Saugus School CommitteeRegular MeetingMay 22, 2014

Open Session

Time-Place:An open session of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m.

Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to adjourn the open session and to enter into executive session at 6:20 p.m. for the purpose of investigation discussions and non-union contracts.

Roll Call:Mr. Grabowskiyes

Mrs. Meredithyes

Mrs. Rileyyes

Mr. Serinoyes

Ms. Reed yes

The open session was called back to order at 7:05 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

Roll Call:Mr. Grabowskipresent

Mrs. Meredithpresent

Mrs. Rileypresent

Mr. Serinopresent

Ms. Reedpresent

Ms. Reed noted that the meeting was being recorded by SCTV. There were no other recordings.

Public Comment:

Mr. Lavoie, SHS teacher and Saugus resident spoke regarding money handling and asked that the Committee reevaluate the policy and procedures regarding reimbursements. He reported that student advisors are paying interest on charges that they put on their credit cards for student activities and have not been reimbursed. He noted that there are inconsistencies and communications regarding reimbursements need to be reevaluated. He told the School Committee that he has been trying to submit for a reimbursement from February, but every time he goes to submit it he is told that there is another paper or procedure needed. He would be willing to help work on reevaluating the policy. He noted that it may make him not want to be a class advisor any more.

Ms. Reed said they will get some answers.

Mr. Fontanella, SHS teacher, was present to discuss the handling of money. He said that he has always been open to asking for charitable donations such as for Model UN. He had asked the Saugus Alumni for a donation. The check has cleared, but there was a long delay in the process. There is something wrong about when we submit and when we get reimbursed. He does not think they want to turn away charitable contributions. He does not want to lose donations in the future.

  • Special Presentation: Saugus Police Sgt, Paul Vansteensburg, presented the “Safe Watch Program” to the Committee. It is a program to help locate individuals if they go missing. Caregivers have an opportunity to enroll loved ones into the Saugus Police Department’s revitalized Safe Watch Program that gives law enforcement more resources to safely return someone who goes missing.

Discussion was held and Superintendent Tempesta will put this information on the School Department’s website.

Student Representative:

Jonathan McTague, Senior Class President reported on the following:

  • Senior class breakfast
  • Senior video
  • Yearbook signing
  • Prom at the Renassance Hotel in Boston with Spirit of Boston
  • Kowloon
  • Barbeque and Red Sox game
  • Graduation

Jonathan and Brianna McNally presented a video “Spread the Word to End the Word”. The video was created to encourage everyone to stop using the word retarded.

Public Hearing on School Choice:

Ms. Reed noted that every year they need to choose whether or not to enroll in school choice.

Superintendent Tempesta recommended not to enroll in School Choice at this time.

Ms. Reed asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak on School Choice. There was no one.

Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to close the public hearing.

Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: that the Saugus Public Schools continue to be a no School Choice district.

Minutes for Approval:

Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to approve the Minutes of May 8, 2014 Open Session as presented.


Ms. Andrews noted that the $12,775.00 athletic user fees reimbursement was included on the warrant and it should not be there.

Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was

VOTED:to approve the bill schedule in the amount of $212,058.46 without the $12,775 athletic user fee reimbursement fee as outlined in Ms. Andrews memo dated May 22, 2014.

4 in favor. 1 opposed. Mr. Grabowski noted that he would be voting no. There was a payment in the warrant for a consultant.

Superintendent’s Report:

SPS 2014-2015 Budget Cuts Consolidation, Cost Reduction, Preservation of Services and Increases in Accountability: The Superintendent commended the administration on their hard work with the cuts. The Superintendent reviewed the proposed cuts which totaled $782,465.00, which brings them within $5,000 of closing the budget gap. He is recommending using $50,000 that was allotted by the town.

He will notify the union this week of anyone that may be affected.

Mr. Serino noted that the Superintendent is adding an executive position, but there are cuts coming from the classroom. The Superintendent noted that the HR position is being eliminated completely. Mr. Serino asked why they don’t go back to the structure we had before and we could save $108,000.

Ms. Riley noted that the job of the school committee is to keep the student education up front. The job of the school committee is to hire/fire the superintendent, budget, and policy. She said she agreed with some of the budget cuts and did not agree with some. Ms. Riley would like to table this or have a meeting just for this discussion.

Mr. Grabowski said the numbers do not make sense to him. He asked about the gas at the BMS.

Ms. Andrews said that any excess savings is being used to prepay out of district tuition.

They discussed the budget items and the timeline. The Superintendent would like to avoid pink slipping everyone. He is giving a worst case scenario. He noted that they do not have an human resource person and they do not have a person reporting to the state, since they resigned.

Mr. Grabowski said the Superintendent did a great job presenting this, but they had not seen the cuts. These cuts have changed his mind.

Mr. Serino said he did not want to micro manage, but he looks at what is coming out of the classroom and he wants to fix it.

Mr. Grabowski and Mr. Serino would like the staffing to be revisited.

The School Committee will choose a date to discuss the budget cuts.

Finger Printing Workshop: A letter will go out to all new staff in SPS this week that they need to be finger printed by the end of the year. Representatives from DESE explained the process and the regional centers where SPS employees can go to get fingerprinted. The cost is $35.00 for non-licensed employees and $55 for licensed employees that will be incurred by the employees. There is a licensing center in Beverly and another one is expected to open in Revere.

