Postgraduate Office
Master’s ThesisExamination
Date Last Modified: December 2017
Please email your recommended grade AND your separate examiners report to the Postgraduate Office (). Please do not put your grade on your separate examiners report.
For aMaster’s thesisthe candidate is expected todemonstrate critical insight and a capacity to carry out independent research/scholarship in their chosen discipline.
The thesis/dissertation should:
- contain a critical review of the relevant literature on the subject,demonstrating an understanding of any theoretical underpinning and context of the research;
- set out clearly the aims and the objectives of the research;
- use appropriate methods, described in sufficient detail, to meet the standards of the discipline;
- use suitable techniques to evaluate the results, presented in a clear manner and consistent with the standards of the discipline;
- containdiscussion that integrates the present results into previous work and mightidentifies further research needs;
- contain clear, precise, comprehensive and well-justified conclusions;
- be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors and should reference work by previous researchers appropriately;
- be devoid ofplagiarism.
The time available to complete a Master’s thesis may differ according to Faculty, but is typically between one and two years of full-time study. The thesis should comprise a body of work that encompasses a minimum of the equivalent of one year of full-time study in the relevant discipline (i.e., 1 EFTS). Examiners will be notified if the thesis/dissertation being examined differs from these requirements – some dissertations are only weighted a .75 EFTS but this will be identified as appropriate.
Some Departments/Schools provide recommended word lengths for theses.
Examiners shouldevaluate the thesis as a whole, rather than giving specific weighting to different aspects of the thesis.
Your grade must be based on the thesis as presented.
Please recommend a single letter grade in accordance with the criteria in Table 1. Passing grades are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-. Where the Master’s degree is being completed “by thesis only” the degree will normally be awarded with Distinction if the final grade awarded is an A- grade or higher.
Examiners shall not require substantive revision or correction of the thesis.
Table 1: Criterion-Based Grading
A+ / Exceptionally high performance /- Well-structured and integrated research plan. Well-formulated research questions and appropriateinvestigative methodology.
- Excellent knowledge and understanding of subject.
- High quality original data/materials collected (if applicable) and rigorous and critical data analysis.
- Excellent and clear understanding of significance of the data/evidence.
- High level of original and critical thinking. Arguments presented logically and coherently.
- Conclusions comprehensive and well justified.
- Thesis well-constructed and well-illustrated.
A / Mid point in A range
A- / High quality performance
B+ / Very good /
- Sound research plan.
- Reasonable formulation of research questions and appropriate investigativemethodology used.
- Reasonable knowledge of theliterature and evaluation of previous work.
- Appropriate original data collected (if applicable) and reasonable data analysis.
- Some appreciation of the significance of the data/evidence.
- Some evidence of original and critical thinking.
- Arguments presented reasonably well.
- Thesis reasonably well constructed.
B / Mid point in B range
B- / Good
C+ / Pass /
- Research questions formulated and adequate researchmethodology applied.
- Knowledge of subject matter shown but with some lapses, inadequacies and errors.
- Adequate attempt at data analysis but may lack adequate justification.
- Original and critical thinking present but limited.
C / Mid point in C range
C- / Marginal pass
(D or E) /
- Work lacks breadth and depth.
- Understanding andcoverage inadequate. Poor attempt at interpretation.
- Thesis poorly presented.
Master’s ThesisRecommended Grade
Candidate’s Name:
Thesis Title:
Recommended letter Grade
Examiner’s Name:
Note: The grade recommended for the thesis should be for the thesis/dissertation as submitted and not contingent on any amendments.
Please proceed to the Master’s Thesis Examiner’s Report on the next page
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
Postgraduate Office
Master’s Thesis Examiners Report
Candidate’s Name:Examiner’s Name:
Please provide an overall evaluation of the thesis, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the work.
(this box will expand as you type)
Criteria / Examiner’s comment
Critical review of relevant literature and demonstration of the understanding of the theoretical underpinning of the research
Clarity of research aims and objectives
Research materials and methods – appropriateness of use and clarity of description
Data analysis – appropriateness of techniques and clarity of explanation
Discussion - integration of results into past research and identification of future research needs
Clarity and justification of conclusions
Quality of presentation – free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors and inclusion of appropriate referencing of past work
Please detail any recommended minor editorial corrections
Only minor corrections (e.g., typos; grammatical errors) are allowed.
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
Postgraduate Office
Guidelines for Master’s Thesis Examiners
Date Last Modified: December 2017
These guidelines provide additional information regarding the Master’s Thesis Examination process.
The examiners:
There are two independent thesis examiners. One examiner is external to the University of Canterbury. The other examiner will usually be an academic staff member of the University but cannot be the Senior Supervisor and will not normally be a member of the supervisory team. If no suitable examiner can be identified at the University then two examiners external to the University may be appointed.
Prior to grading the thesis, examiners are requested to direct any questions regarding the examination to the Dean of Postgraduate Research. The relevant Departmental Postgraduate Coordinator may contact examiners after the examiners’ reports have been received.
Confidentiality and embargoes
All theses are considered to be confidential during the examination process. After examination, theses containing confidential and/or commercially sensitive material may be embargoed.
Determination of the final recommended grade
The final grade for a thesis is determined as follows.
- If there is a discrepancy in grades between the examiners the examiners will be contacted, usually by the Department/School Postgraduate Coordinator, to see if consensus can be reached. The Postgraduate Coordinator will (a) share each examiner’s report with each examiner to ensure each understands the views of the other and (b) determinewhether the examiners can reach a consensus.
- If, after discussion, the examiners still disagree, then an adjudicator will be appointed by the Dean of Postgraduate Research based on recommendation from the relevant Department/School. The Adjudicator will examine the thesis and consider the examiners’ reports, and make a decision which will be final.
The result of the examination is final, unless the candidate can demonstrate the examination process has been affected by procedural errors or inappropriate practice. A student who believes that there has been such a violation can make an informal academic appeal to the Dean of Postgraduate Research. If the student is not satisfied with the response from the Dean, they can formally appeal to the University Grievance Advisor.
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