Dr Paul Long’s Publications

Refereed papers in primary journals:

Biochemical Adaptation

  1. Zucko, J., Long, P. F., Hranueli, D. and Cullum, J. (2012) Horizontal gene transfer and gene conversion drive evolution of modular polyketide synthases.Journal ofIndustrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 39:1541-1547.
  2. Weston, A. J., Dunlap, W. C., Shick, J. M., Kleuter, A., Iglic, K., Vukelic, A., Starcevic, A., Ward, M., Wells, M. L., Trick, C. G., Long, P. F. (2012) A profile of an endosymbiont-enriched fraction of the coral Stylophorapistillata reveals proteins relevant to microbial-host interactions. Molecular & Cellular Proteomicsdoi:10.1074/mcp.M111.015487
  3. Spence, E., Dunlap, W. C., Shick, J. M. and Long, P. F. (2012) Redundant pathways of sunscreen biosynthesis in a cyanobacterium. ChemBiochem13: 531-533.
  4. Starcevic, A., Wolf, K., Diminic, J., Zucko, J., Trninic-Ruzic, I., Long, P. F., Hranueli, D. And Cullum, J. (2012) Recombinatorial biosynthesis of polyketides. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 39:503–511
  5. Rosado, H., O’Neill, A. J., Blake, K. L., Walther, M., Long, P. F., Hinds, J. and Taylor, P. W. (2012) Rotating wall vesselexposure alters protein secretion and global gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Astrobiology11: 71–81.
  6. Starcevic, A., Diminic, J., Zucko, J., Elbekali, M., Schlosser, T., Lisfi, M., Vukelic, A., Long, P. F., Hranueli, D. and Cullum, J. (2011) A novel docking domain interface model predicting recombination between homoeologous modular biosynthetic gene clusters.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 38:1295-304.
  7. Zucko, J., Cullum, J., Hranueli, D. and Long, P. F. (2011) Evolutionary dynamics of modular polyketide synthases, with implications for protein design and engineering. Journal of Antibiotics 64:89-92
  8. Starcevic, A., Dunlap, W. C., Cullum, J., Shick, J. M., Hranueli, D. and Long, P. F. (2010) Gene expression in the scleractinianAcroporamicrophthalma exposed to high solar irradiance reveals elements of photoprotection and coral bleaching. PLoS ONE 5(11): e13975.
  9. Zucko, J., Dunlap, W. C., Shick, J. M., Cullum, J., Cercelet, F., Amin, B., Hammen, L., Lau, T., Williams, J., Hranueli, D. and Long, P. F. (2010) Global genome analysis of the shikimic acid pathway reveals greater gene loss in host-associated than in free-living bacteria. BMC Genomics 11:628
  10. Goldstein, P., Zucko, J., Vujaklija, D., Krisko, A., Hranueli, D., Long, P. F.,Etchebest, C., Basrak, B. and Cullum, J. (2009) Clustering of protein domains for functional and evolutionary studies.BMC Bioinformatics 10:335
  11. Bielen, A., Ćetković, H., Long, P. F., Schwab, H., Abramić, M. and Vujaklija, D. (2009) The SGNH-hydrolase of Streptomyces coelicolor has (aryl)-esterase and a true lipase activity. Biochemie 91:390-400
  12. Starcevic, A., Akthar, S., Dunlap, W. C., Shick, J. M., Hranueli, D., Cullum, J. and Long, P. F. (2008) Enzymes of the shikimic acid pathway encoded in the genome of a basal metazoan, Nematostellavectensis, have a microbial origin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 105:2533-2537.
  13. Castaldo, G., Zucko, J., Heidelberger, S., Vujaklija, D., Hranueli, D., Cullum,J., Wattana-Amorn, P., Crump, M. P., Crosby, J and Long, P. F. (2008) Proposed arrangement of proteins forming a bacterial type II polyketide synthase. Chemistry and Biology15:1156-1165.
  14. Wright, S. H., Raab, A., Tabudravu, J. N., Feldman, J., Long, P. F.,Battershill, C. N., Dunlap, W. C., Milne, B. F. and Jaspars, M. (2008) Marine metabolites and metal ion chelation: the intact recovery and identification of an Fe(II) complex in the extract of the ascidian Eudistomagiboviride. AngewandteChemieInternational Edition 47:8090-8092.
