
Client / Date
Farm/Tract / Field(s)
Field Office / Acres
Planner / County/RCD
Landuse / Contract Number

Purposes: Check all those that the client is addressing

Wildlife Habitat:
Food, cover, corridors for terrestrial wildlife. / Pollinator Habitat: Enhance pollen, nectar, and nesting habitat. See 422 Pollinator Specifications for recommended plant lists
Beneficial Insect Habitat:as integral part of an IPM / Improve Aquatic Organism Habitat
Chemical / Odor Barrier / Dust / Noise Barrier
Carbon Storage / Living Fence
Boundary Delineations / Contour guidelines
  1. List of Maps and/or Drawings: ______, attached
  1. Follow specifications as checked: ☐ 422, ☐ 422A , attached.
  1. Plant Selection:Select speciesfrom CA e-Veg Guide and attachlist to these Implementation Requirements before the Practice approval page. Select plants appropriate for purpose and sub-practice in e-Veg Guide.

4. Desired Plant Communities – Bloom Periods:

Bloom Period / Feb- Apr
Early / May – July
Middle / Aug - Oct
Late / Nov- Jan
Number of Species
Number of plants

5. Site Preparation:

Herbicide / Light Disking / Mowing / Strip Till
Solarization / Flaming / Other:

6. Planting Dates:

Or access shapefile on server at F:\geodata\climate\Plant_Hardiness_Zones

Plant Hardiness Zones / Dormant Planting / Spring Planting
4-5-6-7 (higher elevations) / Oct 15 - May 15 / May 15 - July 10
8-9-10-11 (lower elevations) / Oct 30 - March 15 / March 15 - May 1

7. Planting:

Container / Seed / Bare root / Other:

8. Herbaceous Species Planting Method:

Broadcast / Hand-plant / Drill / Drop Seeder / Other:

9. Plant Protection:

Tube / Fencing / Cage / Sub-Surface (Gopher) Cage
Weed mat / Mulch / Other:

10. Arrangement:

Single Row / Two Rows / Three Rows / Single Species Clumps
Alternate large/small Shrubs / Other:

11. Weed Management during Establishment:

Herbicide spot-spray / Broad spectrum herbicide / Mowing
Grass-specific herbicide / Drop Seeder / Hand weed / hoe
String - trimming / Wick / Other:
Frequency / Requirements:

12. Irrigation:

Irrigation Type: / Drip / Micro-spray / Sprinkler / Flood
Frequency: / Weekly / Bi-Weekly / With Crop / Other
Frequency / Duration / Requirements:

13. Long-term Management (Operation and Maintenance):

A. Plant Protection Maintenance Schedule:
B. Weed Management - Frequency / Duration:
C. Irrigation Management - Years / Monitoring / Maintenance Schedule:
D. Replacement Strategy - for dead woody or herbaceous plantings within first three years:
E. For Pollinator or Wildlife Enhancement purposes, avoidance period or approach for implementing management practices that reduce potential disturbance to birds or other wildlife:

14. Special Requirements

  1. Maps included:
  • Plan map
  • Soil map
  • Other:

Refer to the Following Facilitating Conservation Practices. Check all that apply []
Site Preparation (490) / Access Control(472)
Irrigation System, Micro-Irrigation (441) / Fencing (382)
Mulching (484) / Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (645)
Conservation Cover (327) / Other:

Design Approval:

Practice code
No. /
/ Lead
Controlling factor
/ Units / Job class
I / II / III / IV / V
422 /
Hedgerow Planting
/ Length of Rows / Feet / < 400 / 400-1320 / All / All / All
This practice is classified as Job Class (check one):

Design Approved by: /s/ Date:

Job title:


November 2017


Client’s Acknowledgement Statement:

The Client acknowledges that:

  1. They have received a copy of the specifications and implementation requirements and understand the contents.
  1. Installation will follow the maps, specifications, and requirements. No changes will be made without prior concurrence of NRCS.
  2. It is the responsibility of the client to obtain all necessary permits, easements, and/or rights, and to comply with all ordinances and laws pertaining to the application of this practice.
  3. They assume all liability for any damages that may occur as a result of this practice.

Accepted By: /s/Date:


I have made an on-site inspection of the site, or am accepting owner/contractor documentation, and certify the practice meets NRCS standards and specifications.

Certified By: /s/Date:

Job title:

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