Committee Members
Present:Committee Members from Unions:
Tourigny, Pierre - PIPSC, NCR, Co-Chair
Panas, Todd - UEW, Edmonton
Committee Members from Management:
Grimes David – ADM (MSC) NCR, Co-Chair, Chairing
Ladanowski, Caroline - STB/DST, Ottawa
Lin, Charles – STB/DST, Downsview
Poter, Virginia - ESB/DIE, Gatineau
Tremblay, Albin - (CEO), EB/DAL, Gatineau / Absent:
Committee Members from Unions:
Cooper, Deborah - ACFO, Ottawa
Fletcher, Edward - IBEW, Ottawa
Dupont, Jacques – CAPE, Ottawa
Committee Members from Management:
Friesen, York – EB/DAL, Dartmouth
Ex-Officio Members
Lalonde, Elise – (A\Director) OHS/SST, Corporate OHS
Anderson, Karen – (DG) ACEM/BAGE, Gatineau
Technical Advisor
Gill, Robert – ACEM/BAGE, Gatineau (K. Anderson’s alternate)
Lessard, Pierre-Paul – National Security Services (ACEM/BAGE),
Diane Umutesi-Gasana - OHS Administrative Assistant1. Review and Approval of the Agenda
Todd Panas suggested we add the Face-to-Face meeting to the last item on today’s agenda and it was approved by all.
2. Approval of last minutes
D. Grimes went through the document to verify that the members were in agreement. E. Lalonde pointed to the document’s footer, which had the wrong date. The draft minutes of December 1, 2008 were approved.
3. Action Item Review
Action Item: 2007-09-62 / First-Aid Program Implementation
E. Lalonde updated the committee on the status of the program implementation throughout the regions. First-Aid kits were bought and delivered, and training is being completed. P. Tourigny asked who was overseeing the implementation and Elise replied that OHS regional managers were responsible for the process. D. Grimes suggested that the committee marks the action item as completed and creates a follow-up item.
*New Action Item 2009-02-41: First-Aid Training and kits
Corp. OHS to update committee members at next meeting on training and kits delivery throughout regions.
Action Item 2008-09-63: AED Update Status
E. Lalonde informed the committee that corporate OHS had sent a memo to the union leadership for their consultation and comments and no feedback has been provided yet. T. Panas mentioned that in his building, VIA Rail had AEDs installed but he was unsure as to whether EC employees are entitled to use them and if so, how they would go about it. Elise replied that since those AEDs are VIA Rail’s property, it would fall under their procedures and would be used by their First-Aid attendants; should EC wish to use them, VIA Rail’s permission would be required. D. Grimes confirmed with E. Lalonde that our memo includes the requirement for guidelines and procedures on how to use AEDs. He also recommended that members provide their comments and then the committee can send the memo to Lynette Cox. He would like Corp. OHS to investigate if other organizations install AEDs in their buildings like VIA Rail.
*New Action Item 2008-09-63: AED Memo update
Corp. OHS to ensure memo is finalized and investigate whether EC employees have access to AEDs in leased buildings.
Action Item 2008-09-64: Firearms Policy – Update Status
P. Lessard updated the committee by informing members that it has been decided to have a single strategic-level firearms policy, tailored for enforcement and non-enforcement employees. There is a need to clarify the policy and work on supporting documents. A. Tremblay asked P. Lessard when a final policy can be expected and P. Lessard replied that it will depend on participating teams, but a draft should be available by the end of March. The progress of these teams will also determine the timeframe for the supporting directives (enforcement and non-enforcement), but P. Lessard hypothesized that this would be available in the spring. V. Poter said she was still not quite clear on the process, even though it was discussed at the Executive Management Committee (EMC). K. Anderson informed the committee that although many attempts had been made, a final policy was never produced. P. Lessard mentioned that volunteers’ use of firearms is still the main issue that requires work. A. Tremblay assured P. Lessard and other members that enforcement is ready and can provide help through reports and procedures, some that involved collaboration with the RCMP. D. Grimes requested that an update on the status of this item be given at the next meeting, specifically whether an approved policy is already in place or the steps necessary to achieve this.
*New Action Item 2008-09-64: Firearms Policy
Provide update on whether policy is final and available or steps necessary to achieve this.
Action Item 2008-09-66: Wellness Issue
E. Lalonde stated that the HRB is trying to establish the direction of the wellness issue and is currently waiting on management decision. D. Grimes mentioned Deirdre Keane indicated there were voluntary programs throughout the regions but no formal program yet, due to OHS priorities and resource pressures. D. Grimes recommended that Corp. OHS ask D. Keane to consider wellness in the development of the 2009-2010 work plan and priorities. P. Tourigny added that these priorities are varied across the country and that is why there is a need to canvass local committees for input.
*New Action Item 2008-09-66: Wellness Issue
· Corp. OHS to canvass local committees for input on priority setting.
· Request that D. Keane include wellness in her 2009-2010 work plan.
Action item 2008-09-70: First-Aid off-core hours
E. Lalonde explained that in regards to First-Aid availability during non-core hours, one has to refer to the Work Alone Policy. P. Tourigny suggested that Corp. OHS reference this said policy in its First-Aid program and E. Lalonde agreed with this suggestion. D. Grimes asked if this item can be added to the First-Aid implementation update at the next meeting.
