Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee:
2nd November 2010 / AGENDA ITEM 7


1.0Matter for consideration

1.1The Committee to consider an update report on the progress made to date by Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust to provide a new mental health inpatient unit at Whyndyke Farm in Blackpool.


2.1To note the update report, asking questions and making any recommendations that are considered appropriate.

3.0Summary of key issues

3.1Retesting and related engagement work by commissioners

3.1.1Further engagement work is being undertaken by commissioners in relation to the recent white paper and the retesting of major service developments. This should conclude by February 2011 and will inform the number of beds needed for Lancashire.

3.2National Clinical Advisory Team (NCAT) Review

3.2.1An NCAT Review has been undertaken focusing on the clinical model and service change.

3.2.2The visit was very positive - supportive of the Trust’s plans and complimentary about the public and stakeholder engagement to date.

3.3Whyndyke Farm

3.3.1Recent activity has included the further scrutiny of the designs to ensure that they meet some of the recommendations made by the DH Design Review Panel, additional environmental surveys to satisfy the local authorities and site preparation in anticipation of starting construction enabling work. The separate planning application for the provision of a temporary road junctionhas now been approved. This will enable access to the site whilst the permanent new road junction is constructed.

3.3.2The project is now at the stage where it is ready to proceed to the final design stage, purchase the site and begin pre construction enabling works. It is anticipated that the majority of construction work will still be undertaken during 2012 and it is likely that completion will be achieved during 2013.

3.4Establishment of a Joint Venture

3.4.1On 27th October the Trust will form a Joint Venture Partnership with Ryhurst to form Red Rose Corporate Services LLP, a partnership that will ensure that the Trust has state of the art facilities to deliver modern mental health services in the future.

3.4.2This is the first joint venture partnership of its type in England, which will enable the securing of funding for new development projects. Although the partnership’s role is

primarily to design, build, finance and operate new inpatient facilities.Red Rose Corporate Services will also play a leading role in the delivery of the full spectrum of estates and associated support services needed by the Trust.

3.4.3Ryhurst and Lancashire Care will be equal shareholders within Red Rose Corporate Services which has three principal aims:

  • To provide high quality accommodation and facilities.
  • To fund the capital for and develop new inpatient accommodation.
  • To deliver high quality operational estates management services.

3.4.4A joint venture involves two or more parties pooling their resources and expertise to achieve a particular goal. The risks and rewards of the enterprise are also shared. Red Rose Corporate Services will obtain funding for the Trust’s new developments, such as the planned inpatient unit at Whyndyke Farm in Blackpool. The company will take responsibility for construction works, related activity and maintenance. On completion of the new unit the Trust will lease the space from Red Rose Corporate Services.

3.5Engagement Work

3.5.1 On 18th October an engagement event was held to update the local community about the current position with regards to the development of the new unit at Whyndyke Farm. In recognition of World Mental Week the event served to raise awareness about mental health problems and promote health and wellbeing. A variety of stalls were provided at the event and a participative art activity was undertaken.

3.5.2The Trust will continue to hold these events to keep the local community and other key stakeholders up to date.

4.0Witnesses / representatives

4.1As requested by the Committee members, the following persons have been invited to attend the meeting to speak on the matter:

  • Colette Rimmer, Associate Director of Clinical Design, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Beverly Pickover, Stakeholder Engagement Manager,Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Relevant officer:

Alistair Rose, Project Director, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust

Tel: (01772) 695386, e-mail:

Appendices attached:


Background papers:


Websites and e-mail links for further information:



NCAT - National Clinical Advisory Team