[ ] 8/14/2016 #1162


Mark 9:14-29

INTRODUCTION: Behind the demise of America is Satan. The devil is walking to and fro in the earth seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Paul stated we are in a spiritual war with the powers of evil. The devil is shrewd in carrying out his wicked plans. We are losing a generation of young people. In our Scripture, we read of a desperate father who was determined that the devil wasn't going to get his son.


A. POSSESSED SON. (v. 17-18, 22) "hath a dumb spirit"

Demon possession was common in the days of Jesus. This boy today would probably be diagnosed with some type of physical or mental disease. Jesus identified this boy's problem as demonic possession.

Demon possession is often recognized by our missionaries in some parts of the world. Are we seeing more demonic activity in America today? We are witnessing extreme behavior, fanatical religious practices and senseless crimes in our land. Some of these outlandish things are Satanic or demon inspired and others could be the result of Satanic or demonicpossession.

Satan is the prince and power over this world system. (Ephesians 2:2)His work is very evident in this world. Paul said, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." (1 Timothy 4:1)

The attempt to remove God and His teachings from society leaves a spiritual void quickly filled with demonic influences. The Holy Spirit's presence is a restraining force against evil as He works throughthe church. As the church has grown weaker, evil has grown stronger.

A person, who is not born again, even though he may profess Christianity, can be possessed. A born again believer cannot be possessed by demons, but he can be oppressed by them. The Bible warns believers to“resist the Devil” (James 4:7) and “neither give place to the Devil” (Ephesians 4:27).

B. POWERLESS DISCIPLES. (v. 18) "they should cast him out, and they could not"

This desperate father turned to the disciples for help and "they could not." They were powerless.

Jerry Vines: "You could write those words over many a church today - "and they could not." A desperate world and a powerless church. Here we are in a world that's sinking in sin, that desperately needs Jesus, and the world looks at the church and says, "They could not." The problem of the church today is that we are compromised, powerless in the face of the onslaughts of this world, helpless before the media and their pollution."

The Lord has given to His church the power of the Holy Spirit. The potential of the church to make a difference in the world is limited by our unbelief or complacency. Paul spoke of the limitless possibilities for the believers. "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3:20) Believing prayer is the key to unlock the blessings of God.

Jesus had given His disciples authority over unclean spirits. (Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1) They were powerless to cast the demon out of the boy. It seems from the teachings of Jesus and Scripture that there are some evil spirits more powerful than others. These require prayer and fasting to cast them out.


A. PLEA OF DESPERATION. (v. 22) "have compassion on us, and help us"

The pleas of desperation by this father are heart wrenching. This father had watched this demon torment his son too many times. He was helpless to free his son from the grip of the demon. He cried out to Jesus saying, "have compassion on us, and help us."

Harold Vaughan, in his book Revival in Our Time, said, "The people who really pray are people who need God, know they need God, and cannot make it without God." This man knew his only hope was with God.

B. PRAYER OF DESPERATION. (v. 24) "Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief"

Jesus asked this desperate father if he believed. Jesus' question is important because if the man did not believe, his request for his son would not be answered.Jesus said "all things are possible to him that believeth." This is a reminder to us of how important it is to pray in faith when we intercede for others. Moses' intercession for his nephew Lot spared him from being destroyed in Sodom when God rained down hell fire and brimstone.



Jesus charged the demon to come out of the boy and enter him no more. Demons recognize who Jesus is and His authority over them. In Luke 4:41, Jesus cast out demons from many people. The demons cried out saying "Thou art Christ the Son of God." Luke said these demons "knew that he was Christ."

The seven sons of Sceva tried to cast out demons but failed because they had no personal relationship with Jesus. They attempted to cast the demons out using the name Jesus who Paul preached. The demons knew Jesus and Paul, but they didn't know the seven sons of Sceva. The demons left these men naked and wounded because they had no power against them. These men had religion but no relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior. Many churchgoers speak of Jesus in name only but have never been born again. That is why they have no power to live the Christian life and their prayers are ineffective.


The disciples asked Jesus "Why could not we cast him out?" The disciples were bewildered at their own inability to cast the demon out of the man's son. According to Mark 6:13, these disciples had earlier cast out demons from many people and healed those who were sick. Their early success caused them to believe more in themselves rather that place their faith completely in Jesus.

Matthew stated that the disciples could not cast the demon out because of their unbelief. (Matthew 17:20) In Mark and Luke's account, Jesus said, "This kind can come forth by nothing; but by prayer and fasting." The more critical the situation, the more appropriate the fasting and praying.Fasting is more about seeking the face of God than going without food. Abstaining from food just removes one of the things that can hinder a deeper awareness of God.

"The authority that Jesus had given them was effective only if exercised by faith, but faith must be cultivated through spiritual discipline and devotion." (Wiersbe)


1. Jesus said to the father,"bring your son to Me." Regardless of the crises, we must bring it to Jesus.

(v. 19)

2. Jesus said before all of them that "all things are possible to him that believeth." Faith connects

man with the power of the omnipotent God. (v. 23) The prayer of a Christian out of fellowship with

God is as powerless as a microwave oven unplugged.

3. Jesus said prayer and fasting are essential to see the power of God. We are commanded from

Scripture to pray, and we are expected to fast. (v. 29)Our powerlessness is often because of our



Paul wrote that believers are in spiritual warfare with the forces of Satan. (Ephesians 6:12)We see the importance of Christians abiding in Christ. (John 15:7) Our prayers are powerless unless we are connected to God. These verses are a reminder that prayers arecrucial for the spiritual welfare of ourselves and of others. Jesus said "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23)