Biography Book Report with Oral Presentation

Due Date: February 16, 2011

Reading Completed: February 9, 2010

Report Format:Report with paragraphs and illustrations, if possible


Presentation:Notecards – Visual – Book (additional information to follow)

Your report should include the following:

  1. Cover Page – Centered on the page

Book Title


Biography of

Birth and Death Year

Publisher and Copyright

Your Name, Date, Hour

Include a drawing of your character

  1. Introduction: Introduce your subject.
  2. Give your subject’s name and a brief description.
  3. Include the date and place where your subject was born and raised.
  4. Family: Tell about his/her family life, but don’t include too many family details or details about habits and hobbies that are not influential in the subject’s future.
  5. Does your subject have a trademark name or phrase.
  6. The “Hook”
  7. Reason you selected this biography
  8. Body: Several paragraphs
  9. Early years: Write what you have learned about the person’s early years. What kind of person was he/she? What was it about your subject that helped him/her succeed? How did your subject prepare for his/her future? How did these childhood experiences influence the person’s achievements as an adult?
  10. Middle years:Tell about the work your character did. Tell why his or her contribution was important, why the work was important. Did he or she invent something or teach others? What important things have happened to this person to make him/her famous? How does this person handle these events in his/her life? How did he/she change the world? What lasting effects did (or will) he/she have on the lives of others?
  11. Final years or Future: Describe final years or potential future. What should we know about him/her?
  12. Main Accomplishments: What were this person’s main accomplishments?
  13. Goals: Describe the goals of this person.
  14. Was this person successful? Why? or Why not?
  15. What factors influenced this person’s achievements?
  16. What were the weaknesses, failures, or disappointments for this person?
  17. Influences on others: What influence did this person have on the
  18. Community?
  19. Country?
  20. World?
  21. Who influenced this person’s life and how?
  22. Closing:
  23. What is your opinion of this person’s life and accomplishments?
  24. What is most impressive?
  25. Things you have learned about this person.
  26. What would you have done differently?
  27. Would you recommend this biography to others? Why or why not?
  28. Has this character inspired you?
  29. In what ways would you like to be him/her?

If the biography you read did not contain some of this information, please look it up online or in an encyclopedia.

You will be graded according to the following criteria:

Followed the instructions (format and content)
This means that everything you write will be on the correct page and that you have included all the necessary information.

Clarity and continuity of thought
This means that your ideas are presented in logical order and are easy to understand.

Paragraph form
This means that you have separate paragraphs for each new idea, you have used a topic sentence for each new paragraph, and sentences are complete and include correct punctuation. New paragraphs should be indented. You should use one inch margins.

Check your spelling before handing in the report.

Any corrections on the final draft should be done neatly.