*New Action Item 2009-02-41: First-Aid off-core hours
· Corp. OHS to add Work Alone policy as reference in First-Aid program, in regards to First-Aid kits availability during non-core hours.
Action Item 2008-09-71: First-Aid Attendants; Questions from PYR ROHS Committee
E. Lalonde announced a draft response was being prepared by Corp. OHS and will be forwarded to members for their review and comments before it can be sent to the PYR regional committee. E. Lalonde gave a summary of issues raised by email; which included First-Aid attendants’ liability, compensation, authority to act and vaccinations. D. Grimes asked that draft requesting comments be sent in the next 2 weeks; to which E. Lalonde replied that English draft was ready to be sent to members. D. Grimes requested that Corp. OHS have English draft translated and sent to members for comments and review. He also suggested a timeframe of 2 weeks to receive members’ comments and a month to send to ROHS.
Action Item 2008-09-73: Regional OHS Committees Terms of Reference
P. Tourigny suggested that committee considers this item as On-Hold and review in February 2010, to which it was agreed.
4. Compliance Monitoring
E. Lalonde announced that most committees are in compliance, except for the NCR region, which has two committees that are not yet functional. The local committee at the Fontaine building is expected to hold its first meeting soon, and as for the committee at the Crémazie building, which is presently non-existent, Elise Lalonde will get in touch with the person responsible for the set-up and offer Corp. OHS’ help and expertise. E. Lalonde also noted that monthly inspections were not being performed, primarily in the NCR region and in some buildings in other regions. One problem is that in larger buildings, there simply are not enough committee members to fulfill their inspection responsibilities. P. Tourigny mentioned that OHS duties are often not recognized as bona fide component of work and that members add inspections on their other duties. He suggested that this issue be raised by management at branch level. T. Panas suggested that if the issue concerned union representatives, his union could help. D. Grimes said he agrees with what has been said but wonders what more can be done to encourage participation except encouragement by union leadership and management.
P. Tourigny added that there should be some sort of acknowledgement of these duties incorporated in work descriptions. D. Grimes suggested the committee investigates with regional committees to see if there is truly an issue with participation.
Action Item 2009-02-42: Monthly Inspections
Investigate with ROHS to see whether they experience difficulties getting employees to participate in monthly inspections.
5. ROHS Unresolved issues
Water Coolers: The Ontario ROHS has discussed the possibility of removing water coolers from the workplace. The issue of water coolers was brought to the NJOHSPC in February 2007 and the decision made was that if municipal water is potable, the issue to have or not a water cooler is not related to OHS. D. Grimes suggested sending a letter reminding ROHS of decisions reached by the NJOHSPC in February 2007 and informing them of procedures in place.
Action Item 2009-02-43: Water Coolers
Send a letter to ROHS/OR informing them of procedures in place and decision reached by NJOHPS in February 2007.
Winter Tires: As Québec and Newfoundland-and-Labrador have implement laws that require vehicles to possess winter tires while driving in the winter months, the ROHS/OR’s desire was to consider a policy decision that winter tires be installed in fleet vehicles. So far, there are no guidelines/policies or directives from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) or EC. V. Poter mentioned that it makes sense to have winter tires on vehicles and added that her directorate has them installed during winter in most regions. T. Panas reminded members that there were issues associated with having winter tires, such as security, cost, maintenance and storage. D. Grimes suggested writing back to ROHS informing them that the NJOHSPC will handle the issue.
Action Item 2009-02-44: Winter Tires
Write to branch heads to find out current practices
6. Particle Emissions emanating from printers and photocopiers
P. Tourigny informed members that a study on this topic came out 2 years ago arguing that some model printers were emitting more particles than others. E. Lalonde shared a study conducted by Health Canada that concluded even high-emitting printers do not emit that much and levels are within acceptable limits.
7. Round Table
T. Panas raised a question about violence in the workplace, wanting to know whether EC had a policy on this topic. E. Lalonde replied that Corp. OHS is developing such a policy as part of its 2009-2010 work plan. T. Panas also discussed the issue of lock-down procedures, mentioning that most universities now have such procedures. He was asked by the local committee in Winnipeg to bring issue up to NJOHPC for it to develop a policy that would tie-in with Violence in the Workplace. P. Lessard offered his help and expertise to Corp. OHS, saying there is a major role for security organs in such policy. C. Lin introduced himself as the new representative of the STB.
Action Item 2009-02-45: Violence in the Workplace
Update on violence in the workplace policy and discussion on lock-down procedures
7. Next meeting
D. Grimes discussed with members about possibility of holding a Face-to-Face meeting at our next gathering, this will depend on the agenda and possibility of training. D. Keane is willing to cover the costs for this meeting. P. Tourigny pointed out there is required training intended for NJOHSPC members, and since most members are new, it would be good to have training at the Face-to-Face. E. Lalonde replied that she will be able to schedule training for members. D. Grimes wishes for Face-to-Face to be held in May and will feature a presentation by D. Keane on priorities for upcoming year and discussion on violence in the workplace. He concluded by encouraging all members to attend this upcoming meeting.
E. Lalonde announced that Health and Safety committee training in many regions is scheduled in the upcoming months.
Meeting adjourned at 3:15PM
David Grimes, ADM, MSC, Employer Co-Chair Date
Pierre Tourigny, PIPSC, Employee Co-Chair Date
February 16, 2009 - Draft Minutes - National Joint Occupational Health and Safety Policy Committee 3