PARCC vs. MCAS: The Superintendent attended an informational session on Monday, May 19 at Hudson High School regarding the upcoming selection process for the 2015 administration of either the PARCC or MCAS exam that will begin next month. All school districts in MA have to declare their intention of taking either test by June 30, 2014 and they need to confirm this decision by October 1, 2014. The Superintendent recommends Saugus move to the PARCC as soon as possible for the following reasons: it more accurately assess students as they will be assessed for their future, we are on the path to full implementation and we should support this in our budget, and we have the option to partially implement with technology and paper/pencil and lastly our district will be held harmless should the district level change for the worse.

Saugus Public Schools returns to the NEC: The Superintendent thanked Mr. Hashem and Mr. O’Leary for their hard work in getting SHS athletics back into the NEC for next year.

Mr. Grabowski reported that he had attended a common core/PARCC forum in Abington. The speakers refused to sign off on PARCC. He is working on getting a forum in Saugus. He noted the common core is also questionable. Mr. Grabowski thought the Superintendent would not recommend the PARCC since it would cost $100,000 to administer. He also noted that the Commissioner of Education is on the PARCC Commission and this is a conflict of interest.

Discussion was held regarding the PARCC.

PPS Director: Ms. Howard discussed the following:

  • Mid-cycle Review
  • Coordinated Program Review
  • Training
  • Self-Assessment
  • Program Planning
  • Attendance at the National Institute of Legal Issues
  • Summer Programming
  • Tutoring Sessions

Report of Subcommittees:

Athletic Subcommittee: Mr. Grabowski referred to the athletic director on the rebate of user fees.

Mr. O’Leary, AD, reported that he had created a list of fall and winter credits not realizing that he was supposed to credit the payer not the custodial parent. The fall and winter rebates are $12,775 and the spring accounts for $8295. They are about $9,000 short due to the fact they are down about 100 kids in the sports. The girls softball could not field a freshman team. They also did not have a full JV lacrosse team.

The rebates have been a very time consuming process. It may not be done by June 30th. The checks have not been cut, but they have labeled the list. He suggested sending the credits as is and spend down the rest on other bills.

Mr. Serino noted that the town wanted the full amount to go to user fees.

Mr. O’Leary said they could try to give to chorus, band, etc.

Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED: that the $35 rebate fee increase to $50 and the spring sport get a $15 rebate. He would subject the motion to verification from the business manager that the figure is $30,000.

Ms. Riley asked if there is a plan to try to do something about the user fees.

Mr. Serino stated that the finance subcommittee did look at the user fees.

Ms. Meredith said they need to think creatively. The families can’t afford these user fees.

Mr. O’Leary said the subcommittee spoke to this. If you lower the user fees, you may get more kids to participate. We also need to get kids to pay before the season starts. The policy needs to be updated for athletic payments.

Discussion was held.

Mr. Serino noted that the next Policy Subcommittee meeting will be next Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.

Food Service Subcommittee: The Aramark contract extension is in the packet and it has been submitted to DESE. They did not have a quorum but did have a conversation about obligations and money due. It was discussed giving the higher obligations to a collection agency. They will be meeting again in June.

Ms. Andrews stated that letters go out to parents, phone calls are made, and the principals are given lists. The families are not responding.

Discussion was held regarding the amount owed.

The committee requested an update at the next meeting.

Finance Subcommittee:

Event Runner Rates: Ms. Riley stated that they met and looked at the rate for event runners. They are in line with other districts. They recommend keeping the rates as is.

The AD explained the costs for sporting events. Ms. Reed asked to get a list of positions and payments.

Mr. Grabowski would like to see the van driver rates in writing.

These will be on the next agenda.

Old Business:

District Improvement Plan Committee: Ms. Reed stated that all school committee members will serve on this.

Stipend Update: There is a request for a list of stipends. The Superintendent will get it for the next meeting.

Budget Discussion and Revolving Accounts: Mr. Grabowski noted that there has been discussion about the middle school athletic revolving account. He was under the impression that the athletic account was all one. He would like to see a list of all accounts listed on the budget each month. Ms. Reed said they can get the status. Ms. Andrews noted that the Ad and she have been reconciling that account. They will be working on it over the summer.

New Business:


Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to accept the gift of $2527 from SBEC to SHS.

Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Riley seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to accept the gift of 450 points toward a Marriott Hotel stay for the girls’ golf team to stay and participate in a golf tournament.

Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to approve the overnight trip for the girls golf team to attend a tournament.

Ratification of Clerical Union Contract:

Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to ratify the contract with the clerical union until 2016.

Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to table building maintenance.

Out of State Travel: The Committee hoped the Superintendent will be mindful with the budget and out of state travel.

The Committee congratulated the senior class.

Mr. Grabowski reported that the Taste for Education was a tremendous success with over $18,000 to be distributed to the schools. He thanked everyone for their support.

Upcoming Events:

  • All Sports Banquet
  • Academic Awards Ceremony
  • Graduation

Ms. Riley would like to look at Public Comment at the next meeting.

A School Committee member would like to discuss the following policies at the next meeting: BHC and GBD.

Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously

VOTED:to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m.