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Today you are going to learn a bit about ChichénItzá and the ancient Mayas!

Please write your answers on this paper. It is due at the end of this class period.

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Which of these areas answers each of the following questions?You may use an answer more than once!

A. El Castillo

B. The Temple of the Warriors

C. The Observatory

D. The Nunnery

E. The Ball Court

F. The Cenote

1)______This structure is surrounded by hundreds of columns

2)______Many human skeletons were found here.

3)______Once a year the sun casts a shadow which appears to be a winding snake.

4)______Was the living quarters of the “high class” Mayans.

5)______The inside is very dark and humid. This may be too much for some visitors.

6)______In this area a whisper can be heard from 500 feet away.

7)______This area contains underground caves and deep pools of water.

8)______This is a round structure whose Spanish name “Caracol” means “snail shell.”

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Use this website to answer the following questions. You may answer in English using your OWN words.

1.¿Cuántos bailes diferentes tenían los mayas?

2.¿Por qué bailaron?

3.¿En el juego “Pok-A-Tok” cuáles partes del cuerpo NO usaron (did not use)?

4.What was the penalty when a team lost at Pok-A-Tok?

5.What was “The drink of the gods?”

6.In Mayan, how do you say, “¿Hola, cómoestás?”

7.What two materials is Sra. Mendoza’s necklace most likely made of based on this site?

Use any of the sites below to find the answers to these questions. Do not “google” or use any other search beyond these sites for your research:

1. What is a cenote?

2. What was the Sacred Cenote of ChichénItzá used for in ancient times?

3. What is unique about the river system in the Yucatan peninsula?

4. Research the Mayan calendar. They determined that a year was 365 days, or 360 days + 5 days that were considered to be very what?

5. What type of statue guards the “temple of the warriors?”

6. How many ChacMool statues can be found throughout Chichen Itza? List where at least 3 of them could be found.

7. What was “El Caracol” used for by the Mayas? What shape does the building have?

8. What is the other name for “El Castillo”?

9. How many steps does the Pyramid of Kukulkán have? How does this make the pyramid a physical representation of the Mayan calendar?

10. What happens during the spring and fall equinoxes to the staircases of the Pyramid of Kukulkán?

*Check it out in this picture! So cool…