  15. Starcevic, A., Zucko, J., Simunkovic, J., Long, P. F., Cullum, J. and Hranueli, D.(2008) ClustScan: An integrated program package for the semi-automatic annotation of modular biosynthetic gene clusters and in silico prediction of novel chemical structures. Nucleic Acids Research 36:6882-6892.
  16. Zucko, J., Skunca, N., Curk, T., Zupan, B., Long, P. F., Cullum, J., Kessin, R. H. and Hranueli, D. (2007)Polyketide synthase genes and the natural products potential of Dictyosteliumdiscoideum. Bioinformatics 23:2543-2549.
  17. Starčević, A., Jaspars, M., Cullum, J., Hranueli, D. and Long, P. F. (2007) Predicting the nature and timing of epimerisation on a modular polyketide synthase. ChemBiochem8:28-31.
  18. Milne, B., F., Long, P. F.,Starčević, A., Hranueli, D. and Jaspars, M. (2006)Dehydrogenation, Epimerisation and macrocyclisation processes are spontaneous and interdependent in the biosynthetic pathway to the post-translationally modified ribosomal peptides, the Patellamides: A hypothesis. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 4:631-638
  19. Castaldo, G., Crosby, J. and Long, P. F. (2005) Exploring protein interactions on a type II polyketide synthase using a yeast two hybrid system. Food Technology and Biotechnology 43:109-112
  20. Perić-Concha, N., Castaldo, G., and Long, P. F. (2005) Evidence for apparent gene instability in the rifamycin producing polyketide synthase – implications for combinatorial biosynthesis. Folia Microbiologia 50:483-486
  21. Perić-Concha, N., Borovička, B., Long, P. F., Hranueli, D., Waterman, P. G. and Hunter, I. S. (2005) Ablation of the otcC gene encoding a post-polyketide hydroxylase from the oxytetracyline biosynthetic pathway in Streptomyces rimosus results in novel polyketides with altered chain length. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280:37455-37460
  22. Long, P. F., Dunlap, W. C., Battershill, C. N. and Jaspars, M. (2005) Shotgun cloning and heterologous expression of the patellamide gene cluster as a strategy to achieving sustained metabolite production. ChemBiochem 6:1760-1765
  23. Gathogo, E. W. N., Waugh, A. C. W., Perić-Concha, N., Redpath, M. B. and Long, P. F. (2004). Rapid detection of ‘rare’ actinomycetes in the environment. Biotechnology Letters 26:897-900.
  24. Long, P. F., Wilkinson, C. J., Bisang, C. P., Cortes, J., Dunster, N. J., Oliynyk, M., McCormick, E, McArthur, H., Mendez, C., Salas, J. A., Staunton, J. and Leadlay, P.F. (2002). Engineering specificity of starter unit selection by the erythromycin producing polyketide synthase. Molecular Microbiology 43:1215-1225
  25. Leadlay, P.F., Staunton, J., Oliynk, M., Bisang, C., Cortes, J., Frost, E., Hughs-Thomas, Z. A., Jones, M. A., Kendrew, S. G., Lester, J. B., Long, P. F., McArthur, H. A. I., McCormick, E. L., Oliynk, Z., Stark, C. B. W. and Wilkinson, C. J. (2001) Engineering of complex polyketide biosynthesis – insights from sequencing of the monensin biosynthetic gene cluster. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 27:360-367.
  26. Bisang, C., Long, P. F., Cortés, J., Westcott, J., Crosby, J., Matharu, A-L., Cox, R. J., Simpson, T. J., Staunton, J. and Leadlay, P. F (1999). A chain initiation factor common to both aromatic and modular polyketide synthases. Nature 401:502-505.
  27. Long, P. F. and Amphlett, G. E (1996). A super lytic actinophage system for the isolation of non-streptomyceteactinomycetes from soil. Letters in Applied Microbiology 22:62-65.
  28. Long, P. F (1995). Identification of some industrially important Actinoplanes species. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 13:300-310.
  29. Long, P. F (1994). A retrospective study of Nocardia infections associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Infection 22:362-364.
  30. Long, P. F., Parekh, N., Munro, J. C. and Williams, S. T (1992). Isolation of actinophage that attack some maduromyceteactinomycetes. FEMS Microbiology Letters 108:195-200.

