United In Christ Lutheran School

Board of Education Minutes

September 17, 2015, 7:00 p.m.

The UCLS Board of Education held its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at Trinity, Altenburg on September 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Present were school board members: Beth Leible, Julie Scholl, Kellie Engert, Hank Voelker, and Mark Roth; Advisory members: Rev.Dressler, Rev. Benkendorf, and Principal Cheryl Honoree.

President, Mark Roth, called the meeting to order.

Rev. Dressler opened the meeting with a devotion and prayer.

The minutes from August 20, 2015 board meeting were approved as presented. The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $56,126.30 with total undesignated $24,373.30. The open accounts at UCLS show balances as of June 30, 2015 as follows: Lunch Account=$10,415.33; Scrip Account= $3136.83; Fund Raising Account=$ 9602.84; Chapel Account=$898.23; Tech Account=$326.75.

The principal’s report was given by Miss Honoree. The format of her report includes how the activities reported are meeting the vision and goals for UCLS. On the goal that deals with continued and intentional emphasis on teaching the Christian faith and life, she reported that they will continue to collect offerings for the Wittenberg Project. On the goal that deals with academic and character excellence, she reported that we are in our last year of working towards our goals for accreditation. There will be a new process next year and she will receive training at that time. Parents of the 2016 Washington, DC trip have decided to do only Mouse Races and a Plant sale next spring. Miss Honoree has met with all the teachers individually and composed individualized checklists for each teacher after a discussion with them regarding their goals for the current school year. Miss Honoree is considering attending the LEA principal’s conference in Milwaukee on April 7-9, 2016. On the goal that deals with fostering and promoting growth and unity within our UCLS community, she reported that we currently have 102 students enrolled. We have one new student that enrolled in Kindergarten and started September 18. On the goal that deals with students experiencing a healthy environment, she reported that a new lunch table has been purchased. Two sets of walkie-talkies were purchased and are being used for dismissal, PE, and during after school care. On the goal of on-going communication between UCLS, area congregations, and community she reported that they are currently working on educating parents on the importance of play in an early childhood program. A newsletter will be sent quarterly to parents with young children. School pictures were taken on Sept. 1. Two of our students made bookmarks with the help of friends, to sell at the community garage sale and donated the proceeds to the chapel offering. PTL parents have voted to allot $14,000 to technology, $250 per teacher for classroom incentives, $3000 for field trips, and the funds to cover the Jeff City trip for the 7th and 8th graders. We are still working on spending the $1500 for safety measures that was given last spring. On the goal that deals with technology she reported that Fast Direct is being implemented and they are dealing with issues as they arise. About 40-50% of the parents are on the system and are using it

Unfinished items of business were addressed as follows:

1.Policy First Reading-Sections were assigned to Board members and Advisory members to read over and changes will be made upon Board approval.

  • Job Description Secretary (4.4) The proposed policy revision was read. Two job responsibilities were deleted regarding updating the school handbook(s), manuals, and directions and contacting a school photographer for student and group pictures. The proposed policy revision will be read for a second time at the October board meeting.
  • Job Description Principal (4.1) The proposed policy revision was read. Two job responsibilities were added regarding updating the school handbook(s), manuals, and directions and contacting a school photographer for student and group pictures. The proposed policy revision will be read for a second time at the October board meeting.

2.Tuition payment overage: Checks have been sent to the Association Congregations for the following amounts: Concordia-$13,506.52, Salem-$8704.22, and Trinity-$6603.20.

3.Fall Informational meeting update: An open forum will be held at Salem, Farrar on October 27, 2015 at 7 p.m.

4.Policy for long term subs: Will be brought back to the October meeting.

5.Family balances that are still outstanding: Progress has been made regarding some of the families that have a balance from the last school year.

6.Policy manual review: Minor changes will be made and will be brought back for a first reading in October.

7.Procedures for viewing security camera recordings: Procedures will be brought back to the October meeting.

New Business:

8.Donation for overnight class trip to Jefferson City : The PTL is making a donation to pay for this educational experience.

9.Technology maintenance: A job description will be developed and bids will go out in the near future.

10.Review Discipline Policy: Will be brought back at the October meeting.

  1. Executive Session: The board went into Executive session and several items were discussed.

The October meeting was rescheduled for October 22, 2015. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.by praying the Lord’s Prayer in unison.

Julie Scholl, Secretary