Adamsville Primary Lesson Plan Template


Teacher: Wendy Joiner (First Grade Team) Unit: Animals, Plants, and Magnets REVIEW Class: Science Date: Week of Dec. 9, 2013

Textbook: Harcourt Science pgs. 222-243; pgs.190-219; pgs. 154-167 available as additional resources

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Can the students articulate the standard on which they are working?
Do the students understand the vocabulary of the standard? / S1Lb. Identify the basic needs of animals (air, water, food, shelter)
S1CS5b. Draw pictures (grade level appropriate) that correctly portray features of the thing being described.
S1L1d, Compare and describe various animals (appearance, motion, growth, basic needs).
*Each process skill standard will be revisited throughout the weeks and imbedded into the science curriculum. / S1Lb. Identify the basic needs of animals (air, water, food, shelter)
S1CS5b. Draw pictures (grade level appropriate) that correctly portray features of the thing being described.
S1L1d, Compare and describe various animals (appearance, motion, growth, basic needs). / S1L1c. Students will identify the parts of a plant-root, stem, leaf, and flower.
S1CS2a. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. / S1L1c. Students will identify the parts of a plant-root, stem, leaf, and flower.
S1CS2a. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. / CCS1P2a: Students will demonstrate how magnets attract and repel.
CCS1P2b: Students will identify common objects that are attracted to a magnet.
CCS1Pc: Students will identify objects and materials (air, water, wood, paper, skin, etc.) that do not block magnetic force.
What are the MOST important concepts or skills? / What are the basic needs of animals? / What are characteristics of animal groups? / What are the basic needs of plants? / How does plant growth vary with specific conditions (Ex: amounts of light, air, water)? / How are objects that magnets attract different from objects that magnets repel?
Pg. 163
Key Vocabulary:
What is the key vocabulary? / Air
Shelter / Skin
Live birth
Warm blooded
Cold blooded
Dependent / Air
Seeds / Air
Seeds / magnet
north pole
south pole
magnetic force
How will you activate your lesson or link to prior knowledge? / The teacher will utilize Animal ABC’s from Discovery Education video segment to introduce various animals. / The teacher will complete a short reading of Animal ABC’s big book.
The teacher will introduce Animal Groups: Beginning Classification Discovery Education video to introduce mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and bird classes. / The teacher will display Living and Nonliving Things Science chart to assist students with the needs of plants & animals. / The teacher will utilize Plant Roots videoclip from / The teacher will display objects that magnets are not attracted to and objects that magnets are attracted to, while checking for student understanding on magnetic properties.
Instructional strategies
What instructional strategies will you use in your lesson? / Literacy Integration
RI.1.1. Ask & answer questions about key details in a text.
Technology Integration
3.5 Effectively uses appropriate instructional technology to enhance student learning.
Discovery Education
Word Period: The students will observe & name various features of animals. Using the Science chart Living and Non-living Things to instruct students on the needs of Animals. / Literacy Integration
RI.1.4. Ask & answer questions to help clarify meaning of words/phrases in a text.
Technology Integration
3.5 Effectively uses appropriate instructional technology to enhance student learning.
Word Period: Divide the class into small groups have students working on different animal class activities:
Mammals vs. Reptiles
(I do not have a simple Fish but, I will try to add it)
Insects / Literacy Integration
RI.1.7. Uses illustrations & details in a text to describe key ideas.
Technology Integration
3.5 Effectively uses appropriate instructional technology to enhance student learning.
Discovery Education
Word Period: Students will work with a Science Notebook This would be a good time to introduce vocabulary skills & methods for learning vocabulary in context. Explain how a Science Notebook will be used to help students enhance their communication and observation skills. Next, the students will be divided into small groups and continue working on different plant activities: / RI.1.2. Ask & answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
Technology Integration
3.5 Effectively uses appropriate instructional technology to enhance student learning.
Work Period:
The teacher will review the needs of plants and demonstrate the mini-greenhouse lab. Students will work with a partner to complete the lab. The students will complete the worksheet “The Plants We Eat” or a similar activity. / SL.1.2. Ask & answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or presented orally or through other media.
Technology Integration
3.5 Effectively uses appropriate instructional technology to enhance student learning.
Work Period:
Students will work with lab activity called Magnets Test chart examining the materials that magnets are attracted to and also repel. Students will make predictions and test their materials to record results on the data chart.
How will students summarize what they are learning during the lesson and at the end? / Students will complete a multiple choice exit ticket. Exit ticket: What are three basic needs of animals? / Students will verbally explain Why do animals have different characteristics within their classes? / Students may write in their science journal and/or illustrate their understanding of Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Birds, and Insects. / Students will complete a 3-2-1 closing activity with the teacher using the Promethean Board to demonstrate 3 things learned, 2 new vocabulary understandings, & 1 important thing from today’s lesson. / Students will complete a multiple choice question on the objects that represent Magnets.
What assessment methods, both formally and informally,
will be used? / Students will be assessed formally on their exit ticket. / Students will be assessed informally with teacher observation and discussion. / Students will be assessed formally with their science journals. / Extend the learning by having students practice making observations and collecting data at home. Encourage students to complete a homework assignment using science tools (rulers, tape measures). / Students will be assessed formally with a five question quiz covering the week’s review on animals, plants, and magnets.

Differentiated Instruction/ Centers

Center 1 / Center 2 / Center 3
Observation Center : Nature Journal Writing Center
Literacy Center: Students will use “All About Plants” short story with vocabulary code and partner reading. / How to Guide: Hybridize your very own animal in Switcheroozoo Technology Center
Technology Center: The student ebook is available for Magnets. Students may also utilize / Hands-on Manipulatives: Cross-curricular Math with animal counters
Hands-on Lab: Students can participate in a Mini-Greenhouse Plant Experiement and record their findings in a data table.
Student Groups 1 / Student Group 2 / Student Group 3