Add your Information

Add Information about your Company or Organization (absolutely free!) to

"SPORT.GE - Sport in Georgia – Online Information Directory"

[ Tbilisi, Sakartvelo, Caucasus ]
Simply fill out (in English) the form below and e-mail us this Word document at:

Please indicate in the Subject line of your email message: "Add Information"

(*- required fields, if you have not one, please type zero '0'. For example - Web: 0)
Your Information will be placed into our "Online Information Directory" after its reviewing by site's administrator.

Top of Form

*Company/Organization Name:
*Organization Type of activity:
*Organization Physical Address:
(str., town, post code, country)
*Tel: / (+995 32)
*Fax: / (+995 32)
Mobile: / (+995 )
NB *Web: / http://
*Working Days: / Monday-Saturday (please correct if necessary)
*Working Hours: / 10:00AM - 06:00PM (please correct if necessary)
*Contact Person (CP):
(will not be published)
*CP's Work Position:
(will not be published)
*Subject: / Please select one, and others delete:
1. Add Information
2. Update/Change Information
3. Delete Information
*Category: / Please select at least one category, and others delete:
Sport Complex
Sport Companies
Sport Media
Clubs & Unions
Sport Schools
Sport Shops

Enter your comments or additional information below:


A t t e n t i o n !
NB: If your company/organization has a web site, you should place the following Button or Text-link on your web site
to be listed at "SPORT.GE - Sport in Georgia – Online Information Directory":

Listed at SPORT.GE - Sport in Georgia – Online Information Directory (Tbilisi, Georgia, Sakartvelo, Caucasus)

Or just cut and paste the following HTML code to your web site:
For Button:

<center<a href="" target="_blank"<img src=" sport_ge.gif" border=0 alt=" SPORT.GE - Sport in Georgia – Online Information Directory - Tbilisi, Georgia, Caucasus Sakartvelo, , Sakartvelo Sakartvelo"</a</center>

For Text-link:

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"<strong<a href=" guitar guitar guitar" target="_blank">Listed at SPORT.GE - Sport in Georgia – Online Information Directory (Tbilisi, Georgia, Caucasus, Sakartvelo)</a</strong</font>

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