Paediatric Pharmacy

  1. Ahmed, U., Spyridis, N., Wong, I. C. K., Sharland, M. and Long, P. F. (2011) 50 years of dosing for oral penicillins in children: is a big child = half an adult, small child = half a big child, baby = half a small child still the best we can do? British Medical Journal DOI 10.1136/bmj.d7803.
  2. Thompson, P. L., Syridis, N., Sharland, M., Gilbert, R., Saxena, S. Long, P. F.,Johnson, A. P. and Wong, I. C. K. (2009) Changes in clinical indications for community antibiotic prescribing for children in the UK from 1996-2006: will the new NICE prescribing guidance on upper respiratory tract infections be ignored? Archives of Diseases in Childhood 94(5):337-340
  3. Thompson, P. L., Gilbert, R., Long, P. F., Saxena, S., Sharland, M. and Wong, I. C. K. (2009)Effect of antibiotics for otitis media on mastoiditis in children: a retrospective cohort study using the UK General Practice Research Database. Pediatrics 123:424-430
  4. Thompson, P. L., Gilbert, R., Long, P. F., Saxena, S., Sharland, M. and Wong, I. C. K. (2008)Has UK guidance affected general practitioner antibiotic prescribing for otitis media in children? Journal of Public Health [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18765405
  5. Ghulam, A., Keen, K., Tuleu, C., Wong, I. C. K. and Long, P. F. (2007) Poor preservation efficacy versus quality and safety of pediatric extemporaneous liquids. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 41:857-860.
  6. Han, J., Beeton, A.,Long, P. F., Wong, I. and Tuleu, C. (2006) Physical and microbiological stability of an extemporaneous tacrolimus suspension for paediatric use. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 31:167-172
  7. Karimova, A., Robertson, A., Cross, N., Smith, L., Tuleu, C., Long, P.F., Beeton, A., Han, J., O'Callaghan, M., Rawn, H., Ridout, D., Goldman, A. P. and Brown, K. (2005) A wet primed ECMO circuit with hollow fibre membrane oxygenator maintains adequate function for use during CPR after 2-weeks on stand-by. Critical Care Medicine 33:1572-1576
  8. Han, J., Beeton, A.,Long, P. F., Karimova, A., Robertson, A., Cross, N., Smith, L., O’Callaghan, M., Goldman, A., Brown, K., Wong, I. and Tuleu, C. (2005). Plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) release in wet-primed extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 294: 157-159

Contributions to book chapters & reviews:

  1. Cullum, J., Starcevic, A., Diminic, J., Zucko, J., Long, P. F. and Hranueli, D (2011). ClustScan: an integrated program package for the detection and semi-automatic annotation of secondary metabolite clusters in genomic and metagenomic DNA data sets. In: de Bruijn FJ (ed.) Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology, Vol I: Metagenomics in Different Habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
  2. Dunlap W.C., Long P.F. and Jaspars M (2011). Biomedicinals from the microbial metagenomes of marine invertebrates. In: de Bruijn FJ (ed.) Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology, Vol II: Metagenomics in Different Habitats. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
  3. Costello, I., Long, P. F., Wong, I. C. K. Tuleu, C. and Yeung, V (2007) Paediatric Drug Handling. Pharmaceutical Press, ISBN:0853696861.
  4. Dunlap, W. C., Battershill, C. N., Liptrot, C., Cobb, R. E., Bourne, D., Jaspars, M., Long, P. F. and Newman, D. J. (2007) Biomedicinals from the Phytosymbionts of Marine Invertebrates: A Molecular Approach. Methods 42: 358-376.
  5. Petkovic, H., Cullum, J., Hranueli, D., Hunter, I., Perić-Concha, N., Pigac, J., Thamchaipenet, A., Vujaklija, D. and Long, P. F. (2006) Genetics of Streptomyces rimosus – the oxytetracycline producer. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 70:704-728.
  6. Dunlap, W. C., Jaspars, M., Hranueli, D., Battershill, C. N.,Perić-Concha, N., Žućko, J., Wright, S. and Long, P. F. (2006) New methods for medicinal chemistry – universal gene cloning and expression systems for production of marine bioactive metabolites. Current Medicinal Chemistry 13:697-710
  7. Hranueli, D., Cullum, J., Basrak, B, Goldstein, P. and Long, P. F. (2005) Plasticity of the Streptomyces genome - evolution and engineering of new antibiotics. Current Medicinal Chemistry 12:763-771
  8. Perić-Concha, N. and Long, P.F. (2003). Mining the microbial metabolome: a new frontier for natural products lead discovery. Drug Discovery Today 8:1084-1087.
  9. Waugh, A. C. W. and Long, P.F. (2002). Prospects for generating new antibiotics. Science Progress 85:73-88

Contributions to symposia, letters & communications:

