Dear (name of MP)

My name is (your name) and I work at [name of your company] based in (Town)that employs (number of people employed in your company). There are a number of important issues that are crucial to the weighing industry that I would like to bring to your attention and would be keen to hear your views

The “Red Tape Challenge”

Whilst understanding the principle behind the removal of unnecessary regulation, I am concerned that we must fully understand implications and effects of such a policy.

The market for the supply and use of weighing instruments has been a regulated one for many years and includes directives covering the design, manufacture and accuracy of weighing instruments, the verification procedures that we must follow in ensuring the supply of goods are compliant and fit for purpose. Manufacturers commit to considerable costs in ensuring that the instruments and procedures meet these legal requirements. They are fundamental in ensuring that not only are consumers protected, but there is also fair and equal competition between businesses.

I am very concerned that the absence of technical regulatory control will cause businesses such as mine to compete on cost alone which will in turn lead to a rapid reduction in the present standards enjoyed by consumers and businesses and a risk to employment.

As an example; the accuracy of the standard weights used by my company to calibrate and verify weighing machines have for many years been controlled by legislation. These requirements have been recently removed and businesses have been enabled to use any weights that are “suitable”. The calibration of standard weights is one of the major costs to any weighing business and although I will strive hard to ensure consumers’ confidence in the weights I use to calibrate equipment remains the same as under the previous legislative requirements, this could prove very difficult if other businesses are reducing cost by calibrating weights less frequently.

I would ask you to consider the significance of technical regulation as appropriate and proportionate market control and not merely as an unnecessary burden on business.

Local Accountability

Whilst understanding the importance of local accountability in the delivery of a local authority weights and measures service, it has become noticeable of late that the delivery of these services has become a “postcode lottery”. In some areas of the country it is still a well functioning and excellent service. In others it has declined to a level that is not able to serve the needs of local businesses in terms of either the technical advice necessary, or the suitability of calibration or verification services. Whilst accepting the need for local prioritisation of resources it is crucial that all companies across the UK receive the same high standard of service.

I would ask you to consider how a more consistent delivery of legal metrology services across the UK could be delivered and would be keen to hear your views on this.

Regular re-verification of equipment

The UK is one of the few member states of the EU that does not have a legislative requirement to have all weighing and measuring equipment re-verified at regular intervals. Such a requirement not only provides a high level of consumer protection and assists in the process of market surveillance but also creates a greater level of trust in both the consumer and the business markets for all stakeholders. I would seek your views on how we could progress this matter.

We are concerned that if these matters are not considered there will be a damaging effect on jobs in this and other local constituencies and a detrimental consequence on the protection of both consumers and businesses

Reception at the Houses of Parliament

The Trade Association for the UK Weighing Industry, The United Kingdom Weighing Federation (The UKWF) is holding a reception on the 13th January between 13-00 and 15-00 at Portcullis House so that we can raise these matters with Parliamentarians. I would like to invite you to attend this reception

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would be able to attend the reception at Portcullis House or would like to discuss any of these matters further.

Yours Sincerely