Iditarod Webquest


Use the website: for help!!

Remember to use complete sentences to answer the questions. Add unusual details! Elaborate! Make them interesting to read!


1. Locate and label the Iditarod Trail and identify the start and end points.(Name the 2 cities)

2. How long is the Iditarod Trail and what is the significance of the number of miles?

Alaskan Environment

1. What is the average high (max) and low (min) winter temperature in Anchorage? (Jan, Feb, and March)

2. What is the average high (max) and low (min) summer temperature in Anchorage? (June, July, Aug)

3. What is the total snowfall high in Anchorage for this month? For the year (annual)? What does that mean for the race?
4. Name and describe five types of wildlife that can be found in Alaska.


1. Explain the history of the Iditarod race.

2. Describe the event that happened in 1925.

3. What does the word 'Iditarod' mean?

4. Why is Joe Reddington,Sr. considered the 'Father of the Iditarod'?

5. Why does the race alternate between a northern route and a southern route every year?

6. Who are some of the more notable past champions of the Iditarod? Were there any multiple winners?WHOM?

The Sled and Gear

1. What are the characteristics of a proper sled?

2. What musher gear items are mandatory for running the Iditarod?

3. What types of food do the mushers pack and how do they cook it?

4. What are food drops? What do the mushers leave there? Why?

The Dogs

1. How are the dogs connected to the sled? How do they know what to do?

2. What are some basic musher commands used to communicate with the dogs? What do they mean?

3. How many dogs are on a team?

4. What are the characteristics of a good sled dog?

5. How much food will one dog eat during a typical meal during the race?

6. How does a musher care for his dogs during the course of a race?

7. What happens if a dog turns up sick or becomes injured during the race?

Race Rules

1. What is a bib and why is it important to the mushers?

2. What happens at the checkpoints? What happens at a mandatory stop?

3. What are the mandatory items that a musher must carry?

4. Explain the "Good Samaritan" rule.

5. What is the policy concerning moose attacks?

6. What is the Red Lantern award and what is its history?

7. How much will the winner receive in prize money (purse)?

This Year's Race

1. Will the race follow the northern route or the southern route? Why?

2. How many mushers are competing in this year's race? Where are some of them from? How many are veterans? rookies?

3. Read some of the musher biographies.
Write about 4 mushers who you think might win this year

(Be sure to pick 2 veteran mushers and 2 rookie mushers). What's unique about these mushers?