New Client Engagement FormRef:
Date: / / / Current DetailsTaxpayer’s Name: / TFN:
Individual / Company /
Partnership/ Trust/ SMSF / Director / Secretary / Trustee: / ABN:
Phone numbers / Mobile: / Home:
Email Address:
Work Phone: / Fax:
Bank: / BSB: - Ac no:
Individual’s main occupation / Referred by:
Spouse name: / Spouse D.O.B:
Taxable income: $ / Child DOB:
Child DOB:
My acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that the accountant(s) and/or tax agent(s) of your firm are relying on the materials and relevant information that I am providing you. I will give reasonable access to relevant documents required for my tax lodgments and shall be responsible for both the completeness and accuracy of the information supplied.
I fully understand that being an Australian tax payer, I am responsible under self assessment to keep full and proper records in order to facilitate the preparation of a correct return for a minimum of 5 proceeding years. I understand that whilst the Commissioner of Taxation will accept claims made by me/taxpayer in an income tax return and issue a notice of assessment, usually without adjustment, the return may be subject to later review or audit and where there is fraud or evasion there is no time limit on amending the assessment.
I acknowledge that I was fully informed of the above obligations by your firm when engaging you to prepare and submit my tax return. I also give permissions to your firm to provide relevant information in relation to the subject lodgments with Australian Taxation Office on my behalf.
I agree to pay for the professional fees before the tax returns or BAS are submitted to ATO. New company or business related costs are to be paid in advance. Otherfinancial and bookkeeping work will be paid within 7 days.
In the situation I choose to pay for fees from my tax refunds, I authorise Kasker Associates to deduct their fees from my tax refunds and deposit the balance into my nominated account (cross out this section if do not agree).
Signature: / X
Limitation of Liability Our liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Further information on the scheme is available from the Professional Standards Councils’ website: