The Frederick Arts Council hosts the Frederick Artist Market, an indoor art, craft, and handmade work display and sale featuring local and regional artists. The Market was first launched in April 2007 and this year the FAC will host a total of 4 artist markets: Three 1st Saturday Markets from 5 – 9pm: February 4, March 3, and December 1, and one Holiday Market on Friday, November 23 (Friday after Thanksgiving – extended hours:10am – 6pm). The Artist Marketswill take place at the Cultural Arts Center (CAC), located at 15 West Patrick Street and 15 North Market Street in downtown Frederick.

Any individual artist may participate.All original work that is executed by the artist is eligible for sale at the Frederick Artist Market (including but not limited to painting, pottery, sculpture, photography, jewelry, wood, glass, mixed media, hand woven items, mixed fabric, furniture, printmaking, music, etc.). Work produced with commercial kits (e.g. molds, patterns, prefabricated forms) or other commercial methods is not eligible. Studios/Individuals that produce works in volume, as well as T-Shirts and commercial clothing are not eligible.

All of the markets will be held in the Event Hall as we will be holding additional activities in the gallery during the markets. As a result, we canaccommodate up to 25 artists for each market. If you register for the full year by Friday, December 9, 2011 at 5:00pm, yourname will be included inthe Artist Market print marketing and on our website.


The FACagrees to provide a 10’ x 10’ space to participating artists in the Event Hall of the Cultural Arts Center.

The FAC reserves discretion for selectionand placement of artists for any reason, including quality, decency, etc.

The FAC will assist with the overall marketing and promotion of the Artist Market, including media coverage, advertising, and signage.

The FAC reserves the right to limit and restrict the number of artists based on art discipline and other factors.

The FAC will give priority to members of the Frederick Arts Council and previous Artist Market participants.

The FAC will provide three parking spaces for unloading and loading outside the 15 West Patrick Street entrance. [Please note: you will not be able to load/unload through Market Street].

The FAC will assign the booth location for each artist.

The FAC will provide one 6 foot table and two folding chairs for each booth - we do not provide table cloths.

The FAC will open 90 minutes (3:30pm on 1st Saturdays, 8:30am on November 23) prior to the artist market start time for artist’s to set up their booth space – no earlier.


The artist agrees to participate in the Artist Market, pay the registration fee per event (FAC members receive a $10 discount per market), and adhere to all guidelines pertaining to participation.

Registration will not be confirmed until payment is received. The Arts Council will not accept a registration form without payment, or without payment in full for multiple registration dates.

The artist will submit an image that represents items available for sale or make other accommodations.

The artist is responsible for providing any materials needed for participation. Electricity may be available from the FAC (limited supply). Please ask.

The artist agrees to remain open for the advertised duration of the Artist Market and have the booth attended at all times. Therefore, the artist must be set up prior to opening and remain open until closing. Any cancellation, late arrival, or early dismissal may prohibit future participation.

The artist is responsible for damage, theft or loss of any piece of artwork.

Upon completion of the Artist Market, the artist is responsible for removing all materials from their space, including any trash within one hour of the market closing.

Theartist will retain all proceeds from any sales during the Artist Market.

Each exhibitor is responsible for all licensure and taxes, including Maryland State sales tax.


Failure to show (without prior notice) for a market mayforfeit further registration.

Artists will not be allowed to display work on the CAC walls.

Participating artists are encouraged to provide additional marketing.

No refunds will be granted for cancellation.




Artist Name (required)Art Discipline/Medium (required)


Address (required)Phone Number (required)


Email Address (we send all correspondence via email)Website



2011ARTIST MARKET DATES: Please check all dates you would like to register for:

_____ February 4 (5 – 9pm) _____March3 (5 – 9pm) ______December 1 (5 – 9pm)

______November 23(Friday after Thanksgiving: 10am – 6pm)

Additional needs/requests:


Registration Fee: There is a $40 registration fee per market or $160 for the yearand FAC members receive a $10 discount per market (member registration fee is $30 per market or $120 for the year). Note: Registration will not be confirmed until payment is received. Payment must accompany registration form and payment must be received for each date requested.


I have read the registration form and agree to abide by the rules and terms set forth in this application. I assume all responsibility to safeguard my products and display. I agree to hold harmless the Frederick Arts Council, its staff, volunteers, and other agents acting on its behalf, for any damage, loss or injury resulting from my participation in this event. By signing this application, I affirm that I had direct involvement in the creation and execution of each piece of work that is exhibited.


Return this form with your registration fee ($40/market, $160/year or $30/market, $120/year for members) to: Frederick Arts Council, 15 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD, 21701. Please make checks payable to the Frederick Arts Council. For more information, please contact the FAC at 301-662-4190, or email Jenifer Dobbins at .

Office Use Only: Date Received _____/______/______Cash ______Check # ______Amt: $ ______
Received By ______Notes ______