  1. El-turki, A. A., Hsia, Y. F., Long, P. F., Sharland, M. And Wong, I. C. K. (2010) Impact of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) on otitis media and antibiotic prescribing for otitis media on children and adolescent aged 0-18 years in United Kingdom. Pharmacoepideiology & Drug Safety 19:1
  2. Zucko, J., Starcevic, A., Diminic, J., Elbekali, M., Lisfi, M., Long, P. F., Cullum, J and Hranueli, D (2010). From DNA sequences to chemical structures – methods for mining microbial genomic and metagenomic datasets for new natural products. Food Technology and Biotechnology 48: 234-242.
  3. Thompson, P. L., Gilbert, R., Long, P. F., Saxena, S., Sharland, M and Wong, I. C. K (2008).Antibiotic prescribing for otitis media in children in UK primary care: Have the national guidelines affected GP prescribing practice?Pharmacoepideiology & Drug Safety 17: S273-S274.
  4. Thompson, P. L., Gilbert, R., Long, P. F., Saxena, S., Sharland, M and Wong, I. C. K (2008).Effect of antibiotics for otitis media on mastoiditis in children: A retrospective cohort study using the UK General Practice Research Database. Pharmacoepideiology & Drug Safety 17: 748.
  5. Cullum, J., Starcevic, A., Zucko, J., Elbekali, M., Skunca, N., Kovacek, D., Diminic, J., Zeljeznak, V., Pavlinusic, D., Simunkovic, J., Long, P.F., Hranueli, D.: In silico Generation of Novel Polyketides for the Use in Agro-industry. In: Ćurić, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Central European Congress: the 4th Central European Congress on Food and the 6th Croatian Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, pp. 721-728. Zagreb (2008)
  6. Hranueli, D., Starcevic, A., Zucko, J., Diminic, J., Skunca, N., Zeljeznak, V., Kovacek, D., Pavlinvsic, D, Simunkovic J., Long, P. F. and Cullum, J. (2008) Oblikovanjenovihprirodnihspojeva u uvjetima. Kem. Ind. (Hrvatske) 57: 245-256.
  7. Long, P. F., Shepherd, O., Clifford, S. and Goodyer, L. I. (2006) The efficacy of antibacterial travel wash soaps. Journal of Travel Medicine 13: 114
  8. Long, P. F., Han, J., Tuleu, C. and Wong, I. (2006) Microbiological tests on oral paediatric medicines – requirements for an improved pharmacopœia monograph. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 40:158-159
  9. Bistrussu, S., Beeton, A.,Castaldo, G., Brown, K., Cross, N.,Cope, J., Goldman, A. P., Han, J.,Karimova, A., O'Callaghan, M.,Robertson, A.,Smith, L., Wong, I.,Tuleu, C.and Long, P. F. (2004). Are extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits stored ‘wet-primed’ a likely source of infection? Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42:3906
  10. Gathogo, E. W. N., Waugh, A. C. W., Perić, N., Redpath, M. B. and Long, P. F. (2003). Colony PCR amplification of actinomycete DNA. Journal of Antibiotics 56:423-424
  11. Khatun, S., Waugh, A. C. W., Redpath, M. B. and Long, P. F. (2002). Distribution of polyketide synthase genes in bacterial populations. Journal of Antibiotics 55:107-108
  12. Long, P. F., Wildman, H. G. and Amphlett, G. E (1994). The use of statistical models to predict the effects of pretreatments on the total viable counts of actinomycetes isolated from soil. Actinomycetes 5:1-8.
  13. Long, P. F. and Wildman, H. G (1993). Strategy for the use of pretreatments on the isolation of non-streptomyceteactinomycetes isolated from soil. Actinomycetes 4:59-64.
  14. Williams, S. T., Locci, R., Beswick, A., Kurtboke, D. I., Kuznetsov, V. D., Le Monnier, F. J., Long, P. F., Maycroft, K. A., Palma, R. A., Petrolini, B. and West, M (1993). Detection and identification of novel actinomycetes. Research in Microbiology 144:653-656.

Popular science articles:

  1. Long, P. F. (2007) Antibiotic resistance – specialist role of the microbiology pharmacist. Pharmaceutical Journal 278:773.
  2. Jaspars, M., Battershill, C. and Long, P. F. (2005) Marine Biodiscovery: New drugs from the ocean depths. Biologist 52:107-114.
  3. Long, P. F.(2005)Pharmacogenomics - Creating a new dimension to pharmacy practice. Pharmaceutical Journal 275:226.
  4. Long, P. F. (2004) What pharmacists really need to know about pharmacogenomics. Pharmaceutical Journal 273:756.


  1. Starčević, A., J. Žučko, J. Šimunković, P.F. Long, J. Cullum and D. Hranueli.

Method for the annotation of the natural product gene-clusters and for the generation of novel biologically active chemical entities from DNA sequences in silico.
