Here's a sample of how I follow up with people via phone or in person:

Hi there,

How are you?

I wanted to follow up and see how you are enjoying the samples I gave you recently.

What was your experience?

How did it help with _____? (if you remember the sample you gave them for the specific health concern, good to keep notes on each person!)

Do you have questions about how to use the oils?

Here's some additional ways you can use that sample...(if they have any left!) give them some ideas such as put that peppermint on the back of the neck when you are working out or drop some in water for a refreshing energy boost...

There's additional oils I think you would really enjoy that will help you and your family with your health goals and needs. I love to have a kit of oils at my finger tips to help us with whatever comes up in our family- allergies, sore throats, bee stings, etc.

I would love for you to be prepared with oils too.

My favorite way to help my friends is to help them get the oils at wholesale.

Would you be interested in a wholesale membership so you can save 25%?

dōTERRA has a great collection of oils sold in kits which actually INCLUDE the wholesale membership for FREE. (you can email the kits at this time while you are on the phone)

I want to tell you the benefits of each kit... (if you do not know yet, please talk to your mentor to help you)

Which kit are you most excited about? (or, ask, Which kit is the best fit for your and your family?)


Do you have any questions about the kits?

Then, people typically choose and you finish it up over the phone.

heart emoticon

IF people are not ready to place a kit order then say:

Ok no problem,i just wanted to give you an opportunity to get oils before i close my orders this month.

Would you be interested in future classes on oils that I am doing? I can keep you on my invite list.

Or, would you like to know of any future offers or specials on oils in the future?

(This will help you know what they are thinking...)

Good luck!