2016 Operating Plan

CPCU Society Chapter Name:Hawaii Chapter

Goals / Initiatives/BusinessOwners / KeyDeliverables/ Milestones / Year-EndChapterStatus
(Due:January31,2016) / ChapterGovernor Year-End
1.1 / • Minimum of two events are held per year.Examples include:
• Chapter/interest group-
partnered events
• Chapter/other insurance organizations-partnered events
• Workshops/symposiums
• I-Day events / March 2016:Hold Joint Workshop -CPCU Hawaii Independent Insurance Association (Ethics CE Class)
August 2016:Joint EducationInitiative - CPCU, UAH, HIIA, HAIP (Get Ready Emergency Hurricane PreparednessFair to public)
1.2 / • Meet the following 2016
recruitment/retention goals:
Total chapter members of (TBD) by December 31, 2016
The breakdown of the (TBD) member goal by member category is as follows:
• New designees (2016):
• New designees (2017):
• Regular members:
• Regular retired:
• Lifetime retired:
• Candidates:
• Affiliates: / 3 new designees 2016
4 new designees 2017
100 regular members
3 retired members
1 lifetime retired
4 Candidates
Goals / Initiatives/BusinessOwners / KeyDeliverables/ Milestones / Year-EndChapterStatus
(Due:January31,2016) / ChapterGovernor Year-End
1.3 / Membership conversion rate for new designees of (TBD)% by December 31, 2016
Membership retention rate of (TBD)% by December 31, 2016
NOTE: The CPCU Society’s recruitment and retention goals will be communicated in late Q4 2015, along with guidance on how chapters should define the breakdown of the member goal by member category. / TENTATIVE – Awaiting goals from CPCU Society
Membership conversion rate goal – 51%
Membership retention rate goal – 94%
2. EmpowerProfessionalstoSucceed
Goals / Initiatives/BusinessOwners / KeyDeliverables/ Milestones / Year-EndChapterStatus
(Due:January31,2016) / ChapterGovernor Year-End
2.1 / • Leadership transition/ succession plan in place and implemented annually. Elements of the plan should include:
• Transition checklist
• T raining plan for incoming
• Role descriptions for
officers/committee chairs / Expand Officer transition checklist.
Review and refine training plan for incoming officers.
Review role descriptions for officers and committee chairs and incorporate intoTraining Plan for incoming officers.
Incoming and outgoing officers to meet to transfer records and responsibilities.
2. EmpowerProfessionalstoSucceed
Goals / Initiatives/BusinessOwners / KeyDeliverables/ Milestones / Year-EndChapterStatus
(Due:January31,2016) / ChapterGovernor Year-End
2.2 / • Minimum of one chapter officerattends the Leadership Summit annually. / Hawaii chapter officer attended in 2014 and may attend in 2016.
2016 attendance is under discussion.
2.3 / • Chapter operating plan is
defined and submitted for
2016 no later than December 31, 2015. / Define and submit 2016 Hawaii Chapter operating plan by 12/31/15.
Goals / Initiatives/BusinessOwners / KeyDeliverables/ Milestones / Year-EndChapterStatus
(Due:January31,2016) / ChapterGovernor Year-End
3.1 / • Minimum of two events per year
are held. Examples include:
• Networking events (e.g.,
conferment celebrations)
• Chapter meetings
• Chapter/interest group-
partnered events / Hold Monthly Chapter meetingswith general members invited.
September 2016: Host CPCU Annual Convention, All I Day,New Designee Conferment.
3.2 / • Chapter website is current and
accurate. / Update chapter website content at least quarterly.

3.3 / • Members are communicated with 10 times per year (e.g., via Chapter Grams, e-mail and social media updates). / Hawaii chapter will communicate with members 10 times per year via flyers, email and chapter website.
Goals / Initiatives/BusinessOwners / KeyDeliverables/ Milestones / Year-EndChapterStatus
(Due:January31,2016) / ChapterGovernor Year-End
3.4 / • Student member engagement
plan is defined for chapters
that have a Gamma Iota Sigma chapter linked to theirs and that have student members. / February 2016: Participate in chartering ceremony for University of Hawaii West Oahu (UHWO) Insurance Club to convert to Gamma Iota Sigma Chapter.
Add link on Hawaii chapter website to new Gamma Iota Sigma Chapter.
Discuss and investigate other Hawaii educational institutions becoming a Gamma Iota Sigma chapter.
3.5 / • A volunteer recognition plan is defined and implemented annually. / Send volunteers employers thank you letters at end of the year.