“In The End My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph.”

Our Lady Of Fatima

When We Remove The Cross

We Remove The Sacrifice

EDITION NO.- 41 November 5, 2006 PRAY THE ROSARY

Diabolical Diversity

Does Uniformity In Bishop Brown’s

Diocese Include Running With The Devil?

“There is nothing demonic about cutting off the outfit of a little red devil … We had one handing out Communion at the last Mass.” --“Only at Corpus Christi does the devil himself become a Eucharistic minister ... You know we are twisted!” ---“As Catholic Christians, we believe in a God who wants us to have fun and be delighted.” (Quotes from Father Fred Bailey during his sacrilegious ‘Halloween Mass’ which was held at Corpus Christi Parish in Aliso Viejo, Ca. on Oct. 28, 2006) “The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.”[Edmund Burke] Remember, we are the Church Militant, not the Church hesitant, or the Church “no I can’t!” Please, do not shirk your duty to contact the Diocese of Orange and speak with Bishop Tod Brown about this deplorable offense towardsrespect for the Blessed Sacrament.

Something to remember: Bishop Brown has implemented all of his “reforms” at St. Mary’s by the Sea (e.g., forbidding the use of the communion rail, requiring that parishioners stand when receiving the Holy Eucharist, and requiring that parishioners stand after the Agnus Dei) while telling St. Mary’s parishioners (through his various intermediaries) that the parish needed to be brought into “uniformity” with the rest of the diocese. It has even been suggested that St. Mary’s by the Sea was not in line with the Second Vatican Council; despite the fact that (with the exception of one Tridentine indult Mass each Sunday) nothing done at St. Mary’s by the Sea explicitly predated the teachings of Vatican II, nothing was done without prior permission, and nothing (including the Tridentine indult Mass) contradicted Vatican II.

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These photographs represent the type of diversity that has been tolerated in the Diocese of Orange under Bishop Tod Brown, who has, at the same time, shown zero tolerance for the type of traditional Catholic piety that was common at St. Mary’s by the Sea before Bishop Brown’s “reforms” in the name of “unity”. Is this where “uniformity” with the rest of the diocese is meant to lead us?

†God Bless America, Pray For Worldwide Peace, Pray For Our Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Pray For Our Priests†