5. / Yes/No*
Expected Child (Expected date of confinement) :(dd)/(mm)/(yy)

(* delete as appropriate)

Notes :

  1. Immigration Service means service with the Immigration Officer Grade or the Immigration Assistant Grade, which includes service rendered on overseas training course or secondments to other Departments/Government Secretariat for immigration/other duties as directed by the Department. Previous appointment in other grades is notcounted.
  2. Break in Service includes no pay study leave and service with other departments on agreement/probation/trial terms.
  3. According to CSR 801(a), dependent children are defined as sons under the age of 19 years (or under the age of 21 years if undergoing full-time education or full-time vocational training), unmarried daughters under the age of 21 years and children who, regardless of age, are dependent on the officer as a result of physical or mental infirmity.
  4. For each dependent child up to the age of 21 undergoing full-time education or full-time vocational training in places outside Hong Kong, he/she is regarded as living outside Hong Kong. If a child returns to Hong Kong on school vacation at the time of application for quarters, he/she is still regarded as living outside HongKong.

DQAF/3 (rev02)

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III.Quarters applied

I wish to apply for the following quarters as advertised in Immigration Department Notice No. :-

(Please indicate your priority of preference by completing the following column(s))

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6.
7. / 8. / 9. / 10. / 11. / 12.
13. / 14. / 15. / 16. / 17. / 18.
19. / 20. / 21. / 22. / 23. / 24.
25. / 26. / 27. / 28. / 29. / 30.

I hereby declare that all the information given in this application is true, accurate and up-to-date. I understand that supplying false information can lead to disciplinary action and also being disqualified for the allocation of departmental quarters.

I understand and agree that the personal data in respect of me and my family members on this application form may be provided, before and after the allocation of departmental quarters to me, to the Housing Authority, the Housing Society, the Housing Department and relevant authorities to facilitate checking for the purpose of prevention of double housing benefits.

Signature / :
Name / :
Date / :
Contact Tel. (Mobile/pager) / :
