Wisdom for the Family Pt1

Understanding the Purpose and Priority of Singleness

Sunday, February 4, 2018

I.Wisdom for the Family

  1. Understanding the Purpose and Priority of Singleness

1.(Pro. 24:3-4 AMP) Family isn’t built on love or even prayer, it’s built on wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

  1. Wisdom – applied knowledge; Understanding – comprehension; Knowledge – information.

2.Dispelling the myth of singleness. The Scriptures actually encourage singleness (1 Cor. 7:26-28AMP)

3.The foundation for humanity is singleness not marriage.

a.Singleness is the foundation of all relationships.

  • Humanity was started with a single man not a married couple.
  • It’s more important to be single than to be married, but most people get married to become single.
  • This is why most married people end up divorced because they were never truly single.
  1. Divorce is the most tragic experience in life.
  • Divorce is the death of a relationship.
  • Divorce is worse than physical death.
  1. Your marriage is only as good as your singleness.
  • You bring to the marriage what you are as a single.
  • “An omelet is only as good as the eggs.”
  • Marriage is not 50/50 but 100/100

3.(Gen. 2:7-8, 15-22) God established relationship with Adam before there was Eve.

a.(v18) God didn’t say “It is not good that man should be single.” He said “It is not good that man should be alone.”

  • Alone – isolated, secluded and solitary
  • Single – separate, whole and unique

b.The solution to loneliness is friends not marriage.

  • Many married people are lonely too!
  1. The Seven Gifts God Gave to Singles to be Effective

1.His image (Gen. 1:26) “in Our image” The word here refers to spirit nature and moral character.

2.His likeness or function (Gen. 1:26) “according to Our likeness” God’s likeness means His function. God functions by faith which is believing and speaking.

3.God’s presence (Gen. 2:15) “put him in the Garden of Eden”Eden means delight, pleasure, spot, moment, presence, open door to heaven.

4.Work (Gen. 2:15NIV) Work involves “becoming.”

5.Cultivation (Gen. 2:15NIV) “take care of it” Adam was gifted to bring out the best in everything around him.

6.Protection (Gen. 2:15AMP) “guard and keep it”Adam was endowed with the capacity to protect and defend those under his care, as well as protect and defend the presence of God for their benefit.

7.His Word (Gen. 2:16-17) God gave Adam not Eve His Word.

  1. Wisdom for Singles

1.(Pro. 24:27 AMP) “Put first things first…”

2.(1 Cor. 6:18 - 7:2 AMP) “Shun immorality and all sexual looseness…”