3rd International Conference

of the “Ludwig von Mises and Contemporary Societies” cycle:


Lviv, October 1-2, 2015.

Dear Colleagues andFriends!

On the initiative of the Department of Political Science and Philosophy LRIPA NAPA and other institutions a series of conferences in honor of the famous Austrian scientist, liberal thinker and our countryman Ludwig von Mises is held in Lviv. In 2011 the theme was “Economics and Bureaucracy in an Open Society”, in 2013 - “Economic Theory and Public Policy”,in October 2015 we planto discuss issues, covered by the theme "Liberalism, postcommunism and reforms."

Conference Goal and Objectives

•To promote scientific heritage of Ludwig von Misesamong the Ukrainian public.

•To establish and develop links between Ukrainian and foreign scientists exploring and working in context ofliberal tradition.

•To involve both young and experienced scientists to the study and dissemination of liberal ideas.

•To summarize the experience of reforming the post-communist societies.

•To consider the present state andperspective of liberal reforms in Ukraine.

Conference Thematic Foci

•Ideas of Ludwig von Mises and Austrian School of Economics

•Liberalism as ideological basis for reform in policy and economy.

•Liberalism, constitutionalism and the establishment of the rule of law.

•Reform experiences ofpostcommunistcountries.

•Liberalism and reforms in time of crisis and war.

Conference events

•Plenary sessions.

•Student discussion "Liberalism in time of war and crisis".

•Reception and a small concert.

•Common photo in front of the birthplace of Ludwig von Mises.

•A tourof the historic part of the city.

The Conference will be held at the premises of the Center for Urban History of East Central Europeat 6 Bohomoltsia Street, Lviv, Ukraine, Oct 1-2,2015

Working languages:Ukrainian,English.

Publication of the articles,presented at the conference,will be made after conference in the Conference research volume.


To take part in the conference, participants have to submit a proposal (via e-mail), containing:

  • topic of thepresentation,
  • a one-page abstractof the presentation,
  • a short biography (with information about their place of work and position,research and/or academic achievements).

The dead-line for proposals is July 30, 2015.

The full texts of the articles must be submitted no later thanSeptember 15, 2015.

The article (up to 20,000 typed symbols, including spaces, or 12 pages typed) must include a summary andkey words (in English), footnotes and bibliography.

Style guide: A4 format, all margins 2cm, 14-point Times New Roman font, 1.5cm line spacing, 1.25cm tab (indentation) of initial sentence of each paragraph, references in footnotes, numbered consecutively throughout the text.

All submissions should be emailed to:

Registration Fees:

Ukrainian Citizens – 200 Ukrainian Hryvnias

Citizens of Other Countries – 20 Euros

Fees are payable upon arrival to Lviv prior to the start of the conference.

Registration fees cover the costs of editing and publishing the research volume, conference materials for all participants, lunch and dinner.

Travel and accommodation fees are covered by the participants themselves.

The organizers can provide assistance in booking hotel or other accommodation that match your price and conditions.

Address of the Conference Organizing Committee:

Political Science and Philosophy Department

16 Sukhomlynskiy St.

Briukhovychi – Lviv, Ukraine 79491

Telephone: +38-032-234-6135



Mykola Bunyk

mobile +38-097-947-2195
