The Old School Surgery

Dr K Rothwell & Partners

The Old School Surgery

Stoney Stanton


LE9 4LJ.

Patient Reference Group

Date: Tuesday 25th August 2015 1pm.

Venue: The Old School Surgery, Hinckley Road, Stoney Stanton.




Karen Smith (KLS)Practice Manager

Jacky Bowyer (JB)Patient Group Member

Frank Burgess (FB)Patient Group Member

Charlotte Burgess (CB)Patient Group Member

Anne Davies (AD)Patient Group Member

Pat Stevens (PS) Patient Group Member

Stuart Armston (SA)Patient Group Member

Sarah Eaves(SAe)Patient Group Member

Gloria Brook (GB)Patient Group Member

No / Actions / Who
1 / Apologies
Dr Kitchin, Frank Burgess, Eta De Cicco
2 / The meeting opened with an opportunity for members to declare any financial or other interest they might have in any of the items tabled for discussion. None were forthcoming. / AD
3 / The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted & signed. / AD
4a / Information up-date – it was pointed out that it is necessary to physically make a nomination of preferred chemist, under the new electronic prescription transfer scheme. It is not enough to expect the status quo to be maintained. The selected chemist should have a form which may be completed to make the election. This does not have to be the nearest pharmacy, it could for example be one close to your place of work.
4b / The group noted the articles in the Stoney Stanton Parish News, outlining the presence and function of the PRG, and encouraging villagers to participate. Thanks were expressed to SAe for this contribution.
5a / Sharing of sensitive data
JB brought the attention of the group to newspaper articles she had found in The Telegraph, which appeared to suggest that from the autumn, patients` medical records would be made available to pharmacists in a wide number of stores & supermarkets. There has, apparently, been a trial of this initiative in various parts of the country, but whereas the majority of pharmacists seem to think this a good idea, only 15 members of the public surveyed responded. The Group agreed this was hardly a viable number, and did nothing to validate the survey. Great concern was expressed as to how much sensitive information is to be made available, and who would actually have access to it? KS offered to make enquiries from the CCG, in particular, what exactly does this initiative involve, will patients be asked if they are willing to participate and when is it expected the initiative will be launched. / JB
6 / JB was also concerned to have been approached by the (locum) pharmacist recently, to be asked whether she had any objection to being given medication produced by a different manufacturer from that specified on her prescription. She did not feel able at that time, to make that decision, and although the matter was subsequently satisfactorily resolved, wondered why this distinction should have been made in the first place. KS suggested it might have been because some medication is on an “approved supplier” list or some might be a generic version of a drug & would therefore be less expensive. She agreed to clarify the matter with the Doctors before the next meeting.
7a / Appointments - KS updated the group re the introduction of a 3rd receptionist, sited in the office, to take telephone calls on Mon/Tue/Fridays, between 8.00 – 9.00am. As we are still in the school holiday period, there has not been as much pressure as normal on the telephone system, but it is anticipated that this will increase once schools go back. The trial will last for an indefinite period & may be rolled out to 5 mornings a week, should it be felt this would be helpful. (The other 2 receptionists are based in the reception area.)
7b / Patients may have noticed that the reason for theirappointment is being queried when they contact reception. Staff are anxious that patients don`t think this is prurient curiosity, and group members are asked to disseminate the information that this information is being requested to allow doctors to prepare for the patient`s visit, to access that part of their notes relating to the problem, or even to contact the patient the previous day to suggest an alternative to actually seeing the doctor. The strict confidentiality required from the surgery staff was emphasised, and we learned they have to sign a confidentiality agreement on joining the staff, which is annually up-dated. AD pointed out that this confidentiality applies also to members of the PRG.
8 / Flu Clinics- 2 dates have so far been released for the start of the annual flu vaccination sessions, these being 3rd & 10th October. Letters will shortly be sent out, & a number of group members volunteered to distribute these as required, to avoid postage costs.
9 / Patient Survey – It was decided to trial different methods of distributing the survey this year. CB suggested a copy be included with the letters inviting patients to the vaccination sessions Sapcote PO would be approached again to see if the Post Master is willing to be a collection & distribution point. There will be copies available on the reception desk, and each doctor will have copies in the individual surgeries to distribute to patients before they leave. KS agreed to put the survey on-line, but as Lloyds Chemist declined to assist last year, they would not be approached again. As there are plenty of surveys left from last year, the same document will be used this year. This is a) on grounds of economy, & b) to enable a like-for-like comparison to be made, & c) to see if changes made as a result of last year`s comments have been noticed & have made a difference.
If the above systems are put in place, it was felt it will not be necessary to distribute the surveys at the flu clinics themselves this year.
10 / Friends & Family survey – results for June & July were sparse, the issues raised are familiar ones, in spite of the measures put in place to resolve them as far as possible. / KS
11 / AOB – A fact sheet, designed to raise GP awareness of Myeloma, was handed to KS. Produced by Myeloma UK, it was given to attendees at the last Myeloma Support Group, held in Leicester. They were asked to hand it in to their GP surgery, to help raise awareness of this disease. KS promised to bring the information to the notice of all the doctors in the practice.
GB reported that despite her best efforts, there has been no uptake of her offer to arrange Dementia information/training sessions. The group thanked her for all her efforts and hoped that this could be offered again at a future date. / KS
12 / The next meeting is 27th Oct. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 1.50am