INNOVATIONS in Sustainable Coffee Farming

Application for
Rainforest Alliance Certified™
Coffee Farms

About Innovations in Sustainable Coffee Farming
In an effort to recognize producers of Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee who have developed innovative strategies that improve the sustainability of their farms, the Rainforest Alliance has initiated the Innovations in Sustainable Coffee Farming event. The event intends to promote, motivate and recognize producers and to share the innovations across the network of Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.
All coffee farms worldwide that are in compliance with the Sustainable Agriculture Network Standard and have a current farm certificate are invited to submit applications sharing their innovations.
The application requires the description and documentation of an innovative practice that is aligned with one or more of the 10 Principles of the Sustainable Agriculture Network Standard. A committee of experts will then review the applications and select the most innovative contributions.
The most effective and innovative solutions will be shared across our network of certified farms for other producers to adapt and utilize; they will also be shared with media and other key stakeholders.
Innovation is a new way of doing something.
The goal of innovation is positive change – to make someone or something better. Innovation leads to increased productivity and typically adds value. An idea, a change or an improvement is only an innovation when it is put to use and effectively causes change; innovation is typically understood as the successful introduction of something new and useful, for example introducing new methods, techniques, or practices.
Farms can be benefit through innovation.
Changes in customary practices might get the same result with less investment, may reduce negative environmental impacts and may improve quality, productivity or production processes.
Sustainable Agriculture Principles
1.Social and environmental management
2.Ecosystem conservation
3.Wildlife protection
4.Water resource conservation
5.Fair treatment and good conditions for workers
6.Occupational health and safety
7.Good community relations
8.Integrated crop management
9.Soil management and conservation
10.Complete, integrated waste management
application information
Application Guidelines
Participation in Innovations in Sustainable Coffee Farming is reserved for farms that are in compliance with the Sustainable Agriculture Network Standard and have a current farm certificate.
Farms can submit multiple applications for different innovations; however a single farm will be recognized only once.
Application Process
  1. Complete the application carefully following instructions and respecting word limits.
  2. Send application along with supporting documents (photographs etc) to
  3. You will receive an email confirmation that you application has been received.
You may request assistance from the coordinator or representative of Rainforest Alliance or SAN in your country. The application deadline is September 30, 2010.
Important Dates
July 1, 2010Application period opens
September 30, 2010Final date to submit applications
October 31, 2010Applicants notified of committee’s decisions
Evaluation Criteria
The innovations will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1)The impact the innovation has had on the farm
2)The relevance of the innovation to the 10 Principles of Sustainable Agriculture
3)The replicability (how easy is it for other farms to implement the practice) and scaleability (can the practice be applied to farms large and small) of the innovation
4)The cost-benefit of the innovation
Example: Eco Weeder: Ingenuity, Simplicity and Savings

The Eco Weeder applies three basic principles: crop health, operator health and environmental health, using a concept of environmental, economic and social sustainability. Its main benefits relate to human health, as it enables the application of herbicide directly on the plant, thus preventing operator contact with the substance; in addition, it is light, a health benefit for the person using the device.
The device is built from recycled materials such as plastic bottles and lab waste. The Eco Weeder consists of a frame weighing 850 grams, a reusable plastic bottle to hold the herbicide, a hose to direct the liquid, a recycled needle to regulate the passing liquid onto a cloth that is impregnated and which enters in direct contact with the weeds to be eliminated, among other components.
application deadline: September 30, 2010
INNOVATIONS in Sustainable Coffee Farming
Application Form
Section 1
Contact Details
Farm Name
Contact Name
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Contact Postal Address
Farm Details
Certificate Number
Certified area (in ha)
Area under production (in ha)
Altitude (in m)
Varieties of coffee under cultivation
Please describe your farm
(maximum 200 words)
Section 2
short answer questions / Limit each answer to 300 words
  1. Please describe in detail the innovation.

  1. To which of the 10 Principles of Sustainable Agriculture does this innovation contribute and how?

  1. Describe the impact that this innovation has had on your farm. (Example: less sick leave; lower turnaround; decrease in use of agrochemicals)

  1. Please describe how this practice could be replicated and employed on other farms, including farms different in size and in other origins.

  1. Have you shared this practice with other producers and have they successfully implemented the practice? Please provide specific examples.

  1. In what ways does this innovation contribute to the conservation of biodiversity?

  1. What costs, if any, are associated with this innovation?

  1. Has this innovation helped to reduce the costs of some of the activities on the farm? (for example, the Eco Weeder reduced costs by 200 USD)

  1. If applicable, please provide information about any costs associated with this innovation. Fill in chart below or provide an itemize list.
Section 3
Supporting documentation
Please attach any relevant supporting documentation including photographs or other records. Please limited supporting documentation to three (3) pages.