The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the professional association of individuals and organizations that generate philanthropic support for a wide variety of charitable institutions. Founded in 1960, AFPadvances philanthropy through its 33,000 members inmore than 240 chapters throughout the world. AFP has inspired global change and supported efforts that generated over $1 trillion. AFP’s individual and organizational members raise over $115 billion annually, equivalent to one-third of all charitable giving in North America and millions more around the world.

AFP represents nearly 3,500 members in 20 chapters across Canada. The association’s work in Canada is supported by the AFP Canada Board and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy-Canada.

So that it can promote stewardship, donor trust and effective and ethical fundraising, AFP:

  • Requires members to comply with a Code of Ethical Principles and Standards that is designed to provide concrete guidelines for fundraising professionals in philanthropic organizations. The code is underscored with an enforcement process managed by the AFP Ethics Committee.
  • Was instrumental in creating and maintaining ADonor Bill of Rights, a document that outlines what donors have the right to expect from charitable organizations to which they contribute.
  • Raises public awareness and interest in philanthropy through programs such as National Philanthropy Day® (now a permanently recognized day in Canada by the federal government), Youth in Philanthropy, and the AFP Awards for Philanthropy.
  • Is an original founder of and current participating organization in aworldwide certification program through Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) International. The CFRE credential verifies experience and knowledge of fundraising and philanthropy. AFP also provides the Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive (ACFRE) credential for senior professionals.
  • Encourages research on fundraising and philanthropy, including What Canadian Donors Want, AFP’s bi-annual look at giving trends; theNonprofit Research Collaborative Year-End Fundraising Survey; the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, which looks at how charities can be more efficient in their revenue generation; and the annual Compensation and Benefits Study, focusing on fundraising salaries.
  • Provides educational programs about fundraising, including the annual International Fundraising Conference, the largest gathering of fundraising professionals in the world; the Hemispheric Congress on Fundraising—Latin America; CFRE Review Course;The Fundamentals of Fundraising Course; Planning to Keep Your Donors and AFPWebconferences.
  • Provides information about philanthropy through its Fundraising Resource Center, which houses a comprehensive collection of books, periodicals, speeches and audio/visual materials on fundraising and the nonprofit sector.
  • Supports legislation and regulations to encourage philanthropic giving and ethical fundraising.

Services to Members

  • The AFP International Conference on Fundraising, held annually, draws more than 4,000 people from around the world and provides the ultimate educational and networking opportunity through the many participatory workshops, leadership forums, round tables, plenary sessions and social events.The 2018 conference will take place in New Orleans, April 16 – 18.
  • The AFP Leadership Academy, held annually in October, is a members-only event drawing more than 300 of AFP’s chapter leaders and administrators. This event provides educational and networking opportunities to enhance leadership skills for more effective AFP chapters and nonprofit organizations. The 2018 academy will take place in Toronto.
  • AFP Publications:AFPeWire, a weekly email newsletter, provides fundraising news, tips and guidance; Public Policy Updates and Action Alerts provide up-to-date information on government relations issues and Advancing Philanthropy, a bimonthly magazine, provides practical fundraising advice and information. AFP also publishes newsletters on diversity (Kaleidoscope)and Latin American fundraising (Te Informa).
  • AFP Website () provides members with all of the latest news, information, updates and analysis from around the nonprofit sector, the fundraising profession and AFP. Through the AFP website, members can take courses online, participate in online discussions and renew their membership. Job listings can be posted at
  • The AFP Online Fundraising Resource Centerprovides members with topical, up-to-date fundraising research and information upon request.
  • National Philanthropy Day® (Nov. 15) celebrates the extraordinary contributions of philanthropy in every community, as well as those individuals who work in the philanthropic world. More than 100 National Philanthropy Day® (NPD) celebrations involving over 50,000 people are scheduled every year. NPD is now recognized permanently in Canada by the federal government.
  • Chapter offerings include seminars, networking events, newsletters and a host of other opportunities to learn and share fundraising expertise at the local level.
  • AFP Awards honor individuals and organizations for their extraordinary efforts in philanthropy and fundraising. These include the Awards for Philanthropy:

Awards for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy, Individual and Group

Award for Outstanding Fundraising Professional

Award for Outstanding Corporation

Award for Outstanding Philanthropist

Award for Outstanding Foundation

Award for Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser

  • Other Awards, including the Barbara Marion Award for Outstanding Service to AFP, Skystone Partners Prize for Research on Fundraising, and Charles R. Stephens Excellence in Diversity Award.

2018 AFP Canada Board Officers

Chair...... Scott Decksheimer, CFRE

Secretary/Treasurer...... Paula Attfield, CFRE

Chair, AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada...... Roger Ali, CFRE

Trustee...... Dana Ades-Landy

Trustee...... Daniel P. Brunette

Trustee...... Ms. Tracey A. Comeau, CFRE, MA

Trustee...... Leah Eustace, ACFRE

Trustee...... Jennifer Johnstone

Trustee...... Ken Mayhew

Trustee...... Pamela Simmons

Trustee...... Dino Constantinos Sophocleous, CFRE

Trustee...... Wayne Steer

Trustee...... Karen Willson, ACFRE

Trustee...... Adam Zawadiuk, CFRE