Theme Story Writing Project

Directions: Choose a theme from the theme list. You may make your own theme, but you MUST get permission from me before you do. Write a story that teaches that theme. It needs to be a 1-2 page story. One page equals both the front and the back of a lined sheet of paper. If you are typing this (not required), it needs to be at least 1 page of a non-double sided sheet. Good stories give readers emotions. What emotion do you want to give your reader?

Theme Story Checklist

Your Story
Needs / Write at least 1 sentence from your story that proves that the needed item is there.
1 Character Thinking
1 Character Feeling
1 Character Doing
1 Character Saying
1 Metaphor
1 Simile
1 Version of the Color Blue From the List
1 Synonym for CRY or LAUGH
1 Hear
1 Smell
1 Emotion you Give the Reader / What emotion do you give your reader?
Provide a sentence from your story that causes the reader to feel something.
Lots of Sensory Language
A Theme / The theme of my story is…
How does your story teach this theme?
The reader learns this lesson after reading my story because…

Theme Story Rubric

(W 7.3 b, W 7.3 d, RL 7.4, RL 7.2)

Criteria / 4
Mastered / 3
Near Mastery
Room for
Growth / 2
Present, but not Met / 1
Present / 0
You use precise words to convey experiences and events (W 7.3 d, b)
At least 1 type of BLUE from the list (underline it in green)
At least 1 versions of CRY or LAUGH from the list (underline it in yellow)
You use sensory language to convey experiences
(W 7.3 d, b)
At least 1 hear (underline it in red and label it)
At least 1 smell (underline it in purple and label it)
You use at least 1 similes to describe what you see (W 7.3 d, b, RL 7.4)
One simile compares 2 nouns using like or as OR One simile compares an action to something else using like or as
Example: noun looks like noun; noun is like noun (underline it in orange and label it)
You use dialogue and description to develop characters (W 7.3 b)
Provide at least 1 from each check place
What the character is
Thinking (underline in blue and label it)
Feeling (underline it in blue and label it)
Doing (underline it in blue and label it)
Saying (underline it in blue and label it)
You use a metaphor (figurative language) (RL 7.4)
At least 1 metaphor: noun is a noun (underline it in pen/pencil and label it)
Theme (RL 7.2)
You wrote the theme of your story at the top of it.
It is clear that your story teaches this theme.
It is at least the front and back of a lined sheet of paper. You may write more if desired.
Not required: if you type it, it needs to be at least the front page of a sheet.
Theme Story Checklist